Everyone should read these posts and understand how the bags lock to the bike and how the keyed latch locks the carrying handle down which prevents the bag from coming off the bike accidentally. In the 18 months I have had my bike, this is the first time I ever took the bags off the bike. Took all of 5 minutes to take one bag off, and then see how when you move the carrying handle up and down moves that sliding bar up from the back of the bag that actually locks the bag to the bike. And now I understand how one could accidentally install the bag correctly in the 3 point mounting slots, push the carrying handle down properly (pushing up the sliding bar into its slot on the bike) seating everything in place and THEN make the mistake of not pushing the locking mechanism down far enough, allowing the metal latch bar to ride over the top of the notched slot (instead of under it). Doing this, you will lock the locking latch to the carrying handle, but this will not prevent the carrying handle from moving upward and as other posts say, if rough roads, or bumps jar the bag, the handle is free to move up (moving the sliding bar down which is then not securing the bag to the bike) and will not stop the bag from then just bouncing off after going over a bump or something.
Again everyone needs to take the time to fully understand how these bags attach and lock to the bike. And the simple mistakes that can be made thru haste or just not fully understanding things. It might just prevent a big $$$ disaster. What amazed me more than anything was how easy it is to NOT do things correctly. And even if your bag does not come off while riding, anyone can just take it off the bike as it is simply just sitting on the bike by the 3 point mounts.
By the way, the torx screws were tight on my bike (08 AE). I put duct tape over them temporarily and will get the security bit to take them out and locktite them. Better safe than sorry.