Lost my virginity today in a parking lot.

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But Scab, my brother, does losing your virginity have to hurt so much? :(
Yep. That's why it's called POPPING the cherry. It's easier the second time. Just be glad it wasn't an '85 Wing. I dropped that ole bastard and jumped up out of embarassment and snatched it back upright before anyone could see. Had hernia surgery shortly thereafter. :blink:

But for my feej tip-over, I think I am going to use this as an excuse to paint her hurt-yo-eyes red. Bring her down and I'll just do 'em both at the same time. Menage a trois, body and fender style.

Sorry to hear bout the mishap. Did mine in a motel parking lot trying to leave in the dark with the cable lock on the rear wheel. It picked up real easy.....a pair of Skyway slidders will stop the damage to the farings...PM. <><

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Sorry to hear about that, I dropped my last bike at a stoplight. There was nobody behind me until I almost had it up, that's when the cop came walking up and asked if I was ok. I was in such a hurry to get it back up I forgot to put the kickstand down first. Cop was nice enough to do that for me. I'm glad I had watched the video of the hundred pound lady picking up an k1200lt or I may have still been there trying to pick it up.


I can sell you a right front lower and bag that looks just like yours.
but in Cerulean. :(


Forgot to mention the TOGs. No sliders, but Top Gun TOGs. They definitely saved the fairing from breakage. Barely scuffed the right one. Can't look anymore right now to see if the mount screw is damaged. I need a hug!
Maybe not. Mine, without any sliders, (has 'em now, one drop too late) suffered identical damage and nothing more. Maybe time for some real sliders? (Skyway?)
Gee Jeff, it's been 48 years, but as I recall I lost mine in a hammock! I remember it like it was yesterday.........whoops, can't remember 10 minutes ago, but a long time ago is crystal clear......


The worst part is how it plays over and over again in your head, "if I only would have...." "Man I should have..." "Why didn't I...."

Drink some beers and forget about it. Repaint work won't cost that much. My right lower fairing and bag are being repainted as we speak from the same thing.

I felt like herculeus when I picked the damn thing back up by meself! Why couldn't that strength have kicked in to hold it up as it was falling over?????

well, as always, that SUCKS!!

But, a little touch up with Toyota Stellar Blue paint and you won't even notice. If you get the kind that has the "pen and brush" it will work well - don't ask how I know.

BTW - did I read that you hit the front brake while leaning and turning at slow speed? A sure recipe for a drop-over.

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Sorry to hear about your tumble, but at least it was in a parking lot and not any worse. I watched a friend do pretty much the same thing on her MotoGuzzi in the parking lot at DealsGap. Ride Safe.


well, as always, that SUCKS!!
But, a little touch up with Toyota Stellar Blue paint and you won't even notice. If you get the kind that has the "pen and brush" it will work well - don't ask how I know.

BTW - did I read that you hit the front brake while leaning and turning at slow speed? A sure recipe for a drop-over.
Yep, the front brake was my only choice (once I made the initial mistake of attempting that first space). The pavement angle made lifting the right foot impossible. Already had the right foot down when I just tapped the front brake. A little loose gravel under the right foot, combined with a problematic right elbow, and my arm collapsed under the pressure. Just couldn't hold her up.

If my arms were in better condition (still recovering from broken arm in '06) I could have held the steering. But better yet, I should have avoided the attempt at that first space and just let the cager behind me wait. BTW, he sat there with his blinker on for a couple minutes, rolling slowly forward while I struggled to pick up the FJR. What a guy!

Ashe, Ur just trying to look like that swoopy design they have on the new concourse, I know........... Kinda the whole Testerrosa look?

Sucks but try to get some mileage out of it with the hotties, they do dig scars, practice pouting too, it works well

Well Jeff,sorry to hear of your mishap but it happens to the best of us,I dropped my 04 the first day I had it but I was fortunate to be able to hold it up for a no damage drop,I couldn't get the beast back up and had to gently lay her down.

I did get some sliders after that and would advise you to make that investment,it's really worth the$150 you'll spend.

Everybody gets a bruised ego somewhere along the line,luckily you didn't get really injured,don't worry about it.

Maybe you should take Scab up on his offer and paint both bikes red and ya'll can be the bopsy twins LOL. Just jokin brother,keep your head up.

Yo, dirt bro... so yah lost your vergeeniity eh? But, are you pregnant? :dribble: It happens. Still sorry to hear. But now that she is a real road whore, think how fast you can go in the corners now.. hell, it's already scratched, eh? OBTW, black truck bed liner looks bitchen on 05 FJR's.. kinda like the Road Warrior from hell look... I remember when I dropped my brand new 1979 Kz1300.. my best friend was smart enough to just get the f$#ck away while I vented... Didn't have any money to repair the scratched fairing and bags, so I made some custom Kenny Robert's eagle decals out of vinyl and covered the damage..

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Forgot to mention the TOGs. No sliders, but Top Gun TOGs. They definitely saved the fairing from breakage. Barely scuffed the right one. Can't look anymore right now to see if the mount screw is damaged. I need a hug!

Here's your hug. BTDT! I can recite all the things that will bring a bike down in a u-turn. I can also demonstrate doing every single one of them, in front of a crowd of beer-drinking bikers at a local hang out. I feel your shame!!!!!

But, better a parking lot oopsie than one at 100mph+



So sorry to hear about you dr.... dro.... drop.... dropin... dropping the love of your life.

Hard to even say the word! But really, 30 years! We should all be so lucky!


Sorry to hear about the parking lot incident.

On the other hand, thanks very much for sharing your story.

I'll try to remember to stay away from the front brake during slow speed manuvers.

I'm sure the ego will heal alot faster now that you know it's happened to so many of us as well.....

As far as the impatient !#@$!% driver behind you, things will catch up to him.

Take care.

:angry2: :angry2: :angry2: damn!!!

it happened to me too.... three weeks, new 06 at my buddy's place. Seriously scratched mirror and bag, just like yours, little scratch on the can, no biggie. Just got my parts back from the body shop, $200 bucks, no biggie. Got the new stink off of her and now she seems way mo happy and has not even tried to do that again! It's only plastic my friend and paint is relatively cheap, remember there are those who have and those who will, welcome to the ones who have, we get special treatment.

No shit, it's plastic not flesh...

Take care and ride safe, k?

dfp :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Sorry about your drop but at least you are OK. My 04 scratches look identical.

I have since added protection and will soon get paint to finish the job.

Heart goes out to you. Happened to me a month ago, dropped my glove sitting on the bike in the car park at work. Instead of getting off and walking around I leaned down to pick it up and went A over T. The fairings suffered the same damage as yours, fortunatly I have taken the panniers off and run with a Givi Top Box. Was so pissed off I almost power lifted the bike back up. Ordered sliders the next day.
