Last Questions about 2610

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I found a 2610 used for cheap, and think I may go for it!

I have read a lot about mounting, but not much about hardwiring, and audio.

I plan to use this cradle


it looks like it comes with the hardwire.

I was going to use this techmount.


but wasn't sure if the 2.5 or 3.5 stem would be better. I figured the 2.5 would look neater, and put it closer to the bars.

The only question I have is about audio. Does this thing have a headphone input, or do you need an audio cable?

Anybody forsee any problems or have any reccomendations before I order all this stuff?

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Been using the 2610 for years, never had a problem with it. I use a RAM mount for one bike and a GADGET GUY for my 2004 FJR


In answer to your question, if you look at the picture of the power cable in your link, the cylindrical end of the cable to the far right in the picture is an audio jack that takes a 2.5mm plug for an earphone. The only thing in addition that I've found useful is that you should get a 2GB CF card that will allow you to load the entire set of USA maps from the Mapsource program to the unit itself.


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I found a 2610 used for cheap, and think I may go for it!
I have read a lot about mounting, but not much about hardwiring, and audio.

I plan to use this cradle


it looks like it comes with the hardwire.

I was going to use this techmount.


but wasn't sure if the 2.5 or 3.5 stem would be better. I figured the 2.5 would look neater, and put it closer to the bars.

The only question I have is about audio. Does this thing have a headphone input, or do you need an audio cable?

Anybody forsee any problems or have any reccomendations before I order all this stuff?
I've been using the 2610 for a year with the same setup you're looking at ... Techmount stem 3.5" long with a power cable that has a speaker (which I've left turned off since I got it) in the cigarette plug line - I didn't hardwire it so its easy to remove from the bike.

You'll find that with the unit in your lower range of sight, you don't need audio input (at least I do not).

GUNNY on the 2 meg upgrade.


