Well-known member
Just because it hasn't been posted on a forum....that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I'm sure this is the reason that the Tech is replacing the wiring harness on his bike.
Of the bikes that I have seen this happen to...they all had the YES warranty and Yamaha picked up the tab. I have not seen any come though without any warranty, so I cannot speak for them in that case.Makes sense!! Will question the Tech at the dealer & see if I can get any info:Thanks for the INPUT ; un4gvn, did YAMAHA make good![]()
Exactly the SYM of my Bike; Wonder what the Cause is :dntknw:
YES I Do & I've noticed a hesation in the Power when I flict the High Beams on & off before I lost Power. Dealer didn't say much except that YAMAHA would replace . Glad I Have Y E SOf the bike that I have seen this happen to...they all had the YES warranty and Yamaha picked up the tab. I have not seen any come though without any warranty, so I cannot speak for them in that case.Makes sense!! Will question the Tech at the dealer & see if I can get any info:Thanks for the INPUT ; un4gvn, did YAMAHA make good![]()
Exactly the SYM of my Bike; Wonder what the Cause is :dntknw:
I have my suspicions as to the cause, but nothing concrete. Really I need more data to say for sure.
Just 1 quick question.....Do you ride with your high beams on most of the time?
Quite a few things get their ground at that particular junction. The headlights are one of them. From what I have seen, the people that have this failure typically ride with their high beams on most of the time. I do not think that this junction can handle that type of current load over long periods of time (tens of thousands of miles). Another of the componets that gets its ground through that junction is the fuel pump. <----So you can understand why there could be a performance issue once the ground junction is burnt/damaged.YES I Do & I've noticed a hesation in the Power when I flict the High Beams on & off before I lost Power. Dealer didn't say much except that YAMAHA would replace . Glad I Have Y E SOf the bike that I have seen this happen to...they all had the YES warranty and Yamaha picked up the tab. I have not seen any come though without any warranty, so I cannot speak for them in that case.Makes sense!! Will question the Tech at the dealer & see if I can get any info:Thanks for the INPUT ; un4gvn, did YAMAHA make good![]()
Exactly the SYM of my Bike; Wonder what the Cause is :dntknw:
I have my suspicions as to the cause, but nothing concrete. Really I need more data to say for sure.
Just 1 quick question.....Do you ride with your high beams on most of the time?
1st the ECU
2nd Ignition
3rd Wiring Harness
getting to be afraid Whats Next![]()
Last two 0'dark-thirty mornings, approx 55 degrees F, less than 1 mile on pavement after 3 mile dirt road. Engine dies when headlight switched from lo to hi, turn signals turned on, emergency flashers or brake light applied. Engine cranking speed is normal and immediately fires at restart. Failure could be repeated for approximately 3 minutes. Did not 'cycle' the ignition switch. During the 3 or so minutes, I toggled hi/lo beam, emergency flashers, engine cut out switches. Both days, it just all started working again and, in SkooterG fashion, I just kept riding, another 45 minutes to work. Systems worked normally. No problems experienced so far for the afternoon ride home (~75 - 90 F) Both failures occurred in early morning, approximately same location and temperature (~55 - 60 F) 2006 'A' model, ~65K, Solteks with AutoSwitch, Blue Seas distribution center powering Radar, GPS, heated vest.
I think that: (Need to verify)
Cluster lights dimmed or went out. I recall yesterday seeing both turn signal indicator lights dimly lit, like a low battery or poor ground. Not sure about running lights. Alternator/regulator output appears normal - at max current draw (hi beams + Solteks, emergency flashers, rad fan running, brake light on) the headlights don't dim at idle or brighten with rpm. Battery 'stress' test (hi beam + running lights + engine fan + brake light) for one minute, bike cranks normally, fires immediately. I smelled something 'electrical'. I know the smell, but have a lousy sense of smell. No smoke I could see (dark).Troubleshooting Plan
Measure battery voltage bike dead, idling, 4K rpm using various loads. Check battery connections for cleanliness/tightness. Measure battery negative to frame ground. Check fuse connections. Wiggle wires at ignition switch, try to repeat failure. Check connection at ECU and alternator. Ask the gurus on FjrForum.com!Any ideas? Anyone else experienced this?
Signed, 'Scared of the dark dCarver'. "
So, if a feller was having intermittent problems, he could re-engineer it all with a quality shorting bar and separate ground going directly to the frame? Next time the tank is off, I'm looking at this connection..I don't have any real quality photo's of the connector, but I took a better picture of it's location while I had mine apart today. This thing is about 3/8" square and all it really consists of is a 6 or 8 pin plug, with a staple like jumper shorting all the pins together, with a black plastic cap over the top to protect it.A bunch of grounds join to a seperate wire that goes back into the harness and eventually to ground somewhere.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions.. To my knowledge, there have only been two instances posted on this board regarding this particular behavior.Oh great! I'm just getting the ignition switch sorted out and now this new electrical gremlin rears it ugly head. I always ride with the high beams on so I guess I now investigate this while I'm in there.
It is even worst... I have lost complete faith in Yamaha.Shane; I understand completely, when you LOSE Confidence in your Bike; you will NEVER feel Relaxed Riding it.
Dealer still has my Bike (awaiting Harness) I'm awaiting YAMAHA to drop me a BOMB & bill me.
Mean while I'm ENJOYING my 20yr BMW Boxer Twin R100RT (60hp) crusing at 75-85mph COMFORTABLY & 45mpg
Another FJR, an AE no less succumbs to the dreaded "prince of darkness" syndrome. The above failure is exactly what happened to my 06 AE last Easter Sunday while coming out of Death Valley 36 miles North of Baker CA. All the symptoms described in this thread happened to my 06 bike which has appx. 50k miles and had three (3) ignition switch changes. I truly loved the 05, which was not failure prone at all and the 06 AE(which is often down for electrical issues) a jot. But I am getting gun shy of the 06AE as I am approaching a very difficult multi-day rally starting this summer. I am notified my dealer will replace the electrical harness under YES warranty. More later. :lol:Ok, the first picture is of another one of those junctions...there are several of these in various places in the harness, but only the one I pointed out earlier tends to have problems. This picture is just to show you what one should look like:
The second picture here is of the damaged one that causes all the problems. It is missing the black plastic cap because it broke and came off in about 20 pieces when we tried to remove it. It was melted anyways and very brittle:
Sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your FJR. I understand your decision completely.Let's just say after I get my bike back next weekend (and I pay $420 to the dealer to have ALL my electronics removed from the bike (per Yamaha's instructions or they weren't going to APPROVE my my warranty work), I am done with Yamaha.
According to Yamaha, all the electrical problems many of us are having are because of the 3rd party electronics. If you have them on your bike and develop problems, Yamaha is going to AUTOMATICALLY blame them even without any formal proof.
Geezer,Sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your FJR. I understand your decision completely.Let's just say after I get my bike back next weekend (and I pay $420 to the dealer to have ALL my electronics removed from the bike (per Yamaha's instructions or they weren't going to APPROVE my my warranty work), I am done with Yamaha.
According to Yamaha, all the electrical problems many of us are having are because of the 3rd party electronics. If you have them on your bike and develop problems, Yamaha is going to AUTOMATICALLY blame them even without any formal proof.
It sounds like Yamaha responded to our request for more electricity for farkles by increasing the wattage and, now that people are actually using that extra output and finding the wiring inadequate, Yamaha is not standing behind the product. There is no excuse for wiring harness components to melt. Properly designed wiring, connectors, switches and fuses should prevent these problems. No matter how many farkles are added the fuses should protect the wiring.