Looking at a used 04

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Nice section of 537, been there and done it. The video reminded me of those cable 'meat cutter' guardrails still in use in Ontario. If ever there was a hazard for bikers, this is it. Better off not to have them at all. The Canadian Motorcycle Federation should be lobbying hard to have these removed and replaced.

Good luck on the '04.

Nice section of 537, been there and done it. The video reminded me of those cable 'meat cutter' guardrails still in use in Ontario. If ever there was a hazard for bikers, this is it. Better off not to have them at all. The Canadian Motorcycle Federation should be lobbying hard to have these removed and replaced.Good luck on the '04.
Agree with you completely. I know a few guys that have encountered those guardrails. Not pretty. Personally, I wish they'd fix the damn roads up here. Their atrocious (5 of the top 20 worst roads in Canada are in Sudbury. This in a country where 90% of the roads are gravel.. that says something.).

Deals been agreed to and I should have my FJR mid week :D

Resitance WAS futile...you have been successfully assimilated!
Ha! I was a goner long ago. The only question was when.

Now, I've got 2 bikes I need to sell pronto. I was really hoping to get that little sequence done in the correct order before buying the bike.

The worst bit is not sleeping.... HHAHAHA

Well I'm off of work in a couple hours to go pick up my FJR :D

Interesting to note, previous owner got the recall for the TPS but never had it done. So, while it was in for certification they went ahead and applied the fix. Their is also another recall outstanding on it that he was never notified about. Apparently the reflectors on the bags are the subject. The tape that holds them on was substandard and their prone to falling off.

Both sides replaced free of charge.


Are you aware of a possible ticking problem on '04 FJRs ?

I know this has been mentioned but it is something to consider when buying an older FJR. Yamaha has been fixing them though.

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Are you aware of a possible ticking problem on '04 FJRs ?
I know this has been mentioned but it is something to consider when buying an older FJR. Yamaha has been fixing them though.
Yup, I am aware, bike doesn't tick. Picked it up last night around 7, yacked till 8, and rode it home. Smmmoooth bike. I like it alot. Runs like a raped ape above 5G. Unfortunately, temps were at 8C and the sun was going down after about 100km. So I had to pack it in for the night. More today WOO!

Well, I'm proud to annouce that I officially changed my profile to show my new bike :D

Bitch rocks. Pic below.


Well, I'm proud to annouce that I officially changed my profile to show my new bike :D
Bitch rocks. Pic below.
Nice bike. I had the '04 ABS model. Your profile still shows a photo of the other bike.

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You will love the '04. I have been riding a '04 with ABS for several years and have loved it. I just bought a '07 FJR AE and it is sitting next to my '04 in the garage. Now, I only need to sell the '04........ I am hoping I will love the new one as much as the old one. I got a great deal on the '07 and that is the only reason I am selling the '04. Jeez, I sound like I'm rambling...... Enjoy your new bike. :rolleyes:

Zombie Resurrection

Whoa. Stumbled across this tonight. Its from when I first bought my FJR.

SIX YEARS AGO! Holy crap! I still have it, and a '13 in the garage.

Life is good. So are you peeps.
