Mature Riders and FJR's

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48 yrs old.
I have gray hair on my nuts. Does that qualify me into the mature category? :D
No, at least you have nuts (assuming you're telling the truth), when you can't tell the difference between your nuts and prunes you're old.

I never said I had gray hair on my testicles.........just my nuts. Thought I'd clarify that. :p

And don't worry Feliz, I can still see them. I know exactly where they are. :rolleyes:

I propose an "FJR ELDERS" breakfast at WFO Saturday morning. Only riders over 60 allowed. We can trade stories and dis all the young whipper-snappers.
Is there a room that big to hold all of them? :)

No. Seriously.

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Should we make a distinction between physical age and emotional maturity? If so, I would guess that the FJR is the emotional equivalent of the fountain of youth.

Turned 40, sold my Hayabusa and bought the FJR, mostly to loose the chainlube and gain the heated grips. Really remarkabley similiar feel, power, ride, ergos, etc. under most conditions.

Might as well add my .02 worth to this "little" topic... 51 yrs young and the 05 FJR is my 20th street bike. Positively love the performance of the FJR. The Wifey-2b, didn't want an engagement ring...said "I want a engagemnet-bike".(Pinch me!!) FJR was the instant choice. Still have a 98 1200 Bandit for the days when the hooligan in me wants to come out and play. :D


I'm 26 and bought my FJR as my third street bike (new 06A in 07 -4,000 miles ago). I am very pleased with its' performance. On a track I'm sure you could do better, but the bike holds it own on the road, straight or otherwise.

Only 34 here and my 05FJR is my first bike I bought last year. I would agree with some previous posters that the price tag on this baby is a little steep and it is an intimidating bike.

I commute to work with it and I'm thankful I got this bike. It was an upgrade from the Yamaha Majesty 400cc Scooter I bought to commute and save on gas. Only had it for 3 months when my wife new I wanted an upgrade but she didn't want me getting anything too fast as she wanted to ride on back too and she FEARS speed. So she compamised and allowed me to get a dealer owned 05FJR and I never looked back (ha-ha). As I said in my earlier posts I enjoy challenges. I love the bike and as we ride it more we realize we need to buy new seat(s) so the wife will be more comfortable on back and I drop a little (I'm 5'9") too.

Although there are many bikers here in the Denver area, I hardly see any FJRs around. What's up with that???? I wish I could be out riding now but I destroyed my collar bone while snowboarding a few weeks ago. So I gotta wait several more weeks before I can ride again. To get my riding fix, I go to YouTube and watch the FJR1300 video posts. Thanks again for those of you who take the time & do that!

I haven't posted in a while so enough of my rambl'n.

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Bought my first bike (with my own money) at 14, a Hudson Moped with a 50cc Villiers two stroke engine. This sucker would go 165 miles on one Canadian gallon (the big one), and my first gallon cost me $.39 cents. Advanced through a DOT (Villiers 250cc two stroke), a 1942, 45 ci Harley, a 1954 BSA 350 Scrambler, and the love of my young life, a 1956 650cc Ariel Huntmaster (if ONLY I had kept it). Then girls, wives, kids. Resumed biking in early forties with a 1982 Honda 750 Sabre. Then kids university, bike went. Retired in May 2003, bought a 2002 Honda Shadow 1100 with 540 kms on it in June. Made the mistake of trying a 2003 FJR in September 2003. Tried a 2003 Honda ST1300 the following day. Purchased a 2004 FJR ABS about three weeks later at 61. Rode it til August 2006, and traded it for an 06 AE. All that chronology makes me 65 at this point, and I love my AE. My pillion enjoys riding with me (she's 18 years younger, hehe), but when she REALLY wants to go fast, she throws a leg over her 2003 BlackBird. And yes, she is an MSF instructor, among her many talents. As we are all here for a short time, my theory is; make it a good one, because NO ONE can live yesterday tomorrow.

I'm 29 and I just bought a used 04 from Tennessee. Hope to have it in Cali in 3 weeks or less.


Turned 40, sold my Hayabusa and bought the FJR, mostly to loose the chainlube and gain the heated grips. Really remarkabley similiar feel, power, ride, ergos, etc. under most conditions.
That doesn't look like a Busa or FJR, you are sitting on in your Avatar...... :unsure:

What's going on there? Just curious.

My first bike at the age of 15 was a turkey turd yellow Honda 50 trail bike. Over the years there have been several other bikes, but now at 55 I am riding the best bike ever! (2005 FJR)

I'm 29 and I just bought a used 04 from Tennessee. Hope to have it in Cali in 3 weeks or less.
Hope you're aware of the Republik of Kalifornia's weird DMV rules. Any bike purchased out-of-state has to have at least 7,100 (7,400? - somebody make sure I don't tell a lie to Time-Less) miles on it when you register it in the State of California. If the bike does not have the requisite mileage, it essentially gets blacklisted and can NEVER be registered in the state.

Gotta love that '04 color (even though I also like my blue '05).

interesting read.... I guess I'll join the fracas....

bought the FJR, second bike after 1 year on a starter Honda @ 27. Mostly for touring, at some speed.... :)

Now 30, I've got other toys for the speed fix, but the FJR is my two-up-anything-longer-than-1-day ride.

Absolutly!! Although we're going to have to find someone to come around every 15 minites and say, "ARE YOU ASLEEP?"


...seems like this thread may outlive us all! :D

Are you implyng "we old guys are just holding on by a THREAD?"


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