Lane Splitting

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Prescott Valley, AZ
Today, after leaving Rick Mayer's shop (thanks Rick!) and breaking in my new seat on Hwy 36, I was headed to Paradise (no not that one, the one east of Chico) and ran afoul of a large grass fire that had the main road (Skyway) closed to all traffic. Along with about 500 of my closest friends, we got back out on Hwy 99 south to an alternate route. After looking at about a 5 mile standstill in somewhat toasty conditions with the stich' on I thought better of waiting for all the cages to decide where they might be headed. Needless to say, I took a page our of James Burleigh's book and gave lane splitting a try. I can honestly say it's not something I'd do on a regular basis, but if I hadn't I'd have been there for HOURS! Interesting observations of human nature, the guys in the jacked up pickups with wide tires (not always, but generally) moved over into my path trying to keep me behind them. Surprisingly a lot of soccer moms moved over, don't think it was courtesy as much as they were freaked out that a bike was coming that close to their kid hauler. James, my hat's off to you, I couldn't do that every day like you do, but extreme traffic like you deal with calls for extreme tactics. Tomorrow, running Hwy 49 from Grass Valley to Mariposa, for those of you that have to work, I'll double a posted curve speed for ya!

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James, my hat's off to you, I couldn't do that every day like you do...
Aw shucks... :rolleyes:

Anyway, well done, and welcome to the club!


P.S. And oh yeah, you're right about those trucks. But it goes both ways: a lot of riders drive trucks, so a lot nudge over. But a lot also give you the "bite me" moves.

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I'm gonna jimmy kick you if you don't drop 'splitting'. It's called SHARING! Lane SHARING. Repeat after me: 'I tried lane sharing today'...


It's called "Sharing". TWN will be along soon to yell at you....
LOL! :lol:

Or as I like to do: "La la la lane splitting.... Everybody duck!"

It's called "Sharing". TWN will be along soon to yell at you....
Thanks for the warning Toe. I'll get my United Way card out for TWN to show I know how to share!
Yuk it up, but when the practice gets legislated into oblivion, you know I'll be there to say, 'I told ya so!' Then I'll come a-huntin' ;)

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Thanks, but I already have one. I'll tell you what; send some of your money to this guy, instead of the United Way. He'll fix your/my 'splitting' problem tout de suite with the proposal he has in his pocket. Keep giving him reasons to introduce the prop. Then we can both sit in line and suck fumes. ;)

I checked out his site, couldn't locate the proposal you're referring to. Post a bill # for me so I can locate it as a search didn't yield any results. Say, is this the same guy that wanted to introduce a .05 tax for the next five years to fix CA roads? It was to be added to our fuel taxes to make up for the taxes already being collected for road repair, that are being diverted for other purposes. Makes sense right! Luckily that tax proposal died a quick death.

TWN, I checked out his site, couldn't locate the proposal you're referring to. Post a bill # for me so I can locate it as a search didn't yield any results. Say, is this the same guy that wanted to introduce a .05 tax for the next five years to fix CA roads? It was to be added to our fuel taxes to make up for the taxes already being collected for road repair, that are being diverted for other purposes. Makes sense right! Luckily that tax proposal died a quick death.
It's in his pocket and unassigned. It's actually buried in emergency room legislation that he's been trying to push. He has a lot of opposition from CHP and other police departments so, unless the public starts up about lane sharing (hence the reason I hate splitting as a term for the practice. Sharing is nice, splitting is not) he'll prolly keep it there, but it won't take much for him to, erm, whip it out. My adamant stance is only in hopes of CA keeping the space between the lanes open to us motorcyclists.

I would guess that even if a law were passed, California culture permits it, and riders will commit civil disobedience that cops won't enforce. Not saying it's not an issue or it won't matter if the law's amended (cagers would act out more). I'm just questioning if practically speaking much would change. I personally have adopted "sharing" as my default expression, partly out of respect for TWN and his position on the Forum. Jb

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Oh, big roger on that, JB. But still, why give another reason for a ticketable offense? I mean, it's borderline now with the call left up to the observing LEO.
