Michelin Pilot Power 2CT

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Jun 27, 2005
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Lincoln Hills, CA
Anyone run the Pilot Power 2CT on a Sport or G.T. bike yet?? That's the dual compound, softer on the shoulders tire they have had out for at least a part of this riding season. I really like the Powers on my Blackbird, but the rear tire only goes about 4,000 miles on that bike.

What I'm wondering, and can't tell from the Michelin and tire suppliers' sites, is how the center and shoulder compounds compare to a regular Pilot Power. I.e., is the center the same and the shoulders softer, or are the shoulders of the tire comparable to a Pilot Power and the center comparable to a Pilot Road? I'd be really interested in this tire if it's the best of both worlds: P.R. like in the center, with the grip of the Power on the shoulders.

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Just bringing this back up as I will be entering the market soon.

Reading this and the new Avon thread. The Avon is a dual compund as well. but on the Avon it seems to be intermingle through-out the tire where as the Mich has demarcation lines for the dual compound.

C2 link

Avon link

I do not have any info on the price of either as of yet

Knowing Michelin and they quest for a stickier tire I would suspect that they went with the same center and softer side. Not that it wasn't soft to begin with. It held my heavy FZ on the track at the full lean no problem.

Why would you want to put such a performance tire on the FJR? It will be dead in 3k, you would never run down the sides of the tire on this bike?! I might be wrong, but to me it sounds like putting a tire that can run at 200mph on the Nissan Sentra

Why would you want to put such a performance tire on the FJR? It will be dead in 3k, you would never run down the sides of the tire on this bike?! I might be wrong, but to me it sounds like putting a tire that can run at 200mph on the Nissan Sentra
Well my Sentra can do approx 155, and I tend to ga a "hair" over the limit from time to time. (read "hair" with a grain of salt). The cost factor between the C2 and the Roads, and Avons Is negligable. The life factor may be a little longer from one to the other, but with my luck I am more likely to pick up a road hazard than wear out a tire. So a Tire that can go 15000 + is really no good if it is full of patches IMHO.

And on the performance side "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it".

I am hoping Santa will bring me a few track days / classes.

I'm on my third set of Pilot Powers on my FZ1. The first two sets were slightly rough on the sides as they wore down. This third set grips just as well in the twisties but is 'pilling' much more heavily, on the sides of the tires. Since my riding style has not changed, the side compound has to be softer for this to happen. The center of the tire is still wearing smooth. B)

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A few weeks ago I put on a new Pilot Road on the rear and a Pilot Power 2CT on the front. Then I took a long trip up to Deals Gap and the Cherohala Skyway. This combo worked great and I am very satisfied so far. I'll just have to monitor the wear factor and see what kind of life I get out of this set up. Honestly I could not be happier w/the ride and feel of this set up. If I can get decent miles out of the set no doubt I'll go back for more.

Did you ever get any info on the Mich pilot power 2ct?
If so what was it?
Yeah, I did. I posted the question on both the FJR site and on a XX forum, figuring someone into sportbikes might have tried them or known something about them. I knew they had become available in Europe at least several months before they became available in the U.S.

What I got, from a few sources who had used them (one or two in Australia) and one who was considering them on his track bike, was that the center is pretty much the same compound as the Pilot Powers I've been running on the XX for a couple years (tires I really like), but that the outsides are softer yet. The 2CT tire is more a racing tire than the regular Pilot Powers, though the regular Pilot Powers have been marketed and have received great reviews as a tire you can ride on the street and take to the track.

Someone also posted something from his race guru giving him tire info for the track -- who had a lot of good stuff to say about Pilot Powers and added, in a somewhat surprised manner, that they have also proven to be nearly impervious to heat cycle deterioration. I thought that was awfully interesting. Anyway, I was NOT looking for a softer tire for my applications, so I'll stick with the Pilot Roads on my FJR and Pilot Powers on my XX. But IF the 2CT would have had the Pilot Road compound center and Pilot Power compound shoulders, I'd have had that tire on the back of my XX in a heartbeat and considered trying it on the rear of the FJR. Maybe Michelin will hear us and offer up such a tire in the future.
Thanks for the info, as I was under the impression that the center was "road" like and the outside was "pilot" like. This is prob too soft for the FJR.

