LED Tailights in standard size?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I would be interested in the idea of a full LED board (custom, of course) inside for the brakes/tail lamps.


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In looking at the website above, why does it say this (?);
"Note: this product is not DOT approved, for off road use only"
That's lawyerese for "we didn't bother to jump through all the time-consuming and expensive regulatory hoops to get DOT type approval, so use it on the street at your own risk."

No different than "advertisement was filmed on a closed course using professional drivers" - "wot? you mean I can't drift my Mercedes sideways through stoplights while talking on the cell phone like in the ad???? dammit! I'll sue!"

In looking at the (whitehorsepress) website ..., why does it say this (?); "Note: this product is not DOT approved, for off road use only"

Semi-clueless in San Luis :unsure:
Should be read as "Not DOT approved (for street use). For off-road use only." This phrase exists on darn near every after-market lighting kit ever created, most after-market exhaust systems and is generally ignored by one and all.
Talk about your 'Faustian Pact'....!

The measure of a society can often be seen in which laws it chooses to obey.

Ignoring laws, at will, may be just the beginning of a 'slippery slope'....? :blink: :unsure:

Talk about your 'Faustian Pact'....!The measure of a society can often be seen in which laws it chooses to obey.

Ignoring laws, at will, may be just the beginning of a 'slippery slope'....? :blink: :unsure:
Yeah, just look at what that Rosa Parks chick started. [sarcasm, people, sarcasm!!] That statement says more about the quality of the laws than it does about the quality of the people under the law.

Anyway, this is a _light bulb_ of which we speak, not murder or grand theft auto.

I'd check the insurance coverage on your glass house before you go much further: Are you going to tell me that you obey the speed limit 100% of the time? That you signal all of your lane changes when there's not another vehicle within a quarter mile of you? That you never dump a AA battery in your trashcan when your TV remote dies?
