Loose lock on the saddle bags

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It's quite easy
You'll need blue loctite, and a security torx bit of the appropriate size (I forget the number, but it's quite small and the set at autozone for $8 included the right size.) The security version has a small hole in the tip of the bit which the standard does not.

1. remove back, and leave the lever with the lock in the fully opened position.

2. Locate and remove the two screws on the back of the lock barrel which hold the latch in place.

3. Apply loctite and re-install screws. (probably should just do them one at a time, so you don't drop/misalign the lock and latch)

It's all very obvious once you see the back side of the lock.

And for any EOM attendees, I'll have the bit and locktite available for anyone who wants to check their bags at the meeting.
Okay, I got the security torx-bit set from Autozone...ran me ten bucks, and I'll probably

never use it again after this, but oh well. (T-10 is the needed size, btw). Picked up some

Loctite Blue stick while I was there as well. Should do me well for quite some time.

When you say "remove the back" in step one above, does that mean that I should take

the back of the side case off?



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Okay, I got the security torx-bit set from Autozone...ran me ten bucks, and I'll probably

never use it again after this, but oh well. (T-10 is the needed size, btw). Picked up some

Loctite Blue stick while I was there as well. Should do me well for quite some time.

When you say "remove the back" in step one above, does that mean that I should take

the back of the side case off?



That would be "Remove the Bag" - simply take the side case off, lift up the locking tab and you will see the two screws directly behind where you put in the key...

I had the same thing happen to me and went and got another lock set from the dealer covered under warranty. Although they did offer to put them on for me I took a pass. If ya can't do it right the first time.......

When you say "remove the back" in step one above, does that mean that I should takethe back of the side case off?
That would be the "back plate" of the lockiing mechanism. I removed 1 screw at a time, sparingly applied locktite (it eats palstic, y'know) then re-installed. That way I didn't have to remove the backplate.

Slightly off topic. As we know, liquid loctite can run and damage ABS(and possibly other plastics), causing it to eventually fracture.

The best solution(besides being extremely careful when using it) for using Loctite in the around plastic is to use the newer semi-solid stick that doesn't run.



When you say "remove the back" in step one above, does that mean that I should take

the back of the side case off?
That would be the "back plate" of the lockiing mechanism. I removed 1 screw at a time, sparingly applied locktite (it eats palstic, y'know) then re-installed. That way I didn't have to remove the backplate.

No, it would be "remove the Bag" like I already said. and edited the original post. and I also note:

(probably should just do them one at a time, so you don't drop/misalign the lock and latch)
Thanks for posting this up. I never did the locktite thing, but I noticed the other day that a lock was loose and missing one screw. No worries, 'cause I did this soon after getting my bike:


Details here.

So, today I went out and locktited the lock screws, just for good measure. Did I say thanks?

ShinyPartsUp, Slapnpop, MadMike2 and all the rest,

Thanks a bunch for the offer to fax the directions, but I think

I see what Slapnpop and Madmike2 and others are talking

about. For some reaason I thought that it was the lock barrel

itself that needed to be Loctited (is that even a word?), but

I guess the two screws on the back of the latch go through the

barrel to secure it to the case.

At any rate, that's what I'll do (though one at a time, as suggested,

so's I don't lose the little buggers), but I do appreciate the offer

you made.

I understand now (after looking at it) so I'll do that this evening.

(off topic...managed to loosen my center throttle spring...Holy Smokes,

I need to get used to my bike all over again.)

Thanks again, and ride safe...


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Yup, mine were loose also, in fact I had lost one of them fancy screws. Well, I pulled out the remaining one and measured it to be M3x7. I had a few in my screw collection with slotted heads, so I swapped all the Torx security headed ones out with plain slotted ones. I think you can get them at HD or Lowes. Anyway, I saved enough for a six pack of some darned good beer by not buying that special driver. I did have to grind them down a bit to the proper length, however. I then put a bit of loctite on the threads and then, as an added precaution, I dabbed a bit of model airplane cement around the bottom of the heads once I tightened them up - worked out for me... ;)

I just had one of my locks come apart after 2 years and 19,000+ miles. Luckily I was taking off the bag in my garage, and I found all the pieces. The screws had blue Locktite on them, so they were properly installed by the dealer. Screws on the other bag were still tight. Luckily, I just bought a set of the security Torx bits because of my recent TPS replacement, and I had Locktite on hand.

I recommend these be inspected every so often even if they are installed with Locktite.

The first warning for me was noticing the bag opening latch wasn't closing and locking down all the way (i.e. flush with the plastic on both sides of the lever) I looked further and found the loose screws. Blue Loctite has held them since.

This is my second FJR. I never had a problem with those little lock screws. They always seemed snugged up pretty good. But...I didn't do the initial install, so I didn't know if they's been loctitied or not. So like many other bike related items, this Forum get's in your head and makes you think a little more closely about things. So I spent 8 bucks at Pepboys for that tamper resistant torx set. You know the set. The set that I have lived almost 50 years on this planet not ever needing or thinking about wanting to own some day. I have now used the one, and only one, bit out of that set that I needed to make sure that my screws had loctite on them. They didn't, by the way. They do now.

Yes, I know it is better to spend the eight bucks than lose a lock (I also use the security pins). My question is, why that type of screw is used in that spot in the first place? Where that lock is located, whose going to f-ck with it anyway. Someone desperate to get their hands on my socks and underwear? And at the point they can access he lock the bag is already open!

Oh well, I have a new tool. I will be very excited to see the next screw that requires the use of one of these. Of course, you know that it will be a size that didn't come with the set.

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