Looking for a new Helmet.

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If you're looking at flip-ups, give the Shark Evo modular a look. Very slick design, high quality, and feels much better on my Arai head than my Schuberth's do.

I'm surprised the no one mentioned the HJC Symax yet. I bought a new Symax II last year and find that it is the most comfortable helmet I ever owned. I bought mine form NewEnough.com after first trying on several HJC helmets at my local dealer. I probably would have bought from the dealer, at a higher price of course, if he had the one I wanted in stock.
You probably already know that fit and comfort are most important when selecting a helmet. The Multitec doesn't fit me right. I never saw a Schuberth in a shop so I don't know how well they fit.
I do do HJC Symax II. It is very comfortable but noisy I can't maintain a conversation with Scala Rider. But if you wear plugs that should not matter but then you can't use the headset.

If I have to buy again, I might try the other brands.

I know this subject has been covered numerous times and I want to thank you guys for the rehash.

I'm way overdue for a new helmet. If a helmet should be replaced every five years, I should have replaced mine last last year. If a helmet should be replaced after taking a hit, my helmet should have been replaced three years ago. It's been a good lid for me, but it's time to say 'good-bye'.

The Motorcyclist article was very informative. I learned quite a bit from reading it.

The wife tells me, "You aren't going on your trip (to CFR) if you don't have a new helmet." I explain that my helmet isn't available anymore in North America, explain what it would cost to buy one from the UK, hem and haw about taking a risk buying a helmet that I haven't tried... But, I'm outta time. Last week, I broke the retractable tinted visor. Friday, I had to use packaging tape to keep it from dropping down. It's time to pull the pin.

The plastic is out. I'm looking at the card right now. In fact, ..I'm opening another browser window.

Hello BikersDirect

Let's see... we need this one... size XXL ... Checkout Now...

"The credit card processor reported the problem as: Declined: ..." What the Hell ??

time elapsed = 1 second... The phone rings. It's the bank. They want to make me aware of some activity on my card. Weird. That was fast! Either the bank has more sence than I do (spending £462.99 or $750.48 on a helmet - are you nuts?) Or it seems strange that the first charge on that card in years is made overseas.

Well gang, that's it! I guess I'm clear to go on my trip. It's guaranteed to arrive in time or I won't have to pay for it.

I've gotta go now.

I need to get some ice for my ass.

Or a cold beer.

Or both. :huh:

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It seems the best prices may also be found on the best helmets.
Read this yet?
Be careful with that article. I read it before I bought my Z1R. I'm very happy with my purchase, but helmet snobs on this board will insist on spending 3 and 4x on helmets that don't absorb as much impact.


It seems the best prices may also be found on the best helmets.
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Be careful with that article. I read it before I bought my Z1R. I'm very happy with my purchase, but helmet snobs on this board will insist on spending 3 and 4x on helmets that don't absorb as much impact.

After reading that article I was ready to buy the Z1R too, if I could get one with a retractable tinted visor, a flip-front, nice fitting gasket thingys under the chin, and most important - QUIET. edit: oh ya, and a visor that doesn't fog up

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I won't recommend a helmet but I will recommend a thorough local search. We have a well stocked helmet store an hour from us that I found with a lot of diligence, all they sell is helmets and protective gear, a nice store that I give my business to whenever I can. Sure is nice to be able walk in and try on a variety of helmet manufacturers.

comfort comfort comfort. try on helmets till you find one you like. i have had a few helmets and only 2 street helmets that i truly loved. a retardedly expensive bell m2 race helmet that sacrificed itself back in 84 to an old lady in Norfolk who ran completely over me leaving tire tracks on my helmet. she continued on claiming she didn't see me or know she had run over me. after trying on helmets for years always avoiding the expensive models i finally last year tried on an Aria quantum 2. wow it was love at first fitting then sticker shock. after haggling with the parts guy he marked it down to $200 from $650 stating it had been there for a long time and he wanted to get rid of old inventory. after about 9000 miles on this helmet i still love it and would buy another even at full price its that comfortable. my wife didn't like the fit of any of the Arias but ended up falling in love with what she considers a very ugly dark purple Icon. she says it fits like it was made for her head. the expensive helmets have much better wearing liners but if you are going to change every couple years or don't ride much what does it matter.

