Longevity of FJR and Issues?

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Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Ok guys. I'm new to the FJR world of rocketeering. Someone like me has to tread very carefully when choosing a bike this expensive and big, because I only get one shot at it. Sadly. So you're gonna get loads of daft questions from me. I rely on you guys on building up my trust in the FJR.

Does anyone know of any serious long-term mechanical problems the FJR has had or currently has, which Yamaha just refuse to address or just don't have the brains? I am not a dude who gets his hands dirty, if something goes wrong, I get it to a garage pronto, which after the warranty expires will mean I get in shit creek. I know the BMW K-GT has countless problems go wrong with it like rear wheel play etc.

I don't intend on causing some nasty brute controversy, but this guy who used to teach me to ride motorcycles told me the FJR is known to be unreliable in the 'long term' (i.e. when you start thrashing it on freeways etc). He told me to check out this forum and ask you guys. So here I am.

Oh, and another thing, is the metal work on the FJR treated? I don't have a garage to keep it in, so it will be left out in the rain and shit. Will it rust up? Does anyone have a solution apart from putting a cover over it?

I expect great input from you guys! Come along...

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Does anyone know of any serious long-term mechanical problems the FJR has had or currently has, which Yamaha just refuse to address or just don't have the brains?
NONE. A few people have had valve problems, always fixed by Yamaha. FJR is practically bullet proof. Word.

Oh, and another thing, is the metal work on the FJR treated? I don't have a garage to keep it in, so it will be left out in the rain and shit. Will it rust up? Does anyone have a solution apart from putting a cover over it?
I haven't had a problem with ugly "rust" per se, but the big bolts on the bottom tend to corrode and get pitted. Like many bikes, those bolts don't seem to come from the factory with a lot of grease. No suggestions about leaving the bike out, but I think the Yamaha parts that might get corroded would probably still outlast you. It's just a motorcycle. And you practically can't hurt it. Unless you crash.

My buddy Howie had a similar question about his $30K+ Harley. My solution to him was get a fricken house. He did. Now his truck sits out, and his Harley is pampered. Food for thought.

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I am not a dude who gets his hands dirty, if something goes wrong, I get it to a garage pronto
Oh, and another thing, is the metal work on the FJR treated? I don't have a garage to keep it in, so it will be left out in the rain and shit. Will it rust up? Does anyone have a solution apart from putting a cover over it?
great input from us? you first!

the fjr will hose up just as quickly as every other bike left out in the elements. pull it into the living room or buy a car. don't mistreat ANY $12,000.00 investment like that. the camaro, up on blocks in your front yard, will get jealous.

Well SUNNY, Your off to a GREAT start here...

May i suggest you tread lightly with the negative vibes and use the search, JMHO

I am not a dude who gets his hands dirty, if something goes wrong, I get it to a garage pronto, which after the warranty expires will mean I get in shit creek. I know the BMW K-GT has countless problems go wrong with it like rear wheel play etc.
I don't intend on causing some nasty brute controversy, but this guy who used to teach me to ride motorcycles told me the FJR is known to be unreliable in the 'long term' (i.e. when you start thrashing it on freeways etc). He told me to check out this forum and ask you guys. So here I am.
Then I strongly recommend you start reading through the many, Many, MANY threads that have discussed these various issues in the past. Newbies are best appreciated for doing a bit of reading and homework before posting such passionately discussed issues. ....or folks might start thinking you're a troll and that's a nasty thing you would want to avoid.

Get the extended warranty (you'll probably never use it) and you're good to go. Pretty easy, huh?

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