Linkage cover

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May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Dublin Ireland
Hi Lads,

New this this form, so a big hello to everybody

I just finished stripping the shaft drive & 'most' of the rear linkage setup. I did not remove the center stand due to not having a support system ready.

The only bolts I could not completely from the linkage is the awkward rear one which bolts through the frame lugs. I did loosen the bolt & sprayed some chain lube in there, it will do for the moment.

While working under the bike I got to thinking that some type of cover would help keep road dirt/crap from the linkage setup. Has anybody made up a cover or know of a cover that might work (maybe something from ATV's/offroad bikes etc.)

All the best


Hi Kevin, from Creston California!

I know they make shock condoms to keep the shaft clean from debri,is that what you're talking about?

Hi Kevin, from Creston California!

I know they make shock condoms to keep the shaft clean from debri,is that what you're talking about?


Thanks for the reply. No not the shock socks (condoms) these won't protect the actual linkage setup. Because the linkage setup sits so low down on the bike you get all the road crap kicked up from the rear tyre splattered all over the linkage.

When it rains, let me explain since you are from California rain is water that drops from the sky :lol: , we get lots of this in Ireland :p , the combination of road salt (they use this on the roads when it's icy (let me explain again, when the water falls from the sky & it's very cold the water freezes forming ice on the road which is very slippy :yahoo: )

All this crap tends to cause the linkages to seize which can cause the dogbones to snap, I just thought a cover in this area might help.

I hope you don't mind the ribbing about California weather, my impression is that it's perfect there all the time, which I'm sure it's not and if it is I don't want to know :lol:

All the best


Loved your post, Click. I'm from Florida and the shoe you described sure fits me. It's rained maybe twice here since the beginning of April--5 weeks ago. You said you were from Ireland. I know NOTHING about Ireland. What's it like over there?


darksider #44

Loved your post, Click. I'm from Florida and the shoe you described sure fits me. It's rained maybe twice here since the beginning of April--5 weeks ago. You said you were from Ireland. I know NOTHING about Ireland. What's it like over there?


darksider #44
Hi Gary,

What's Ireland like, where do I start. It's VERY green, biking culture is quite strong. Lots of rallies during the summer with camping, beer and bands. Have a look at , you will get a good feel of the biking community in Ireland + there's lots of pictures of biking events etc.

One word of warning, Irish lads tend to post comments on forums in the same manner as they speak, lots of colourful language and 'irish'isms' which can sometimes be difficult to understand.

I've not lived in any other country other than Ireland but I have travelled a fair bit around the world & I still feel Ireland is the best pace to live, as a people we tend not to take ourselves too seriously and try & enjoy ourselves as much as possible.

Plan on doing an around Ireland tour this summer, should take me about 5-6 days at a leisurely pace, it's a small country :lol:

Thanks Click for the input about Ireland. Sounds like a wonderful place. I checked out the link that Vamirr sent you. Wow!!! You hit the jackpot, my friend. Incredible forum, isn't it? Once again we learn that it's not what you know, but WHO you know. What did we ever do before there was an internet????


darksider #44

Thanks Click for the input about Ireland. Sounds like a wonderful place. I checked out the link that Vamirr sent you. Wow!!! You hit the jackpot, my friend. Incredible forum, isn't it? Once again we learn that it's not what you know, but WHO you know. What did we ever do before there was an internet????


darksider #44

Hi Gary,

Totally agree, fantastic forum, now if everybody could just put their minds to sorting a safe, renewable energy source thats free + World peace :lol: I'm sure it will just take you guys a few pages of posts to get it all sorted :yahoo:

To 2wheeldrift, many thanks for your highly detailed post on the cover, just need to source some alu sheeting!!

All the best

