Low Sided The GSXR Tuesday

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Finally got my collarbone fixed!!!
Jul 11, 2005
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I have been getting better and better all around in my riding since getting the gsxr. Not because of the bike but I have been working on my skills more than usuall lately. I took the Lee Parks ARC class not long ago and even though at slow speeds the throttle on the 1000 is very touchy I was almost dragging a knee on those 40ft circles. Between that class and just reading a lot more my cornering approach, throttle maintenance, body positioning and looking through the corner I really felt better. While I only increased my speed a little on the street in corners I have been doing for sometime I now was doing them feeling like I was in perfect control and not afraid I was at the edge.

Onto my accident:

I was on the way to work and decided to take some back roads to have some fun. Very short into this I spotted some rocks in the middle of the road so instead of aggresively taking this corner I slowed. Focusing on keeping my bike to the left of the rocks I saw in front of me all of a sudden my rear end came loose. I was very surprised as I still hadn't gotten to the rocks that I could see yet. Going back later showed a layer of fine sand like gravel in the road that must have done me in.

As the rear went to the left (this was a right hand turn) I rolled slowly off the gas to straighten the bike. As it straightened I was now pointed towards the oncoming lane yet the bike wasn't under control yet. The whole bike was whobbling from front to back as I headed across the oncoming lane toward the grass. I hit the grass, which was somewhat at an incline and wet from the morning dew.

Instantly the front end went under and as the bike landed in the grass it slammed me onto the street. My right side hit with my arm out and instantly I thought to myself "broken ribs damn". My head hit the street and my next thought was how nice and comfortable it was and the Shoei helmet did a great job.

As the bike slide on its side it hit a mailbox and broke it like butter. The tip over switch did its job and the bike was out when I got to it to turn it off.

A man and his little girl stopped to check on me. He helped get my bike up and refused to leave until someone came to get me. I really appreciated his help and someone there to help me get my head straight.

Bike Damage:

Looks pretty light considering. The sliders did their job. Grass scratches on the right side, slider is bent and so is the bar end bolt. Looks like the Micron Slip-ON didn't take any damage but maybe some scratches.

The real damage came from hitting the mailbox. On the bottom the left lower fairing is cracked in 2 places and the exhaust manifold is dented on all 4 pipes pretty bad.

My Shoei Nerve, Leather Joe Rocket Blaster 3, Leather Joe Rocket Speed Blaster all did their job very well along with my gloves. If I didn't have these on I know my right arm, back and hip would be road rashed. My gloves have the carbon fiber at the knuckles and they were ground down pretty bad.

I wish I had been wearing my back protector as it may have saved me my broken ribs or a few but equipment can't do anything if you aren't wearing it.

I suffered about 5 broken ribs on my right side and a broken left middle finger.

My tires are Pilot Powers and very good tires but my friend who went to pick it up with me said they felt hard and dry. I have about 3500 miles on them and Smitty I think did about 1000.

Feeling a friends brand new Avons this morning, mine don't feel tacky like his anymore. My tires are also pretty worn when comparing them to new tires. This may have been a bit of a contributor.

Also if after I got the rear stopped from slidding if I had gotten my focus back on the turn instead of the grass I know I could have save it. I was looking at the grass by this time and right where I went. Man it is hard to do what you know to do sometimes.

I love this bike and as long as the insurance man doesn't do something crazy I will fix it.

I am already looking at Tsukigi Stepped full Exhaust for it.

I came out lucky no car was coming but I think my increasing speed on the street is going to be saved for the track next year!

Will post some pics tonight!

By the way the Horse farm has a gravel driveway that washes into the road. The Lady who lives there told me I was about the 25th bike that has gone down there in the 28 years she has been there. Lucky me, I have never been part of a club before :D

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Great to see you are well enough to tell us the sad story. Sorry about your fall, similar to my recent tumble kinda. Sand. I now hate sand.

Another theme: ATGATT really does help. Ron, me, you, Silverado...we're all gonna be okay and we can be thankful that we wear gear.

Great to see you are well enough to tell us the sad story. Sorry about your fall, similar to my recent tumble kinda. Sand. I now hate sand.
Another theme: ATGATT really does help. Ron, me, you, Silverado...we're all gonna be okay and we can be thankful that we wear gear.
+1 on the gear. Just drives home to me just how fast it can happen.

And on another forum not long ago I made a post about how a veteran rider shouldn't get taken out by gravel as they should keep their speed to one that they can change with the road conditions.

Well, I never saw it coming!

Great to see you are well enough to tell us the sad story. Sorry about your fall, similar to my recent tumble kinda. Sand. I now hate sand.

Another theme: ATGATT really does help. Ron, me, you, Silverado...we're all gonna be okay and we can be thankful that we wear gear.
+1 on the gear. Just drives home to me just how fast it can happen.

And on another forum not long ago I made a post about how a veteran rider shouldn't get taken out by gravel as they should keep their speed to one that they can change with the road conditions.

Well, I never saw it coming!
I hit dark grey sand on dark grey tar. I had no clue it was there until my front end was sliding away from me. Bam.

Glad to hear you are pretty much all right. I think it was said somewhere on this Forum that for street riding, you probably don't want to do more than 7/10ths, just due to the fact of the unknown conditions of the roads. A little late I know, but even the best, can't make grip when there is none. Again, sorry about your crash.

