Lane splitting in Ontario

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
On my way to work today I encountered a dude on an R-1 (nice bike). Well it was stop and go traffic and he decides to lane SHARE through ALL lanes off into the sunset!!!! Crazy MO-FO!!!!! I visited L.A. a number of years ago and tried it :unsure: . I have to say it felt strange at first but I got the impression that drivers down there expect it. Up here in T.O. most drivers up here are on the edge of road rage on a good day, so I would not want to try it. Not to mention it would be a careless driving conviction (I asked a cop).

Are there any other states that allow lane SHARING???? Or is it just a California thing??

fixed it for ya tcfjr......and I see your point :rolleyes:

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