It seems the best prices may also be found on the best helmets.
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Be careful with that article. I read it before I bought my Z1R. I'm very happy with my purchase, but helmet snobs on this board will insist on spending 3 and 4x on helmets that don't absorb as much impact.

After reading that article I was ready to buy the Z1R too, if I could get one with a retractable tinted visor, a flip-front, nice fitting gasket thingys under the chin, and most important - QUIET. edit: oh ya, and a visor that doesn't fog up
Like I said... B)

I can't win. I just wrote how I'd be content buying a Z1R. Hell, I'd get my next lid from Walmart (aka the Anti-Christ of Retail) if it had the features that have so spoiled me.

Oh well... Helmet Snob it is then :dntknw:

Helmet snob, squid, "attantion whore", saint ...

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I can't win. I just wrote how I'd be content buying a Z1R. Hell, I'd get my next lid from Walmart (aka the Anti-Christ of Retail) if it had the features that have so spoiled me.
Oh well... Helmet Snob it is then :dntknw:

Helmet snob, squid, "attantion whore", saint ...
Hey, as an ex-'sotan, I have to admit your helmet is a lot quieter than mine from November to May. :rolleyes:


It seems the best prices may also be found on the best helmets.
Read this yet?
Be careful with that article. I read it before I bought my Z1R. I'm very happy with my purchase, but helmet snobs on this board will insist on spending 3 and 4x on helmets that don't absorb as much impact.

Which Z1R do you have? How's the venting? Noise?

Great article, BTW.


Which Z1R do you have? How's the venting? Noise?
I had a ZRP, it was OK (not as quiet as my RF-1000), but I changed to a Fulmer AFD-4 when I decided to go to a white helmet. I like it, mostly for the amount of impact energy it's supposed to absorb, and I think it's quiter and better vented than the ZRP. Fulmer doesn't do internet dealers, but I think the Parts America brick-n-mortar stores can get them....

I got an open face 3/4 helmet with a visor that I've been wearing in the heat.

It is a Nitro brand and looks perfectly generic.

I've logged ten hours in this thing without any discomfort at all.

I got it from Iron Pony at the obvious dot com for only $29, with free shipping on orders over $100.

It is very noisy like my Arai RX7, but nothing ear plugs can't fix, it vents well (after I cleaned out the extra EPS from the vent holes in the top) and even manages to blow some air over my ears.

It has very deep ear pockets that I like.

Visor quality is very good.

It is long enough front to back that the visor does not hit my large nose.

And its a really nice sort of off white color.

It is very wide but the top head opening is nicely oval without any tight spots.

Size runs about like HJC, or IMHO one size smaller than a Shoei or Arai in XL.

Visor comes down almost far enough leaving only the bottom of my chin employed as a bug deflector.

Glasses fit no prob, and I can even leave then on when putting on the helmet.

There is room above for me to even wear clip ons over my glasses without touching the helmet.

All and all an amazing helmet at an amazing price.

It is so comfy I'm considering not wearing full face until the Fall.

I've never worn any full face that I can just forget about like this thing.

It is very light too, yet manages to not blow around in the breeze.

Yeah, I got a $30 head but at least it isn't boiling.

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Which Z1R do you have? How's the venting? Noise?
I had a ZRP, it was OK (not as quiet as my RF-1000), but I changed to a Fulmer AFD-4 when I decided to go to a white helmet. I like it, mostly for the amount of impact energy it's supposed to absorb, and I think it's quiter and better vented than the ZRP. Fulmer doesn't do internet dealers, but I think the Parts America brick-n-mortar stores can get them....

Thanks for this, and the article. Interesting comeback from the Snell person.

Gonna go try on some Fulmers this weekend. How does your D4 compare to your Shoei in terms of fit and noise? My X11 was the most quiet helmet I've owned, but just didn't seem to fit as well as the Arai's that I've had since.


My new Schuberth C3 was waiting for me when I got home yesterday.

I took a deep breath before I opened the box. I read that Schuberth changed the fit. I ordered the same size as my Schuberth Concept, but buying a helmet without trying it on is a bad idea. Lucky for me it worked out.

This is a nice helmet! It fits, with more room over the ears and (more importantly) in front of my chin. I can hardly wait to try it out.

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