LVAD and motorcycle riding ?

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Arrhythmia and Blues
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
San Antonio, Tx
Any medical/engineering types have info on this? I may be up for one sooner than later and i'm curious. LEO's need not apply, i wouldnt be ridin' now if it was all up to them. I wont give up riding easily or at all. I was curious about recharging it while riding and as an EE that shouldnt prove impossible. Of course i'd be on the transplant list, but too many kids wearin' helmets these days and such safe cars for such unsafe idiots, there's not too many to go around, so what say the clan? (Sorry if this is in the wrong section, there aint no mirkle dept.)



Any medical/engineering types have info on this? I may be up for one sooner than later and i'm curious. LEO's need not apply, i wouldnt be ridin' now if it was all up to them. I wont give up riding easily or at all. I was curious about recharging it while riding and as an EE that shouldnt prove impossible. Of course i'd be on the transplant list, but too many kids wearin' helmets these days and such safe cars for such unsafe idiots, there's not too many to go around, so what say the clan? (Sorry if this is in the wrong section, there aint no mirkle dept.)


Mr Bobby,

Check with your doc. I'm not one, but I think you can't go bouncing around the highway on a motorbike with one of them. No swimming either.

Good luck with the transplant!

Mr Billy

Thanks Mr Billy, My Docs think my scooter is a ....scooter. I have just resumed medical care after a 6 year fall through the cracks ( and this resumption of care only due to facebook ironically ) and i'm not exactly a "compliant " patient so they tell me. I enjoy amazing a bunch of stodgy ole fuks by my drive to survive ! I may not have long, but i try to make the days count, even on here. My ten year membership to this forum may well be the longest continuous non-family relationship of my life...i appreciate all my armchair riding buddies more than they know...the only way i'll even consider another heart operation or transplant is if i get to ride ride no deal...i've lived a good life, with lots of regrets, but i do it my way and blame nobody for my situmation...just tryin to squeeze as many miles as i can ! Thanks again and i appreciate the love !



2 things..

I'm curious how long the battery pack lasts?

And then, if anything goes on the blink, what risk is the public facing?

When my Father-in-law went through a similar deal (after riding all his life) he opted for a Mitzubishi Spider convertable and just kept right on rolling! He's 86 now and helping his grandson write papers for college.

Thank you Redtail, i needed to read that and i'm still learning about how to deal with attachments...Hopefully i can skip this lvad thing altogether and get a transplant but i still have some time before either is a reality...not sure about the battery pack but there is alot of recent wireless power charging technology for these implants in the works....; but the real issue you posed has been with me since Sept. of '04...and i got my 05FJR 6 weeks after getting my pacer/defib...and i got a new one Jan '10. I've been kicked twice with 42 joules to my heart to restart it...on stage at a gig no less...i finished the gig after a rest ! I dont ride when i feel at all bad anymore, after 9 heart attacks i kinda understand whats happening most days and it hasnt been an issue including coast to coast solo trips....but it does weigh on my mind....should i give this up yet ? I've been blessed with 45 years of riding....not like i wasnt a contenda.... I'm a buddhist so its all in the learning curve and if i thought i would harm another human, or any sentient being for that matter, by my own arrogance especially, it would be unbearable. So thank you again my fine feathered friend ! There is hope ! Onward through the fog then !

Bobby I must admit your post disturbed me. Anything that reminds me of my own mortality is disturbing.

After reading of your wishes and skimming the link LAF posted, I say "Ride on Brother!"

You may consider a spot tracker. This would allow a loved one to track your position as well as allowing you a 1 button distress call.

Stay Happy!

Unusual topic for sure, Bobby. Put me down for riding all you can, since you're asking for input. Guess if you didn't love it, you wouldn't have been doing it for 45 years. Nobody gets a guarantee, right?

As for the danger faced by the public from you, I figger you can't do as much damage to somebody else on a motorcycle as you can in driving some two-ton monster. At least I know I'd rather get smacked by a guy on an FJR than one in a Hummer. Keep rolling till you decide to park it.

An' there's still two states with no helmet law at all.

Thanks Mr Billy, My Docs think my scooter is a ....scooter. I have just resumed medical care after a 6 year fall through the cracks ( and this resumption of care only due to facebook ironically ) and i'm not exactly a "compliant " patient so they tell me. I enjoy amazing a bunch of stodgy ole fuks by my drive to survive ! I may not have long, but i try to make the days count, even on here. My ten year membership to this forum may well be the longest continuous non-family relationship of my life...i appreciate all my armchair riding buddies more than they know...the only way i'll even consider another heart operation or transplant is if i get to ride ride no deal...i've lived a good life, with lots of regrets, but i do it my way and blame nobody for my situmation...just tryin to squeeze as many miles as i can ! Thanks again and i appreciate the love !


I have to say I admire your desire and determination. I also am not really supposed to be on a bike. My Neurosurgeon or Orthopedic Surgeon know nothing of me riding again. I used the "don't ask don't tell" theory on them. My Family Doctor knows I still ride. C1 and C2 are held together with 4 screws, two rods, and a huge piece of my hip bone. These are the vertebra, 1st and 2nd that connect your head on your spine. Also have 9 screws and a huge plate in my right forearm. I still ride and will until I can no longer stand the pain. 7500 mile trip last year! And if you guys think a helmet buffeting around in the wind bothers you, well I got news for you, you don't have a clue what it does to me. Any bump or vibration is hell on me. But I would not miss riding for the world.

I am in no way comparing my issues with yours but just wanted to say I understand. I do hope you can continue riding if you can and be safe about it. I know if I go out I want to go on two wheels or in my SO arms. Seems you have the same sentiment. If vibration does not affect your device then power is your only issue.

Hope you can provide your electrical needs and specs and see if someone here can help you get it wired in.

Stay well and provide information so you can get wired up.

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

We're all a couple breaths away from the long dirt nap, but most of us are in denial. You are facing that possibility with determination.

I hope that you are able to get the answers you need and are able to enjoy many, many more miles.

Wow, thank you so much for the support ! I'm lucky it doesnt usually hurt me to ride, and i admire you LAF, and others like painman who ride with so much discomfort...but we are a brotherhood in the wind after all, and they're not always warm or fair or at your back but we ride on ! I seem to cope with a low EF of 10% as measured with a heart catheter, 55% is normal for a 50 y.o. so you see my problem. I gotta meet some of y'all...never know when i might need a kidney! Actually i think it'll be a cool farkle...think it'll affect the trade in? i rode yesterday to Wal-mart to pick up meds, got a haircut and rode unhelmeted home...i cant get the condom to stay on my head at speed though...

Seriously, we all ride with risk but facing it head on everyday gives one a sense of being not found elsewhere at any cost...and y'all are priceless to me!

Blessed to B,

