LED Brake lights

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Thanks for the input. So far, I haven't had a chat with LEO about the disco brake light. Anything's possible, I guess, but so far, so good. I've never had anyone say "your brake lights almost blinded me!"

I know lots of people like added LED units. Purely my opinion, but I don't think of them as being the real brake light(s), but add-on things. I want an integrated solution, which means an in-line flasher of some sort. 4-5 blinks and solid on, again my opinion, looks more like a wonky brake light or brake light switch than a "yes, I really am braking" light.

Brake light flash rates, IMHO, fall into the "better ask forgiveness than to ask permission" category. Yeah, sorta "Live Free or Die", if you know what I mean.

I very deliberately underscored I was giving only my opinion and not calling into question any other recommendations. "Live Free or Die" Is New Hampshire's state motto and was tossed in a gentle - I thought - bit of humor regarding making one's own choices.

@Fred W if all of that somehow offends you, I'm sorry for the offense. NTL I stand by my remarks and opinions. Now, let's move on, and go riding.

Not offended in the least. As I mentioned previously, you will have difficulty adding anything in series to flash the rear brake lights on an FJR without screwing up your cruise control. Many folks have run into that problem. Good luck with your quest.

The very spendy ($115) solution claims to be 100% plug&play, including whatever voodoo is needed to keep the bus happy.

The problem with DIY cruise controls and LED brake lights is sorted out with a relay. Murphskits.com, who sells the CCS-100 and Rostra units, includes the relay in the how-tos, and they sell the relay, too. I know I used it in the C10 installation. I can't remember if it's also in our '90 Westy, with LED's in almost every external light (headlights are real-deal HID's). It probably is but it's been about 5 years since I added the CCS-100. Darned if I can recall putting the relay in.

Somewhat OT: for anyone putting in the CCS-100 - leave some slack in the chain!!! I didn't (slack looked messy to me). The motor heated up, something started expanding, that tugged on the chain and boosted the idle. That heated the motor more, expanding something that tugged even more on the chain, until "idle" was up around 2000! I finally tried leaving some slack in the chain - end of problem. What that has to do with brake lights escapes me. []/ laugh ]
