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We are a forgiving bunch.. Anyone remember RenoJohn leaving the board with his tittie in the wringer? Now he's off riding dirt bikes with WarChild!
Then there was JBurleigh..

Some hurt his delicate feelings and he too zombied out for awhile.

Both of these fellers now make the board a much better place.

I say give Logan a chance! He posted back with truth, took his pre-Friday dogpile and hopefully will return to post again.

[SIZE=8pt](Sorry Mr. John Lennon, couldn't resist!)[/SIZE]
Well crap! I may have wasted a perfectly good rant for nothing.


Sorry again. PWI (posting while intoxicated). Sorry if I offended anyone. Its been a bad week and was venting on the forum, which I will not do again.
You can vent TO us, just not AT us. Well, you can do whatever you like, but the latter is more likely to be met with a dogpile like we had here.

Seems fair.

fair...sorry again

Sorry again. PWI (posting while intoxicated). Sorry if I offended anyone. Its been a bad week and was venting on the forum, which I will not do again.
A admitted PWI, then taking his subsequent lumps.... - you're a-okay in my book, Lago!

[SIZE=8pt].... ya donut-eatin' bastard![/SIZE] :lol:

Welcome back..... have a virtual brewski, and next time, heed the Weapons Physician's advice, and rant to us, 'bro.... not at us!

AND, just for the record... by and large, FJRForum members love our LEOs. They are the best... because most every one of them "gets it"! :yahoo:

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Sorry again. PWI (posting while intoxicated). Sorry if I offended anyone. Its been a bad week and was venting on the forum, which I will not do again.
A admitted PWI, then taking his subsequent lumps.... - you're a-okay in my book, Lago!

[SIZE=8pt].... ya donut-eatin' bastard![/SIZE] :lol:

Welcome back..... have a virtual brewski, and next time, heed the Weapons Physician's advice, and rant to us, 'bro.... not at us!

AND, just for the record... by and large, FJRForum members love our LEOs. They are the best... because most every one of them "gets it"! :yahoo:

I feel the love, just not the way Odot wants me to....

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Sorry again. PWI (posting while intoxicated). Sorry if I offended anyone. Its been a bad week and was venting on the forum, which I will not do again.

Never say never.

Besides, personally I find it therapeutic. Drink up!

PS - nice form on the rebound. Stick around.

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I'm glad to have you back! Honest and sincere apologies are few and far between. See - the pre-Friday dog pile etiquette, while perhaps a bit ham-fisted at times, had the desired effect. No, I really don't know what the 'desired effect' is. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Anyway, welcome back to my favorite new work distraction. I laughed, I cried, it was longer than Cats. And, on another note...

Being a FNG, I'm having the distinct pleasure - nay, honor - of learning some new terminology. I would like to submit to the board, and in about an hour and a half to my place of employment, that we collectively strive to use the term "******" more frequently. While admittedly uncertain of its etymology, I find "******" to have both the linguistic qualities and utilitarian flexibility worthy of more aggressive conversational integration. A more thorough exploration is in order, but please see below for some potential uses which may be deemed more appropriate for the workplace:

1) "That's a lovely ******. It looks good on. Did you pick it up on sale this weekend?"

2) "I'm looking for the ****** department, errr...beg your pardon, the legal department...would you be able to point me in the right direction?"

3) Of course, there's the 'obvious' "******" while sneezing.

4) "Say, Ralph, would you mind p-******-ing that stapler down here?"

5) (During brainstorming or problem-resolution sessions needing an extra dose of brainpower) "Ok, everyone, let's put our ASSHATS on and solve this beeyatch."

I'll make every attempt to employ some or all of these approaches to integrating ****** into the contemporary workplace idiom and I invite you to do the same. I applaud Mr. ****** Coiner and look forward to further exploring additional forum-bases vernacular in the future.

Lago, welcome back. Oh, and would you mind pASSHATting that stapler down my way? :glare:

Are there some sort of annual Forum Awards?

Like perhaps "Kicking of the Funniest Thread of the Year"

Cause this one would surely be in the running.

