Long Ride Comfort

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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After 25 years of riding on my 82 Seca 750's stock seat I have had no issues with my stock FJR seat. Last summer I did 1200 miles in one day really had no issues but then I have an iron butt (lol) Also as for back ache I had issues when I first bought her but after a few months of riding my muscles got use to the new riding position with the FJR

Its all a matter of perception. Ride a dirt bike for 5-6 hours in an enduro or similar event and your stock FJR seat will be like sitting in a tub of butter!

2 things that have made the biggest improvments in on the bike comfort for me

1. Working out using a Concept Rowing machine, 30 min at a time 3 days a week.

2. Learn how to move/shift your weight around while on the bike. I utilize a standing position quite regularly (and no its not trick riding) when you stand you can

really strecth out those hams.
