MCL riser plate replacement problem

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Erie, PA
Anyone got any ideas on how to remove the security screws from the old riser once you have drilled way to far. I have one off but the other does not want to come off. I have drilled way more than I should have. Now I may have a mess. Once the security screw is removed... (one side done) should the ignition switch come out easily or do I need to tap it out lightly.

The ignition switch assembly should just about fall out on its own with the screws (heads) out.

If you have drilled the head off leaving the shank flush with the riser, It may be possible to get it moving with a small punch.

An automatic centerpunch often works well in cases like this, You can often remove the security screw with a punch instead of driling.


The next stage would be to drill through the center of the screw shank and remove it with an extractor.


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If I understand correctly, you have one security screw head drilled off and one that the head isn't off yet? If you drilled slightly off center, take a chisel and knock off the remaining portion of the head.

Ignition switch will slide off the remaining studs.


Thanks guys! Was able to get it separated today and MCL riser is now installed... Now on to the McCruise installation... I appreciate your suggestions and help...