1. how's that collar bone?

2. is you po'd because day done build doze frames strong 'nuff ta handle troein' dee bike down dee road?

3. if you quit falling, i s'pect tings quit brakin'!

4. get well soon.

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Ouch Sparky... seems we were just talking about dirt bike getoff and clavicle repair. Very good there was not oncoming traffic, or someone else would be posting about it. Don't watch any comedy shows or listen to any jokes... broken ribs be a bitch. Get well quick.

Glad to hear you are pretty much all right. I think it was said somewhere on this Forum that for street riding, you probably don't want to do more than 7/10ths, just due to the fact of the unknown conditions of the roads. A little late I know, but even the best, can't make grip when there is none. Again, sorry about your crash.
Sad thing is I wasn't doing anywhere near even 7/10ths, I was actually doing the speed limit of about 35mph.

I honestly did go down this road to have some spirited fun but speed wasn't my problem. The rear end going out on me and taking me to oncoming traffic lane happened before I knew it. I didn't recover the rear until already across the road, at this point if I then got my concentration back on the road instead of the grass I may have prevented the low side but I also think an on coming car was in my head yet one was not around for miles. Thank my lucky stars.

I just had my 12 week x-ray done on my collarbone. I haven't sent it to my dr. yet but I don't think it is completely healed from looking at it. It feels pretty good though.

This was probably a blessing, it will keep me off the bike for a few months with winter and ribs and having to fix it anyway. I am debating whether to make it a track only bike and to get off the road! I find 3 digit speed occuring way to often lately :rolleyes:








1. how's that collar bone?2. is you po'd because day done build doze frames strong 'nuff ta handle troein' dee bike down dee road?

3. if you quit falling, i s'pect tings quit brakin'!

4. get well soon.
You kill me!

Can't argue with any of that! LOL.

Ouch Sparky... seems we were just talking about dirt bike getoff and clavicle repair. Very good there was not oncoming traffic, or someone else would be posting about it. Don't watch any comedy shows or listen to any jokes... broken ribs be a bitch. Get well quick.

Don't read anything from me, either. My stuff is way too funny for broken ribs.

Ouch Sparky... seems we were just talking about dirt bike getoff and clavicle repair. Very good there was not oncoming traffic, or someone else would be posting about it. Don't watch any comedy shows or listen to any jokes... broken ribs be a bitch. Get well quick.

Don't read anything from me, either. My stuff is way too funny for broken ribs.
I haven't taken any x-ray pictures. My ribs look pretty nasty, one is broken in 2 spots and looks pushed in.





A little rash on the leather pants but figure you guys get the picture :D

Easy with those ribs bud, glad you posted those gear pix though. I tumbled the FJR Sunday with similar results.....the gear works when you need it.

I haven't taken any x-ray pictures. My ribs look pretty nasty, one is broken in 2 spots and looks pushed in.
That had to have knocked the wind out of you pretty good. Add to that the broken ribs..,so, how many minutes before you could even take a breath at the scene?

On the bright side, summer is winding down in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's football season. Getting some couch time will be easier than worst case. Take care.

I haven't taken any x-ray pictures. My ribs look pretty nasty, one is broken in 2 spots and looks pushed in.
That had to have knocked the wind out of you pretty good. Add to that the broken ribs..,so, how many minutes before you could even take a breath at the scene?

On the bright side, summer is winding down in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's football season. Getting some couch time will be easier than worst case. Take care.
Adrenaline is amazing, I got straight up and walked over to my bike. At first I hoped that all I go twas the wind knocked out of me. As time went on it wasn't long before I could tell I broke a few ribs and I started to get stiff. I have a terrible bruise on my hip but I have no skin damage.

I still had pain killers from my collarbone so when we got home from the doctors I took 2 and went to bed. The next day I drove myself to get x-rays. My truck is pretty high and since I couldn't use my right arm to pull myself in I knew it was going to be painful. I couldn't even get in so I got a step stool and got in fine, then I couldn't get it into the truck without it falling off my foot. So I drill a hole in it and ran a piece of string thru it so I could get in and pull it into the truck to carry with me. Worked great.

Man, maybe you should stick with the cage for a while! Them two wheeled conveyances are looking to pine box you! Sorry for your get-off and hope you heal quicker this time!

Ari- Nice play with the avatar. You going over to XX to have fun with those boys? Report back. ;)

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Sorry sparky about the accident. I'm glad you're okay. Sorry about the gixxer...
Yea, I have always been "proud" of her looks and gotten many compliments. I will have her looking good in no time. I have a few friends who are painters, another who owns his own bike shop and I enjoy working on bikes so it will give me something to do this winter. :D

Man, maybe you should stick with the cage for a while! Them two wheeled conveyances are looking to pine box you! Sorry for your get-off and hope you heal quicker this time!

Ari- Nice play with the avatar. You going over to XX to have fun with those boys? Report back. ;)
Got that right! It is 4 wheels for sometime.

You know what they say....."SHIT HAPPENS"....get better soon bro....oh & BTW....shit still happens when not up to 7/10's of one's ability....as you well know....

Glad your okay Sparky, but I sure don't like the looks of my old Gixxer :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: .. I did tell you "NO WARRANTY" didn't I... :p :p Smitty

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