Lolo Pass

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Just an old, bald man!
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
Owasso, OK
During my 48/10 I made the rather foolish decision to include Lolo Pass for the crossing of Northern Idaho. It was foolish because it isn't just the 100 miles of that road, which is slow, but it puts you out of position for Washington State and Oregon. That then involves at least another 200 miles on similar roads, in my case in the dark.

The smart money carries on up the Interstate to Spokane, and takes the more traditional route.

However, I did it and here is the video to prove it

Please bear a few things in mind:

It was 100 miles in the middle of an 800 mile day, in the middle of an 8000 mile ride. The bike is heavily loaded and the ambient temperature was 102F. The camera is mounted to my helmet and while the bike, and my body-weight shifts a lot from side to side, my head remains fairly level so you won't see the usually spectacular shots you get when the camera is mounted to the bike.

Finally .... Staying on the bike for hour after hour, day after day and remaining safe and competent is what I do. I am not, and never was, a canyon carving rider. That said, I think the video is worth a look. Speed limit, by the way, is 50 mph for the entire road .... boring really as all the fun is to be had between 50 and 80 mph.

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So why didn't the video embed?

I used the "Media" selection in the drop-down BB-Code box

Video appears in preview but not when saved

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Idaho turned Lolo in to a major revenue source years ago, especially if coming East to west and leaving the Montana limits.

Looked like a nice, relaxing ride with all those sweepers. Then, the occasional heart rate increase with some spirited passing. Perfect weather added in, and you have mixed up a great ride! Cheers!

Doncha hate when you are sitting there out in the middle of nowhere, getting ready to hit some abandoned twisties, and as you pull on your gloves...there's a car.

Quickly dispatched though in this case
But on twistier stuff you sometimes have to wait a while.

Doncha hate when you are sitting there out in the middle of nowhere, getting ready to hit some abandoned twisties, and as you pull on your gloves...there's a car.

Quickly dispatched though in this case
But on twistier stuff you sometimes have to wait a while.
Dispatching the truck later in the video was more fun :)

It has already been pointed out to me that there was a double yellow line when I passed that truck. I merely replied that when I ride, I ride the road I see not the road some engineer had lines painted on. In the case of that truck, I had motorcycle power to weight ratios, not overloaded minivan with granny driving :D

I've had the pleasure of riding Lolo Pass twice on a 48 (not a 48/10... a 48/21)
Both times from Idaho -> Montana.

First trip was on my Road Star with 13 Harleys. I had fun but following the tour pack of an ultra classic got old fast! I rode ahead of the group the second half.

This year I had the pleasure of doing the ride on my FJR (With 21 Harleys and a Gold Wing). I shared my SPOT link and told the group I'd see them at Lolo Pass Lodge.
I rode at a brisk pace, but keeping a keen eye for wildlife. I had at least 5 cross the road; some got some decent screen time on the helmet camera.

Thanks for sharing!
