Looking for new feedback -- Gen II Heli Triple Clamp

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I missed out on the last Heli triple clamp group buy and am really kicking myself for not participating. Shortly after the buy I started having shoulder problems that seem to be aggravated by riding. The FJR has a great riding position, but I'm tall (6'1") and I either have to deal with cramped legs on the lower seat setting or being bent over too far on the upper seat setting. Even with the bars all the way back, if I get lazy I find I'm leaning on my hands too much. I try to use the MYRP as much as possible to help -- but on days I'm sore/tired/lazy, it just doesn't happen.

So, before I drop $340 on a new Heli triple clamp, I'd like some feedback from folks that just bought one. Here's what I'm looking for:

- Did it fix your riding position enough to be worth the cost?

- How easy was the install?

- Would you recommend risers instead?

- Would you do it again if you had the chance?

Thanks for the help!

I like mine a lot but I'm probably biased being a dealer for them.

Since my FJR is my rally bike I'm considering adding the HRTR01 additional riser for an extra 3/4" rise.

Maybe I'll check with Heli about doing a group buy for the clamps or the risers and see how they feel about that.

If anyone wants to put a group buy together, I'd sure be interested in purchasing one. I think if we get ten buyers together, we're eligible for a 15% discount, which is about $50.

I like mine a lot but I'm probably biased being a dealer for them.Since my FJR is my rally bike I'm considering adding the HRTR01 additional riser for an extra 3/4" rise.

Maybe I'll check with Heli about doing a group buy for the clamps or the risers and see how they feel about that.
I'd be down with the additional riser group buy. I have the Tripple clamp, and being short, that extra 3/4 would be perfect. Doesn't really bother me until I turn about 250 miles.

I had Heli risers on my 05, so when I got the 09, I planned on adding them as well. Moving the stock bars to the back position didn't do much for me and I was getting a numb right wrist from vibration, especially when gripping tightly in the twisties. I installed the Heli triple clamp this summer and have put over 3K miles on it and it has worked out great. I am 6 feet tall and now can ride totally upright or slightly leaning forward. The Heli along with a $10 pair of grip puppies has totally eliminated all of the vibration and I've ridden almost 500 mile days without any issues.

The install was relatively simple. Search the forum for details, but the only difficult part is drilling out the ignition switch. Be sure to use some good quality metal bits and start out with a well-centered small hole (use a punch to get started).

I also missed the group buy, but even at full price, the Heli is worth it.

. . . Dan

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A Heli-type tree helped with my neck,shoulder and upper back pain,I am 6.2 and tried all the stock adjustments to the bars and bought a russell saddle as well.300 bucks is way more than I wanted to justify or spend on a chunk of aluminum and after all else tried,I was skeptical that it would help.Well,7000 miles over 3 weeks this summer was enough to confirm it was money well spent. :D I have also worked through all the MYRP,stretching blah,blah that so many here suggest but often times,a true mechanical fix is needed. Doin' my part to stimulate the economy....

Pullback of 1.5 inches or so is available on the clamp,don't think risers alone will help you there.

Some rotation (a few degrees)outward of the bars also makes the clamp desirable.

A drillpress will make the screw extraction job easier but it is not essential.Installation is otherwise straightforward,just don't try to hurry through and rush the job.The clamp surface can be scratched as well as the fjr's paint,so go slow and be careful.

I would certainly do an upgrade like this again(not at full price,seek out a GP for sure),riding comfort is the objective,after all.


I just did it a few weeks ago, Heli triple clamp and the riser that they say won't work. (It Does)

I love it.

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If the buy included HRT076-2 Triple Clamp, I would be in -- especially if it was pretty soon...

I like mine a lot but I'm probably biased being a dealer for them.Since my FJR is my rally bike I'm considering adding the HRTR01 additional riser for an extra 3/4" rise.

Maybe I'll check with Heli about doing a group buy for the clamps or the risers and see how they feel about that.

Catfish....let us know if you can get a group discount if we buy from you....I have to say I had a great experience with catfish when I bought my RAM mounting!!!!!!

I would be interested in the triple tree clamp and the extra blocks for the gen II (my upper back and right wrist would thank you)


To answer your questions, it was worth it and I would do it again. The bars come with excellent installation instructions, pictures included, and it took me about an hour, and that was being really careful. I don't need to add risers.

Thanks for all the feedback. My biggest struggle now isn't whether or not to get one, but which one to get. This one or the one with the additional riser blocks already built in...

Choices, choices, choices... :wacko:

OK, Heli said if I'd like to do a group buy they are cool with it.

Looks like 10+ and we can do 15% on the top triple clamp.

The new riser block (HRTR01) will be 10% off in any quantity.

Let me know what you think.

Also, we might need to move this thread and I have no idea how to so if any of the mods can move this to a more appropriate place that would be great.


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I wasn't aware there was more than 1 helibar triple clamp option, but if 3/4" blocks can be added to the original triple clamp, that'd about do it.

I'd be interested in additional blocks as long as stock cable, clutch, and brake lines still work without modification.

I wasn't aware there was more than 1 helibar triple clamp option, but if 3/4" blocks can be added to the original triple clamp, that'd about do it.I'd be interested in additional blocks as long as stock cable, clutch, and brake lines still work without modification.
You have the Heli clamp and it isn't enough? That's my biggest fear in ordering it versus the other triple clamp offering out there. I want the well-known quality of the Heli, but am afraid the adjusted position won't be enough to justify $300...

I have a bad habit of forgetting about stuff like this, so count me in for the group buy, and if I don't reply or pay whoever I'm supposed to pay, will someone please PM me and remind me? LOL

I am looking to get my riser plate installed ASAP. My dealer said they'd do it at the same time as my 600 mile service, which will be due in the next couple weeks.

Okay, so the Heli clamp may be the answer to by upper back problems, but I'd like informed input. I am female, 6'1", 155 lbs (that's pretty thin guys) with an athletic build. I work out and I am in good shape, but at 58 years old, I find riding with my head and helmet cantilevered over the tank, and my head and neck cocked so I can see through my bifocals to be almost more than I can bear.

I realize some of you ride 500-600 miles a days (I have to wonder why), but I try to get MG to keep it under 200 for us as we do almost all of our riding in the mountains or foothills. Especially when we ride 2 or 3 days in a row, my back, shoulder, and neck about kill me.

MG recently added 1" risers to my '08, but that still doesn't seem to do the trick. I ride with my seat in the high position because otherwise my legs are pretty pretzeled up. Unlike a guy, I can't really muscle my bike around, but I do use counter-steering and can get down the road well enough. There are 2 big problems: #1, I get too tired on the FJR (not so on the Road King, but I don't see myself riding a Harley); #2, MG is tired of listening to me complain--Since we ride a lot, and I complain a lot, he is almost to the point of insisting I buy something else.

I'd been thinking I wanted a driver's backrest (I really lust after MG's), but few of you seem to have backrests, most seem committed to the Heli clamp and or risers. Is there another woman out there who is about my size, or a who is guy about my size who is man enough to admit being only as strong as a grandmother, that can address the Heli clamp, riser, and/or driver backrest trilemma? I assume risers and pulling back the bars affects the geometry of the bike. How does it affect handling in mountains?
