Late Fall White Mountain Loop

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What's a notch?
A valley between two hills ie clevage :yahoo:
Nice RR. Takes me back 30yrs. That was the last time I was on those roads.

Back then my buddy went on reserve right after that Kanc sign. Friggin Hardley's, they never passed a gas station. He shut her off and was gonna coast down to save gas. I wasn't gonna leave him behind, so I shut mine off and we raced all the down in neutral. I think it was 16 or 18mi if memory serves me. Time flew, we were coasting around 40-50mph at some points, drafting, kicking and bumping each other, laughing our asses off the whole way down to the old steam locomotive.

BTW, Most of the mountains back east are so small they don't have clevage, only notches.

Looks like you covered all the fun roads up in northern NH. I got to ride bear notch this summer that was a blast. My group did alot of the same roads you did. Great pics. Thanks for sharing.



Great RR and pics. I love the scenery in NH.

Thanks for sharing.
Love it, but............................looks kinda cold.

Jus' sayin'.

Love it, but............................looks kinda cold.

Jus' sayin'.
This coming from the rugged Manitoban. :lol:

Fred, loved the report. :clapping:

I was out east in the fall of 2005 by myself on the FJR. I didn't have a particular itinerary, but I did end up going south over Crawford Notch. All I can say is that Crawford Notch was spectacular...healthy grades and awesome scenery. A lot of history regarding the UN at the Bretton Woods Conference besides all the early american history.

I ended up heading up on the north/south thoroughfare east of Mount Washington...stopped at the Auto Road entrance/motel parking lot. Too chicken with my heights thing at that time to go up the auto road...


I ended up going through Berlin, NH before heading west and south into eastern Vermont.

I must say that I loved the riding and scenery in northern New Hampshire as much as anything on my trip in 2005.

Thanks for the trip report .

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Love it, but............................looks kinda cold.

Jus' sayin'.
This coming from the rugged Manitoban. :lol:

Fred, loved the report. :clapping:

I was out east in the fall of 2005 by myself on the FJR. I didn't have a particular itinerary, but I did end up going south over Crawford Notch. All I can say is that Crawford Notch was spectacular...healthy grades and awesome scenery. A lot of history regarding the UN at the Britton Woods Conference besides all the early american history.

I ended up heading up on the north/south thoroughfare east of Mount Washington...stopped at the Auto Road entrance/motel parking lot. Too chicken with my heights thing at that time to go up the auto road...


I ended up going through Berlin, NH before heading west and south into eastern Vermont.

I must say that I loved the riding and scenery in northern New Hampshire as much as anything on my trip in 2005.

Thanks for the trip report .
Mark, does "The Fonz" know that you stole his jacket? Inquiring Minds Want To Know!


.... All I can say is that Crawford Notch was spectacular....
Wheatie, could you point it out to me ...on this visual aid? (Didn't see it on Fred's map.)

Thanks Mark and Mick, a very impressive notch indeed!

Wheatie, could you point it out to me ...on this visual aid? (Didn't see it on Fred's map.)
Mikey, you have to zoom in to's there I'm tellin' ya. ;)


When I first got back into motorcycling on a rented GoldWing after a 20 year absence, I naturally went back to what was the best protection back in 1983...a leather bomber jacket.

I found out on my first trip in June of 2003 that they are hot when you are riding in upper 90s and 95% humidity all day near Memphis, TN.

Love it, but............................looks kinda cold.

Jus' sayin'.
Looks can be deceiving. It was in the high 50's and low 60's all day. Never even needed to put my liner in my jacket! :thumbsup:

But if I had ridden through your version of Crawfords Notch I wouldn't have needed a jacket at all... :dribble:

...A lot of history regarding the UN at the Britton Woods Conference besides all the early american history.
Great memory!!

I actually took this picture of the sign in front of the Mount Washington Hotel on Tuesday.

It was a pretty important meeting in a pretty impressive location.

Bretton Woods Conference


I ended up heading up on the north/south thoroughfare east of Mount Washington...stopped at the Auto Road entrance/motel parking lot.
Yep. That is Route 16 that goes up through Pinkham Notch past the Mt Washington auto road. And that parking lot (which was empty on Tuesday) is where I took a bunch of those pics. Unfortunately, being later in the day, the light was all wrong. Being there in the morning light would be the hot ticket.

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Many thanks for posting up what lies in the NE. I've never been to that corner of our great country and would love to see the top of Mt. Washington (I hear it gets a tad breezy up there). I agree that finding a old friend (road) that has been recently repaved is like finding a nugget while walking along a stream. I found a local one that way and ran it both directions probably 4 X! I really like the fact that your notch comment brought out some excellent questions from DC and OM. I want to leave today to find the Crawford notch! :)


I've never been to that corner of our great country and would love to see the top of Mt. Washington (I hear it gets a tad breezy up there).
You could say that... Looks a bit chilly up there right now. :cold: Click for web site with live cams.

