Believe me Keith, I just walked away from a unit w/ 19meg of on board memory. It sucked! if you want to use this thing in more than 1/4 to 1/2 a state, you're going to want a decent amount of internal memory or the ability to expand using a data card.
That makes sense, the refurb 2610 says it comes with a 128mb compact flash. That should be pretty good, right? I will also almost always be planning my routes on the computer before going.
Also, it says it comes with a A/C power adapter, that means I would also need to purchase power cord to run it from my battery, or can you splice that to the battery???
I couldn't find anything that said if the 2610 was waterproof or not. The Quest-R is. I am batting those 2 back and forth. The quest R also says it has internal memory instead of a flash card. I don't know if that means hard drive, or not....
Damn this is confusing!!!!! Stupid free market!!!! Thanks for the comments and help.