Look who's 50!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
In your own tradition, I'll go ahead and post up a picture so appalling to you that it will probably make you wanna hurl. Fortunately, for the normal among us, it will be rather appealing, albeit NWS, just like most of yours are.

So, without further ado, Happy Birthday Bust!

















Like my new avatar? It's the last known cute picture of you....

Hmmm.... FJR Forum on Friday .... birthday.... B Joker .....

This oughta be good :drag:

Happy Birthday, Bust!

Happy B-day Barry silly pants.


Yes! Send me your kids and they'll be Bust-anut-carzy kids for life! AHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA!


I remember when I had my first beer….


I'm one good looking broad!


Kalamzzoo to odot 2! Space Camp 4 reporting no life here! We need to go to Space Port 12 to see if FJR life is on that planet. Over!


Crap! I even screwed up that self labotomy home kit. What's next…


Any date is better than no date. Chesse!


I can't remember… Am I dumber then dirt, or dumber then a rock?


I want to grow up and fall in love with someone from the Oregon Department Of Transportation (ODOT)!


Are you talkin' to me?

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Well you ain't no Gerber baby that's for sure but...

I only thought Dr. Evil had a "Mini Me"

Happy B-Day Slick

Son of a ******.... they told me that was a cow!!!!! and I could get milk from

that utter..... :dribble: :dribble:

MAN...... that was one big utter


B .....

Good to the last drop, you go Bust

Happy Birthday, ya smelly old fooker!

Have fun spoonin' with Odot.

I imagine the sheep in Michigan are running for cover...

Can't believe YOU called US queens! Bet you're a real hoot at the make-up counter!

Happy Birthday, Soldier! :finger:

Happy Birthday Old Man.... A couple of those pictures look like they were taken in prison.... I have to say that age has not improved your looks... Have a great day and thanks to Shelia for supplying the old photos. Rich

It took 50 years to sort it out but it now all makes sense.

Switched at birth with Elton John!


Happy Birthday, Honky Cat!

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Hoo man!! I knew I was going to get an ass whippin' but damn! :lmaosmiley: Well the wife really "one up'd" me this time :eek:

This gonna get ugly ain't it :lol:

Fire away boys!


This gonna get ugly ain't it :lol:
WTF do you mean "gonna get ugly"?!? That's about as much ugliness as I've had to wade through on any web site since I've been on the internet. And neither odot nor his likeness has showed up yet.

uhhhhh, maybe you're right now that I think about it. :eek:

Have a great birthday you old fart . . . and see if you can wear a mask or sumthin' so as not to scare even the sheep as you maraud the local sheep establishments. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol:

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****! What happened to my dick? I only 'Busted "A" Nut' and now it fell off?

Damn, this apple ain't got no stem!

Ohh, thank gawd, it was only my bottle... :****:


I feel pretty, oh so pretty, pretty and gaaaaayyyy!

Saaaayth, wheress thath JB guy when yousss needs himth?


My God man...I knew I shouldn't have opened up this thread. :dribble:

Give me a second while I wash the puke outta my mouth... :eek:

....oh...and before I run to puke again...Happy Birthday...

(running to puke now)

Happy B-Day!

Some of these pictures are gonna make AlGore regret inventing this here internet thingy...
