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formerly Renegade, get used to it.
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Trenton, OH
MD-20-20 Info Clicky

I have planned to participate in this the last 2 years and have been screwed by work or something each time. It's on my calendar for this year too and so far it's looking good.


I'll definitely be there. Rider #13. Great rally. I've run it 5 out of the last 6 years and I've been hoping to drum up a little support for it around here.

There were a few FJR's last year, not sure who they were though. It was the last rally for my old Connie and I was checking out the FJR's in the parking lot while considering a replacement.

The web site is still undergoing renovation, but the relevant info is there.

Book a room soon. I hear they are running low. There are other motels right next to rally HQ, but life is a little easier if you're in the Holiday Inn.

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I'm still waiting for two things to happen:

a buddy that I'm planning to ride with in this, I'm waiting for him to confirm he can get that time off.

The other friggin dillema is my wife's grandma passed in Dec, and they are wanting to get together in NH and spread her ashes somewhere that very weekend. (I had only met her twice in my 18 years of marriage, and I'm trying to get of of participating in that fiasco whilst not having too large a negative impact on my marriage at the same time).

I hope to register by next week before pre-registration is up.

There were a few FJR's last year, not sure who they were though. It was the last rally for my old Connie and I was checking out the FJR's in the parking lot while considering a replacement.

I was there, it was the first rally for my 06 A. Results were positive, I'll be back this year. GREAT rally.

Mike Evans

Saratoga Springs, NY

Rider #27, see you there. I was the last one out of the bar on 04 and 05. Hoping to regain that crown in 07. :drinks:

Rider #27, see you there. I was the last one out of the bar on 04 and 05. Hoping to regain that crown in 07. :drinks:
I'll look for you.

I noticed there's been a rule change. They're not going to split the field into "Heads" and "Tails" anymore -- just one class. And though Rick says he gets 1/3 to half the field in the last week of registration, the riders list is already pretty impressive. If I finish in the top half of this field, I think I'll have done pretty well.

This is gonna be fun.

I are now registered...

Have a room booked for Fri/Sunday... Assuming we'll be staying in the IronButt Hotel on Saturday. :)

Looking forward to this.

How's the planning goin fellaz?

My plan "G" has me riding to the mandatory Annville bonus and returning to the bar with 90 miles to hang out with the bastards that are putting this thing on.

At least I wouldn't have negative points at the end.

If I go with plan A, I'm gonna be pretty ugly at the end.


Your plan G is sounding good to me too specially if it's gonna rain.

It is what it is at this point, I have two routes, and depending upon weather, and what I learn Friday night I'll pick one of those and adjust.

I'm not in it to win anything, just finish and not get embarrassed, at least that's the plan.

Planning is pretty ugly. The "hang in the bar with Rick" option may be a popular route.

I started again from scratch today, then gave up in despair. I'm going with my last plan and we'll just see how things unfold.

Look for Ed Day on the nametag and say hi.

Planning is pretty ugly. The "hang in the bar with Rick" option may be a popular route.
I started again from scratch today, then gave up in despair. I'm going with my last plan and we'll just see how things unfold.

Look for Ed Day on the nametag and say hi.

So you're Ed Day? or do you just want me to say hi to someone else? :)

Wow was this ever fun... All you peeps on the eastern side of the country need to do this next year.

You don't know what you're missing. Met Squeezer (Ed) who scored well I might add. Saw a couple other FJR's, one totally decked out for LD riding, not sure who that was or where he scored in the end. Folks all had their game faces on Friday and Saturday but loosened up quite a bit Sunday ;)

Much fun was had, we ran a good conservative route, that had we completed it would have put is in the top 20 ish? But we got hosed at a bonus location (details later).

We ended up 30th which still wasn't too shabby all in all for my first real 'rally'.

Hey Matt! It was great to meet you -- and, yeah, this is a great rally. I was hoping to finish better, but I'll settle for the top half in a field that strong.

I think that decked out FJR you saw was Alex Schmidt's, who finished somewhere in the top 10, which is awesome. He was riding with another New Yorker on a beemer.

And I bet that bonus you got hosed on was the Excursion at Todd Witte's. I got burned on that one too.

Hey Matt! It was great to meet you -- and, yeah, this is a great rally. I was hoping to finish better, but I'll settle for the top half in a field that strong.
I think that decked out FJR you saw was Alex Schmidt's, who finished somewhere in the top 10, which is awesome. He was riding with another New Yorker on a beemer.

And I bet that bonus you got hosed on was the Excursion at Todd Witte's. I got burned on that one too.
No, we actually got that one, we wrote down the Excursion plate, then started to ride away. I saw the Expedition in the driveway, and said, you know what? He said Expedition and we went back. I was really trying to pay attention at the rally meeting and Expedition was the only thing I wrote down besides the address.

We got hosed in Pit-Hole City by Mr. Garmin. Details soon on my website. Grrr.....

If'n you care, our ride details and recap are here:


Yeah, I know, if you have time to take pictures you aint riding fast/hard enough, but we had a blast. We'd have done better had we not gotten, uh, off-route. But none the less, we finished and finished somewhat respectably for our first crack at this, especially considering the field as you mentioned.