Anyone remember RenoJohn leaving the board with his tittie in the wringer?
Uh, well not exactly. My tit was not in a wringer, rather, my balls were put in a vice. No, I didn't leave, I was escorted out ..couldn't log in.
It taught me a lesson:

Never post sober. Every since, .. over 600posts later I've been under the influence of something or other while roaming the halls and dark alleys of this dark subculture. Considerably less trouble since then. Sometimes hard a hard discipline, but for me, keeping the plug OUT of the jug is the only way to roll around here.

OH, and I'm not a cop, but I do like guns.

Onset of symptoms typically occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, which persist for about a decade;
so it's just simply growing up and they're now making excuses for it?

Now who wooda thought a Forum populated by a bunchaoldguys riding motocycles would be filled with sarcasm and jerkiness? :rolleyes:
Who you calling old guy Wheatie?
i'm not your guy, buddy!

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"my balls were put in a vice" keeping the plug OUT of the jug is the only way to roll around here.

Yer balls in a vice?? Hmm didn't figure you for a Zappa kinda guy John. :) That's a good line from the song Bobby Brown ;)

An' keepin' the plug outa the jug... Well that just sounds like something Zappa coulda worked with.


Ya know............just because I like to be disagreeable, it being my nature and all...............
I think since it not being Friday yet, we are a bit pre-mature on the dogpile.

I didn't go back and read all his posts, but I read a lot of them and the dude seemed pretty reasonable, friendly, and normal to me. In other words, from what I can see, the post which started this thread seemed quite a bit out of character for LAGO RUNNER. Now, why could that be?

So perhaps the guy's simply having a bad day/week/month. Maybe his wife just asked him for a divorce. Maybe he just lost a child, or a co-worker. Maybe it's just the stress of the job. And so, bad judgement, or alcohol perhaps, got the better of him in a weak moment which manifested itself here and he went off the handle. I mean, gee, that's never happened around here before. Never by me, nor any of the other mods, nor by any you.

Maybe, just maybe, we should be giving the guy a bit of a chance, asking him what's wrong and showing just a little bit of empathy before we 'burn the witch'. If the dude is a true ******, that would be apparent soon enough and then of course, dogpile on. But a pretty mean-spirted dogpile was initiated pretty quickly.

Perhapsv the dude is hurting for some reason and he could use a bit of compassion instead of what we have given him. Granted, if he is hurting he didn't ask for help in a very productive way, but when you are down and out, things seldom go right and more often than not, one is one's own worst enemy. Personally, I hope the guy's not so damned depressed that he's close to being suicidal, because we sure as hell didn't take him any further from that edge.

Just some ramblings to consider. I'll be back to being an ******* tomorrow.
I mean that is down right sensitive. Did you wash your bike and watch Opra today? :angel:

Ok for real, you make a good point. Such over the top and out of character rants often times have more meaning than others realize.

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"my balls were put in a vice" keeping the plug OUT of the jug is the only way to roll around here.
Yer balls in a vice?? Hmm didn't figure you for a Zappa kinda guy John. :) That's a good line from the song Bobby Brown ;)

An' keepin' the plug outa the jug... Well that just sounds like something Zappa coulda worked with.
LOL, a classic for many of us mis-fits figured "Bobby Brown Goes Down" was the catalyst behind your forum handle. ;) A good listen, clicky (4+meg)

Zappa wasn't much of a drinker, smoked like a fiend though. Now, Bobby Brown was not stranger to the jug.

we need to go riding bust/nut.

Sorry again. PWI (posting while intoxicated). Sorry if I offended anyone. Its been a bad week and was venting on the forum, which I will not do again.
I too have a job that is very "testing" (folks that know me understand what I mean by testing) but not as much a LEO has to deal with. Understanding what you have to deal with is better "shared" here in this forum so folks here can offer up advice etc.

Don Carver once said to me that he had written some text on his "puter" but did not "hit" the "send" key, as he had "one more than he should have done", sound advice :rolleyes:

By making an apology shows just what a man you are! Feel free to ask for advice and if I can help you then PM me.

Ride safe, take care out there.


we need to go riding bust/nut.
Fuke NO!!!

That would be like combing matter and anti-matter. Or creating a time paradox. Bad ***** would be sure to follow!
Ya, Scooot does have a point, ....really, any farm animal within a five county radius, -would risk being dressed up in women's clothing and forced to listen to David Grisman

Best we don't have any exposure to each other. For the safety of the animals.
