Lets Talk Helmets

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Go somewhere and try them on ,,, I've tried on about every brand out there and keep going back to the Shoei , because it's the one that fits my fat round head.. :dribble:

Well, my $0.02 is that I would check out Suomy. I had a Shoei and it gave me a headache after wearing it more than a couple of hours, as it kind of pinched my forehead. I checked out the Suomy helmets and really liked the way they fit. I would highly recommend one. I got mine at https://www.helmetharbor.com/


Last year MOTORCYCLIST did a helmet test from the top of the line to the bottom of the line .And i am sure there helmet ad peps were screaming mad that a $89 buck helmet was just as good as a $600 buck helmet and the helmet that was # 1 was the Z1R / ZRP1 . google helmet test or motorcyclist

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Last year MOTORCYCLIST did a helmet test from the top of the line to the bottom of the line .And i am sure there helmet ad peps were screaming mad that a $89 buck helmet was just as good as a $600 buck helmet and the helmet that was # 1 was the Z1R / ZRP1 . google helmet test or motorcyclist
Thanks for the info. I searched and found it here:

Motorcyclist Helmet Test

I have not yet had a chance to read the full article, but it appears that their main criteria is how much energy is insulated or passed-on to the wearer's brain when wearing these lids. My feeling is (and always has been) that most helmets will do what they are designed to do protecting the wearer, if (and that's a big if) they are the proper size and fit .

I've also always figured that what you are paying extra for in a $500 helmet are the details, fit and finish, not the functionality and crashworthy-ness.

I will read the full article though as it looks to be a good one. Thanks again.

Ya know, reading this thread would have gotten you to the same article, as I posted a link to it 20 posts ago. Either way, informed decisions are the best. I guess I should have re-posted after each ten replies or so?

Hopefully, all we ever do is sweat in our helmets or stay warm, and not use them to bounce off shit with.

I think Cycle Gear has a good try-on selection, if there's one near you, and a 30 day exchange policy.

Hey, have you read this article about helmet performance yet?

And here's a good previous thread.

Ya know, reading this thread would have gotten you to the same article, as I posted a link to it 20 posts ago. Either way, informed decisions are the best. I guess I should have re-posted after each ten replies or so?
Gee, Toe, that'd be super nice of you. Would you mind to do that?I really don't want to read so many posts.

I think Cycle Gear has a good try-on selection, if there's one near you, and a 30 day exchange policy.
Actually, it's a 7 day no-hassle exchange policy.

It may be different in other locations, but my local CycleGear sales people claim to have personal experience in crash testing several of the helmets in their line-up. Not sure why that is...

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Ya know, reading this thread would have gotten you to the same article, as I posted a link to it 20 posts ago.
I had been following this thread from the beginning. I had to look back to find where you had linked to that article. Here it is:

Not much help here. I use a different
https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/motorcycle_helmet_review/index.htmlset of criteria
https://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/motorcycle_helmet_review/index.htmlwhen selecting brain protection. But I'm an old guy who is more susceptible to damage from impact, YMMV....

I now remember seeing the link in your post, but it sure didn't look like it would lead where it did. Considering how well it was hidden it's no surprise that people (including me) may have missed the content.

Hey, have you read this article about helmet performance yet?
Yeah, that would be a more obvious way to introduce that kind of a link.

I'd have probably followed that one.

Ya know the old saw about leading a horse to water... ;)

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