McCruise Help Please

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May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Clovis, California
I just finished installing McCruise on my 2007 FJR. I ran through the diagnostic tests and have two issues I would like some advice on before I start trouble shooting.

1) The clutch diagnostic test failed. The clutch does not appear to be disengaging the cruise. The instructions state it is not unusual for the clutch switch to be faulty. Does anyone have any experience with this issue and a recommendation?

2) The diagnostic test on the actuator did not work well. It appears I need to go back and look at two items. One is the cable free play from the CIU to the throttle body. I did the best I could to get the free play between the .5 and 1mm setting, but it may be off. Second is the vacuum pressure going to the actuator. I have the pressure set for all four ports at 26 cm (or as close as I could get them). The instructions say normal should be between 30 cm and 50 cm depending on the bike. Do I have mine set to low, causing not enough vacuum pressure to be feeding the actuator?

The installation went very well and I am very pleased with the unit. I am not surprised I need to do a little adjusting, but I love to tap into the wealth of knowledge here in the forum rather than shoot from the hip.

Thank you!

MY best advise to you my friend is to call MC Cruise direct as nothing is too much trouble for them...they will walk you through the whole process...Good luck

I have a McCruise installed on my '06 AE so obviously my setup is a little different since there is no clutch lever.

I would suggest testing the clutch lever switch with a multimeter to see if the switch is functioning properly.

If the switch is reading intermittantly it may be possible to clean the switch by removing it and using contact cleaner spray along the plunger so that the contact cleaner works its way inside the switch. Exercise the plunger on the switch until the multimeter shows that the switch is working properly.

I have never bothered reading the vacuum at the actuator. I don't even remember reading about it in the installation notes. I road tested the unit after installation and all functions worked.

I operate on the principal that if it works don't fix it.

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call McCruise or email them. IIRC there is a step in the setup that you have to select polarity and you have to change that or swap two wires on the switch. They are very helpful on the set up. The main thing with the actuator is to makes sure the cable and the interface move freely.

Just installed mine this past weekend. pretty fun to install eh?

I thought my clutch switch wasn't functioning either till I found out it had to be in gear for the static diagnostic. Go to the very last page of the road test manual and follow those procedures. For testing the clutch switch it tells you to put it in gear and look for the green light to cycle on the control pad with the clutch lever in diagnostics mode. Mine wouldn't with the neutral light on since they are tied into together somehow.

I agree that the throttle/carburetor cable as they call it is too long and to adjust the free play I had to back out the adjustment fromm the CIU quite a bit to get the free play out.

While doing the road calibration you'll have to do the initial throttle pull adjustment about 5-8 times. This is the step where you go a steady 45 MPG and hit set (green light goes out on control pad for 5 seconds) and the cruise should engage and hold 45 MPH. Keep repeating this (you don't have to stop and cycle ignition) till it grabs with the set buttons and holds for the full 5 seconds.

Mine works beautifully now.

Luckily I had also just installed 08FJR4ME PAIR caps which cleaned up the top of the engine nicely for the CIU and cables. I highly recommend these caps for anyone running the McCruise.

I wanted to add a final message to my post in order to record my solutions.

Problem #1 with the clutch switch was solved by removing the clutch switch (located near the clutch lever), opening it up and givning it a good cleaning. Reinstalled using the single phillips head screw, ran the McCruise diagnostic test again for the clutch switch and it passed perfectly. Problem #1 solved! If interested, someone can ask me how much fun I had after dropping that single phillips head screw, not once but twice, and watching it fall into a location which required the removal of the side fairing. After that, I discovered a nicely placed towel all around the handlbars will stop that from happening!

The second problem was the McCruise not holding speed steady, but surging too fast and then too slow. That was solved by realizing my throttle cable from the throttle to the McCruise CIU was too tight. The other cables were fine. Once I loosened the throttle cable up, I took the bike back out for the calibration and road tests. The McCruise worked perfect. Problem #2 solved!

Thank you for those who offered suggestions and help!

Problem #1 solved! If interested, someone can ask me how much fun I had after dropping that single phillips head screw, not once but twice, and watching it fall into a location which required the removal of the side fairing.

Slow learner? :lol:

Glad to hear you got it workign properly. It is an awesome system.