Whenever I feel like it is too cold out, I just check out conditions at the MWO, and suddenly it doesn't feel as bad anymore... ;)

Nice pics, looks like you had a great day. I'm gonna have to plan a New England trip one of these days. I lived in Milford, Conn. until I was 13, then my parents moved to Ohio and I haven't been back since. I remember the countryside was beautiful and we lived a block from the beach....wasn't my idea to move!

BTW, I got to shake the Fonz's hand Friday! He was the feature speaker at AMLE's conference in Lexington, Ky. last week. My wife is the Controller and I get to tag along every year and check out whatever city they hold the conference in. Next year is Portland, can't wait for that!

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Very nice RR and pic's Fred Looks like you scored a perfect 10 on that day. Jag's went west Ma. southwest NH and home at dark thirty I hope you have a few more of those #10 days up your sleeve if so give me a heads up so I can plan to be sic (cough..sneeze) ;)

Well, not to be a complete glutton or anything, but...

Late on Sunday, Captain Jack of the 2011 Aprez CFR Dual Sport FJR Team, (aka forum member bbdig) contacted me about slipping out on Monday and having a repeat attack on the White Mountains. The weather forecast was decent, and the calendar was clear. I seem to be easily convinced that riding iwould be more fun than working. Besides, I wanted to make a run over to White Horse Gear to see if I could score myself some heated gear (jacket liner and gloves) for extending the season as long as electrically possible. ;)

Jack left home in Taxachusetts before dawn, and we met up at a local diner here, near the I-93 exit 5 (Poor Boy's) at 7:30AM for a quick and hearty breakfast. Slabbed it on up I-93 most of the way up to Lincoln, jumping off and riding on the Route 3 sweepers for the last ~ 20 miles or so. After a quick coffee stop at Mickey D's in Lincoln (in with the good, put with the bad) we shot straight across the Kank to White Horse in Conway with no stops. Jack had forgotten his camera at home and I had just bored everyone with too many mountain pictures here in this very thread last week, so no need to stop at all of the scenic view waysides. ;)

As Jack told one of the staffers at White Horse, the traffic was just unbearable. We came upon exactly one car in the 35 miles of twisties and sweepers across the Kank, and he was kind enough to pull over and let us by right away... :yahoo: The difference between riding the Kancamagus Highway in the summer tourist season and weekdays now in the fall is like night and day. You locals really need to force yourselves to get up there midweek and partake of the goodness before the white stuff comes.

The stop at White Horse was a complete success (well, except to my credit card) as they had everything that I was looking for in stock. Pretty amazing since this is well into the heated gear time in the Northeast. But the day was warm and no electrics would be needed yesterday.

With my expensive electric booty stashed safely, we bucked our way on up Rte 113 through Evans Notch. That road is a perfect candidate for repaving. It is so pretty and scenic, but brutally rough. :glare: Then across Rte 2 to Gorham and down rte 16 through Pinkham Notch and past Mt Washington. Looking to mix it up a little from last week, we rode down West Side Road (the secret way to bypass all of the North Conway village nonsense) and rode on up to the top of Cathedral Ledge. Jack said that he hadn't been up there for many years. There weren't too many other people up there, and nobody was climbing the cliffs that day. But it was starting to cloud up some, and without any foliage the eastward mountain views were pretty bleak. Not picture worthy.

Continuing down West Side road we took Rte 153 south through Eaton and Freedom to Center Ossipee. Then down the same roads as last week through Tuftonboro and Wolfboro, to share them with Jack. We did get into some light showers from Rochester down Rte 202 to Northwood, but there were more cars on the road down south there, so the rain didn't really slow us up much.

We split up at exit 5 I-93, right where we had started 8 hours earlier. I had another wonderful fall day ride. I hope that Captain Jack enjoyed the day as much as I did. To those that would have liked to have joined us, sorry (again) it was all very short notice. This time of year you have to just spontaneously grab those good days when you can. I encourage you all to do likewise. :thumbsup:

PS - There are no pictures of this ride. None. Nada. Zilch.

Therefore, it never happened. And, I'm sticking with that story. :p

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Yep another score 10 day for you guy's and I have to mind the store while my co worker's are wasting all these good days out chasin bambi around in the woods and will come back with nothing but B.S. about the BIG ONE that got away Glad you and the Capt. had a great day!

Watch out people, Now Fred has lectric heat he'll be studding up a darksider next :lol:

When I first got back into motorcycling on a rented GoldWing after a 20 year absence, I naturally went back to what was the best protection back in 1983...a leather bomber jacket.
GoldWing? 1983?? Ya did it wrong, Mark - ya shoulda worn a Members Only jacket.


And Fred - you suck.
