Looking to buy an FJR - Advice?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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My advice is Yes, Buy one, any model year, any model color, Gen I, Gen II, any price. Ride one and you'll understand, it dosen't matter which one as long as it's an FJR. :p

To add to the fury, I owned an '05 Gen1 & now own a '10 Gen2. The Gen2 has a very slightly different, more comfortable seating position. The '10 seat's a tad higher & @ 6'1", I find my knees are less bent & this makes for a more comfy ride. The only bad FJR out there is the one you don't own. These bikes are fantastic.

I know I should stay out of this, but I will not. The Gen II bikes are great and have lots of cool stuff that comes with lots of weight. So if you want to drive the Tank version of the FJR buy one. It moves and turns and takes more effort to pick it up when you drop it. If you want the Lotus version and yes they are a little warmer in the summer. "Only if you are stuck in afternoon traffic in CT. " Then buy a 03 Gen 1. This is what the bike was designed in Europe. They are lighter best color you can own and yes with some minor changes you get 100 more watts from the stator, you get custom springs and shocks, and a custom seat you are all set to go. A bike that will travel for ever has only had 1 recall not the 20 or 30 that the GEN II's are alway's dealing with. (The 20 or 30 is a large exageration). But they have had some recalls that have left people stranded. I will tell you that no matter what you buy you will love it.

How does one find a good used FJR
look for one with a detailed service folder. if the owner took the care to maintain a folder then (s)he is more likely to have properly cared for the bike, too.

beyond that... look for a red one.

This thread will probably start a fight. I've been riding a harley since July of 09. I've put 35k+ miles on it and I want to get into more long distance biking. My Fat Bob just isn't up for that. I punishes the rider, especially after 300 miles. I did a saddlesore on it and that hurt. So for a noob question - How does one find a good used FJR, avoid overpaying, what years are the more popular/why? and where does one find aux fuel cells? That's probably more than I should ask in one thread.
I just traded in a nicely equipped '06 at the HD dealer in Lebanon. I'm guessing it could be had at a right price.
