Everybody who's had and loved pets understands this and sympathizes. You know you gave her a good life and took good care of her, but it's still awful hard. Very sorry to read this, Jill. Mike
Sorry for your loss. What might seem an insignificant memory will be more powerful today and for days to come.
My girlfriend's first cat lost weight really fast and was fading quickly. We took her out to the Vet and asked that the "cocktail" be administered outside under the tree on their property. It was almost a look of relief between Haley and my girlfriend once the needle was in. A few breaths later were her last and it was hard for me as well. I do not care for cats, but if they tolerate me, I show the same in kind
I have a 2yr old pup and I can't imagine what I'd do without him. He's provided many more laughs than tears and I know it will continue. I certainly do not look forward to the day where I have to put him down, but I know that it will be better for him.
Sorry about your loss Jill of KC the Killer Cat. I've had umpteen cats over the last twenty five years and I know that our lives are greatly improved because the companionship they have given us.
I know the pain you are going through as my little Ginger passed this June and I bawled like a little kid when I buried her.
My prayers go out to you and your family and hope that time heals the pain.
So sorry to hear about this Jill. I had to put our dog of 16 years to sleep in January... still miss the little guy. A pets' love is so unconditional, it really hurts when they have to go. At least you were able to be there at the end. :rip_1: K.C. :bye2:
Every time I lose a cat, and I've had plenty of them over the years, I always tell myself that that's it, no more. The pain of losing them was just to much. Inevitably, the wife or kids would bring one home and plop it onto my lap and that'd be it, another damn cat worming it's way into my heart. I feel for you, Jill, and hope that the raw emotion you feel now will abate quickly and be replaced by the warmth of good memories.
Sorry for your loss, I'm more a dog lover, but when it comes to "parting time", species matters not a whit, ...it just sucks & hurts regardless! I feel for you!