Magnetic tank bag harmful to paint?

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The bagster is an option. It does protect the tank quite well, which can be important if you always ride with a bag, as I do. I have a bag that I have my electronics in (Starcom1 intercom, B2B radio, and DC power source splitter) so I almost always have the bag on there. But the looks are not for everyone. It makes your tank look like a giant football.

(PS - I'm saving my pennies for a nicer looking tank bag to go on there)


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If you are that concerned about paint damage, may I suggest the tank bag that clips to a ring mounted to your gas filler cap.
Not sure of the brand but it seems to work well by keeping the bag elevated about a 1/4" off the tank.

Someone here will know the brand.

I was looking at them this morning..Twisted throttle

They have tank bags from Bag Connections that us the quick lock system. From what it seems the bag does not touch the tank at all. I am gonna get me one of those soon.

The one I am looking at
I just got that same bag today. I started with the Day Pac 2 which is a little to small for my needs and just got the City. It is just the right size for me. I also have the Heli upper triple clamp and if the bag is to big the bars hit it and I didn't want that. Both the Day pac 2 and the city work great with the heli upper triple clamp. I will post some pics in a couple days when I get some time to do it.


Bagster has been teh way to go for me as well. Anything ordered from them here in the USA takes a while though. Can order them through As a matter of fact he had to post the 2009 FJR models siknce they were not listed on the site. But ya have had a bike 5+ years that had factory gleam to the tank without scratches thanks to bagster.

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I use the liner like one used in a tool box on my RKA tank bag (rubber, basket like weave material) and cut it the same shape as my tank bag's magnetic base. Maybe just a little smaller. I put the two together with two sided decal tape around the base's perimeter and a few pieces in the middle to hold the marterial to the tank bag. It has never allowed a scratch on the last three bikes. It does leave a basket weave dusty area when you actually pull the tank bag off, but that has always wiped away or polished out.

No scratching and the magnets still have plenty of stick.


Tankslapper film kit is your tanks friend.

I've got a 15 liter Marsee magnetic bag and the magnets are strong enough to leave the weave pattern in the liner. Rubs right out though and not a mark on the tank.

I have been using a magnetic tank bag (A small Manta) since I bought my 2007. :coolsmiley02: I placed a 3 inch diameter circle of clear plastic ( that had adhesive on one side) where the front magnetic touches the tank. The other 2 points have no plastic and I have not seen scratches yet.

Be careful where you place your bag when you remove it. It could pickup metal or even rust that could scratch your tank finish.


I've had my RKA mag tank bag since my '03 FJR and use it on the '07 now. Never a scratch maybe because I cut a piece of that vinyl shelf and drawer liner to place under the tank bag. You can find it at hardware stores or Walmart types.

I bought a fjr with the bagster tank bra on it already and a top bag. Works great and is secure. But, When I took the bra off to see the tank, spotless, the stitching that says fjr 1300 is right over the plastic Yamaha decal on the tank and has yellowed the plastic decal bilaterally

Dcarver mentioned on another tankbag thread a great idea. Put some blue or green painters tape on then attach the bag. Or for those that don't want any tape showing keep a roll with ya and apply new tape to the magnets for each use. That's what I'm going with next time I use mine.
CarverTape TM The only fashionable, practicable, and realistic option!

The bagster is an option. It does protect the tank quite well, which can be important if you always ride with a bag, as I do. I have a bag that I have my electronics in (Starcom1 intercom, B2B radio, and DC power source splitter) so I almost always have the bag on there. But the looks are not for everyone. It makes your tank look like a giant football.
(PS - I'm saving my pennies for a nicer looking tank bag to go on there)

Oh, sure, it may LOOK better than CarverTape TM but I can my tape at any hardware store! :yahoo:
I guess my experience is out of the ordinary, from the above posts, but I've used magnetic bags for years with no ill effects. Prior to putting it on each time, I run my hand over the magnets, set the center of the bag on first, then let the wings down so as not to shift the tank bag around. I use Honda Polish regularly and keep the tank fairly clean all the time. FWIW, this has worked for me on the FJR alone for 5 years with no scratches that I can see.
+1! Same thing with same results on different bikes.

+1 to it taking forever. I ordered mine from 3 months ago...and it still isn't here. The only reason I haven't told them to stuff it is because there simply isn't anything like it.

Bagster has been teh way to go for me as well. Anything ordered from them here in the USA takes a while though. Can order them through As a matter of fact he had to post the 2009 FJR models siknce they were not listed on the site. But ya have had a bike 5+ years that had factory gleam to the tank without scratches thanks to bagster.
Just keep a good layer of wax on the tank and make sure theres nothing stuck to the bottom of the bag. Should be good to go.



I use a magnetic tank bag tank too. Not a mark so far, with about 5,000km of riding on it.

Last week I met a couple others Feejer riders that had installed, and swore by this product:

I've ordered my Bra and Tank Top based on their input. Not cheap, but appears to be top drawer quality! Bit North of $125 shipped (Bra and Top combo BTW).

Prior to that plan coming along I was using one called Tankslapper.

Much more cost-effective option - aprx $30 shipped IIRC...

Have a peek at these options...


I PICKED A rapid transfer in 05 right after the purchase of a 05 .Thw window is not that big (i dont mind getting lost as long as i am on her) pleanty of pockets & DOUBLES As a smakk backpack . Averything was cool until i found a beer cap under the bag when i was putting gas in her only 10 3/8 in. scratcheS . wIFE SAYS i am not burnt , Just toasted ,
