Lane Sharing Question

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They feel they are justified in being assholes. Just like someday I might feel justified parking a meat hook into their fenders, or tires. But alas, I'll probably just ride home pissed off and rant here. I guess I am passive aggressive and need couneseling ;-)
Just invite them to pull over for a head butting contest. :assasin:

They feel they are justified in being assholes. Just like someday I might feel justified parking a meat hook into their fenders, or tires. But alas, I'll probably just ride home pissed off and rant here. I guess I am passive aggressive and need couneseling ;-)
Just invite them to pull over for a head butting contest. :assasin:
ok! :hockeycheck:

I think each area is different.

Around here, it is the personality lacking SUV owners who attempt and fail at simple driving ability.


Tell ya what. I was really surprised that many cars actually made room for me when lane splitting in CA on my trips there. There were many more considerate than inconsiderate! Sure there were a few that tried to block you off but most actually moved over when they realised you were there!

I think the real hero here is you, for keeping your promise not to smoke. I admire you more for that (cause I struggle with it too), and one of the reasons why I ride. (cause you can't smoke while riding)
Quitting smoking. Bahhh ....Mark Twain said it was easy, he did it hundreds of times. :clap:

I saw an Alstate commercial last night where they were showing a clip of highway traffic while the talking head was making his safe-driver pitch. You could see a biker in textile gear lane sharing (carefully) through nearly-stopped traffic throughout the clip.

Made me smile and wish it was universally okay.

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I saw an Alstate commercial last night where they were showing a clip of highway traffic while the talking head was making his safe-driver pitch. You could see a biker in textile gear lane sharing (carefully) through nearly-stopped traffic throughout the clip.
Made me smile and wish it was universally okay.
We might try this technique. Chicky babe lives over here too. Mostly with cell phone and applying her make up while driving to work, shops etc. Most women are good drivers in case you think I am prejudiced!

Great story! Great how the riders teamed up to let everyone know what it would be like without lane splitting. Too cool!

Now to get this story on the US stations!

I would only like to add that on my daily commute more often than not both cars and trucks move over once they see me. Occasionally I get the 'you can't beat me to my destination', but a throttle-blip always solves that dilema.

It's great to be a motorcyclist these days. :D

If you commute here in Southern Cal. lane splitting is just part of the program. That's one of the main reasons for riding a bike to work; you gain huge mobile advantage from it. What really amazes me in heavy traffic situations, not necessarily weekday, are the style cruiser types who don't lane split. They'll just sit there and let their clutch and air-cooled engines get fried.

Are you kidding? They're right, don't bother trying to explain it because I won't understand it. I won't be there anyway; I'll be long gone.

Most car drivers let me through when they see me. I don't think I've ever had a cager make a point of trying to get in the way.
