MIC Survey Report

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
McMinnville, OR
webbikeworld.com reports on 2008 motorcycle owner survey

Some things I found interesting:

  • The average age of motorcycle owners is getting younger.
  • 23% of the people who rode a motorcycle last year were women.
  • People who own motorcycles make more money than the average American.
  • Test rides are the most important factor in determining which motorcycle to buy.
  • Only a quarter of non-owners have a positive attitude towards motorcycles, while a third are neutral.

I see a lot more women in mSF classes

Bikers I think are all lumped together from the Club riders, HD , Hooligans to the majority of generic rider, hence the public perception. Except for The Long Way series, The cooking guy Alton on a BMW , and Then Came Bronson are riders portrayed in a positive light?

Age , Seems about the same as always in the NW. HD guys are older, SB's young and touring bikers middle age.

I see a lot more women in mSF classesBikers I think are all lumped together from the Club riders, HD , Hooligans to the majority of generic rider, hence the public perception. Except for The Long Way series, The cooking guy Alton on a BMW , and Then Came Bronson are riders portrayed in a positive light?

Age , Seems about the same as always in the NW. HD guys are older, SB's young and touring bikers middle age.
Who are you calling Middle Aged? Take that back!

25 percent of non-riders have positive attitudes and 33 percent are neutral...which implies 42 percent are negative. Hmmmm. I wonder why. Maybe they don't like having the bejesus scared out of 'em by open-piped hogs on full throttle right next to the cage window, or their small children quaking in fear as they walk past a pirate mounting up.

25 percent of non-riders have positive attitudes and 33 percent are neutral...which implies 42 percent are negative. Hmmmm. I wonder why. Maybe they don't like having the bejesus scared out of 'em by open-piped hogs on full throttle right next to the cage window, or their small children quaking in fear as they walk past a pirate mounting up.
or those "crotch rockets" always speeding and weaving in traffic acting like the road is their personal stunt track.

25 percent of non-riders have positive attitudes and 33 percent are neutral...which implies 42 percent are negative. Hmmmm. I wonder why. Maybe they don't like having the bejesus scared out of 'em by open-piped hogs on full throttle right next to the cage window, or their small children quaking in fear as they walk past a pirate mounting up.
That's ok... I have a 100% negative attitude towards car drivers. I don't like the bejesus scared out of me by some idiot almost-left-turning in front of me or any of the hundreds of other dangerous tricks they pull. They're ALL out to kill me.

After reading the methodology of this study, it appears that any conclusions would be spurious, at best.

25 percent of non-riders have positive attitudes and 33 percent are neutral...which implies 42 percent are negative. Hmmmm. I wonder why. Maybe they don't like having the bejesus scared out of 'em by open-piped hogs on full throttle right next to the cage window, or their small children quaking in fear as they walk past a pirate mounting up.
or those "crotch rockets" always speeding and weaving in traffic acting like the road is their personal stunt track.
I guess every one else is wrong except our little group here

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MY biggest fear is all those electronic farkles the ST and LD riders put on their bikes.

The EM field they generate can stop a pacemaker.
