May 1 AZ FJR Forum Rides The Devil's Highway US 666!

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Thanks for the pics Don. I have made that ride several times, but never this early in the year. Thanks for reminding me why!

I love that ride! My favorite method is to ride to Greer on fri after work, then in the morning shoot over into NM and down to Clifton and back up the Coronado trail back to Greer, and then back down via the 260 to Camp Verde, over to Jerome and down 89 to the west side. There are many ways to do it and they all are great! Glad to hear the road is in good condition. As soon as it warms up there I will be headed up there again. Maybe we could get some local forum members together for a group trek? :)

Hee hee hee. Gotta admit I was rather happy I didn't make this ride. Not so great weather. I was thinking of you - and laughing my ass off.

BTW, weed your yard!

Thanks for the pics Don. I have made that ride several times, but never this early in the year. Thanks for reminding me why!
I love that ride! My favorite method is to ride to Greer on fri after work, then in the morning shoot over into NM and down to Clifton and back up the Coronado trail back to Greer, and then back down via the 260 to Camp Verde, over to Jerome and down 89 to the west side. There are many ways to do it and they all are great! Glad to hear the road is in good condition. As soon as it warms up there I will be headed up there again. Maybe we could get some local forum members together for a group trek? :)
Great idea, 07fjrTom! Why don't we pick the 2nd weekend in August for a FJR Forum/AZ Beemers Club Ride of Devil's Highway '666'? If I may suggest, perhaps we could all stay at The Sportsman's Lodge in Alpine, Arizona; the owner has two BMW's, a classic first year K75 and first year R1100RT and he is very biker friendly. The Bear Wallow Cafe is within walking distance and Elk Tavern is right across the street from the Sportsman Lodge. We would do a Saturday 0600 departure from the Goldfield Chevron in Apache Junction to beat the Phoenix summer blast furnace.

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Hi Don,

We left a few hours earlier than you and the worst we saw were a few snowflakes on the 191, nothing to write home about. But it was cold and f'ing windy for a few stretches, down into the 30's. Had lunch at the Bear Wallow in Alpine, then as we crossed over the 260 near Sunrise Ski got hit with snow showers most of the way to the Hondah casino. Rest of the ride back into town was mostly uneventful. Glad we didn't spend the night.

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Hee hee hee. Gotta admit I was rather happy I didn't make this ride. Not so great weather. I was thinking of you - and laughing my ass off.
BTW, weed your yard!
You Pussy! Hey, I knew you'd visited my house; half a sixer of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer was missing from my refrigerator. Next time, there is a hoe near the side gate, start chopping my damn weeds!

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Hi Don,We left a few hours earlier than you and the worst we saw were a few snowflakes on the 191, nothing to write home about. But it was cold and f'ing windy for a few stretches, down into the 30's. Had lunch at the Bear Wallow in Alpine, then as we crossed over the 260 near Snowbowl got hit with snow showers most of the way to the Hondah casino. Rest of the ride back into town was mostly uneventful. Glad we didn't spend the night.
Good2Go, Saturday was a gorgeous day for '666', the cloud formations were fecking fabulous! Riding 30 miles in snow on Sunday was a real butt pucker experience. Lets do this again in mid-August!

Last edited by a moderator: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Riding Devil's Highway '666' was great; riding 30 miles in the snow, not so much!
Great report Don...but correction Don. That's not snow...that's just a little dusting for effect.
You are a better man than I, Gunga Din! I do not know how you can live where that white shite falls from the sky. I know why Bustanut lives there though, easier to catch a sexy sheep in his pasture!

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Great idea, 07fjrTom! Why don't we pick the 2nd weekend in August for a FJR Forum/AZ Beemers Club Ride of Devil's Highway '666'? If I may suggest, perhaps we could all stay at The Sportsman's Lodge in Alpine, Arizona; the owner has two BMW's, a classic first year K75 and first year R1100RT and he is very biker friendly. The Bear Wallow Cafe is within walking distance and Elk Tavern is right across the street from the Sportsman Lodge. We would do a Saturday 0600 departure from the Goldfield Chevron in Apache Junction to beat the Phoenix summer blast furnace.

Sounds good to me Don! It just so happens I am free that weekend. It's a little far off, but we could start planning anytime. Let's say we run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.

