Leakless tires

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...If the puncture sealant fails and you crash will the puncture sealant manufacture take care of the medical bills? How many of you have had one of your tires blow out for no reason? How many of you run puncture sealants and don't know you have a flat? Have there been any wheels that have cracked and the puncture sealant hid the crack until it's so bad the wheel lets go instead of just loosing air normally. .... Will the tire manufacturer still warrenty the motorcycle tire with Ride On or any other puncture sealant? I doubt it. Do they have a reccomendation from the tire manufacturer?

What tire manufacturer warrants against road hazards?

Let me add two cents ...well maybe one. The guy with the nail, what if the cord had been damaged by the nail and the sealant hid this from the rider and the integrity of the casing was suspect. What if the nail was long enough to go through the tread and then while cornering the tip of the nail wore another hole through the sidwall. This could spell disaster. I know I'm talking what if's but these what if's are what allow some of these sealant manufactures to exist. I'm sure if the head of the nail had not worn off he would of taken it in to have it fixed. He just didn't know. What if the sealant did not have proper rust inhibitors and rust migration took over the casing. I have even seen some types of fibers wick moisture into the tire.. Sorry I sometimes ramble.


Let me add two cents ...well maybe one. The guy with the nail, what if the cord had been damaged by the nail and the sealant hid this from the rider and the integrity of the casing was suspect. What if the nail was long enough to go through the tread and then while cornering the tip of the nail wore another hole through the sidwall. This could spell disaster. I know I'm talking what if's but these what if's are what allow some of these sealant manufactures to exist. I'm sure if the head of the nail had not worn off he would of taken it in to have it fixed. He just didn't know. What if the sealant did not have proper rust inhibitors and rust migration took over the casing. I have even seen some types of fibers wick moisture into the tire.. Sorry I sometimes ramble.Morry

Sorry Morry, but you are right...alot of "What If's"...

What if he did not have a tire sealant in the first place and was traveling in heavy traffic on the interstate at 80 mph when suddenly he got a flat and before he could slow down enough and get off to the side of the road he lost control and then was run over and killed by a semi?

We can play the "What if" thing till we run out of time , but in the long run it really is a matter for each rider to weigh the benifits afforded and the possible risks and make their own decision on whether to use a product like Ride On or the one offered by Rhinotire.

From my viewpoint, and many others, the benifits outweigh the risks ... heavily. If you had real world odds figured it might be helpful , but in the end it just adds to the world of chance any of us take riding a bike. We figure our odds of survival and try to increase our chances with ways that we are comfortable with.

I am sure if some of the major tire companies came out and said that they endorse the Rhinotire product, you would change your mind in an instant.


On a totally comical note I can't help but chuckle that a guy named KnifeMaker is worried about flat tires!

[SIZE=8pt](I once ran over a knife, it stuck like glue, the blade broke off, I rode home, no air loss..)[/SIZE]

I have used Ride-On quite successfully and recommend it.

Brand new tubeless front and rear tires years ago that got pin-sized holes in them. Filled tires with Ride-On and rode them tires thousands of miles till I needed a new set.

Have even used Ride-On in tubed tires successfully. Great product in my book.

Isn't there an AC/DC song called "ride on"?
We all know Odot's love for RideON! :dribble:

However, I won't ride without it. Especially motorcycles! Since tires are a wear item on the FJR (They frequently wear out!!!). I'm not worried about weather checking cracking, etc as the tread will be gone before the rubber has time to weather!

I've gone through 2-3 sets of tires no per year on my VTX1800 and FJR. I've used RideOn and am very happy with the 4-5 flats I have avoided. (That's the one's I know about. Wouldn't be surprised if there were more I didn't even know about.) I've examined the wheels each tire change and I've not had any corrosion (as some report).

The other day I noticed a small piece of glass sticking out of my rear tire. About the size of a grain of sand. I removed it easily but noticed there are tiny punctures other places on the tire. I wouldn't wonder if some of these small punctures were not from small ground up glass fragments picked up on the highways. As the tires wear these "glass shards" are pushed deeper into the tread and would result eventually in gradual loss of air. I seem to remember on e member had this very problem, several pin-hole size leaks. Of course soon the cord would be showing and a new tire would surely be called for. Well, I don't ride my tires quite that long and the RideOn has resulted in "no surprises" and great tire checks each week!

I carry the pump/plugs etc. I have repaired a nail hole and rode the tire to its final end. I have ridden a rear tire, after pulling the offending nail, without plugging (because I couldn't find the nail hole again.). In that case it was a nearly new tire and I rode it 8k miles more!

Oh! According to my GPS someone once rode my bike at 137 mph....with RideOn. No reported problems, in fact my tire balance seems to adjust itself as the tires wear, with Nooo problems.

Now if I could just find that 20,000 mile sticky tire......

So I use and like RideOn TPS YMMV :rolleyes: ;)

LC :yahoo:

Hey, like I said in my previous post. The guys from Metzler said "Ride On is the ONLY tire sealant to use"

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..................metzler endorses it? Hm. Popcorn anybody?

Ride-On = Right On

The other best part is a glass smooth ride, due to the self balancing properties.