Do you mind if I post you info? or you can do it.
Post away. I'm actually trying to get some work done after dragging my now tired ass back home last night from backpacking over the weekend.
Along with this info from exskibum, I called Michelin and spoke with a tech. He said the C2 will work great on an FJR and I would not have to worry about sidewall flex from the size of the bike and rider. The only drawback of this tire over the "roads" is the longevity. and ofcourse YMMV but could prob expect 4-5k on the C2 and 8-10 k on the "roads".

I will post later if I put the C2 on

Anyone with updates on the Pilot Power 2CT on FJR, initial impressions, wear, mileage, ride?


Anyone with updates on the Pilot Power 2CT on FJR, initial impressions, wear, mileage, ride?
I think you'll want to wait until the Pilot Road 2 hits US dealerships in September or so.

I'm running Pilot Powers on the Blackbird and Pilot Roads on the FJR. Both are heavy bikes, but I believe the FJR is enough heavier that I wonder about putting a Pilot Power on the rear (sidewall strength and even faster wear (I get 4500 miles from new to cord/carcass on the rear Powers on the Bird).

Both my bikes will get one more pair of the same tires (Powers on XX, Roads on FJR) before summer's end. At that point, I will be seriously considering the new Pilot Road 2 for both. If it proves to be what the marketing department says it is, it may be the tire I was hoping the more track oriented Power 2CT would be.

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Anyone with updates on the Pilot Power 2CT on FJR, initial impressions, wear, mileage, ride?
I think you'll want to wait until the Pilot Road 2 hits US dealerships in September or so.

I'm running Pilot Powers on the Blackbird and Pilot Roads on the FJR. Both are heavy bikes, but I believe the FJR is enough heavier that I wonder about putting a Pilot Power on the rear (sidewall strength and even faster wear (I get 4500 miles from new to cord/carcass on the rear Powers on the Bird).

Both my bikes will get one more pair of the same tires (Powers on XX, Roads on FJR) before summer's end. At that point, I will be seriously considering the new Pilot Road 2 for both. If it proves to be what the marketing department says it is, it may be the tire I was hoping the more track oriented Power 2CT would be.
I'm on about the same schedule. My next set will definately be the Pilot Road 2CT's. Currently running Roads with about 1500 mi. on the clock.

The Pilot Powers 2CT have been available at retail in Canada since Jan 2007. Just waiting to hear from others who may have tried these on FJR. Looks like we might be waiting till the fall. I agree with others that FJR weight could make these tires short lived on this set up (sacrifice mileage vs traction) compared to new Pilot Road CT coming later this summer.

I have 4k on my pilot road rear and 4k on my pilot power 2ct front.........front is going to out last the rear..........looks like I am about 1/2 done with the rear.........I'm guessing I'll get about 8k w/the rear, maybe 10-12k on the front w/the 2ct

I like this set up for me.....works good so far

I have 4k on my pilot road rear and 4k on my pilot power 2ct front.........front is going to out last the rear..........looks like I am about 1/2 done with the rear.........I'm guessing I'll get about 8k w/the rear, maybe 10-12k on the front w/the 2ct
I like this set up for me.....works good so far

6100 miles on my Pilot Roads, found the rear flat tonight :angry2: (center was getting a bit thin, but didn't think it was THAT thin) so time for new skins. Hate flats, but if you gotta have one, on the center stand in my own garage is a good place to find it. Front looks to last awhile longer, but will probably change them both out to be ready for long trips this summer. Exskibum, I too am looking for info on the PR 2 as I'd like to see a harder center to these, but retaining the sticky sides. We need to get together with Toe for another assualt on Ebbets soon.

I think Sport Bike magazine did a comparo on PW and PW dual and they said that unless you are doing track don't waste your money basically. I tend to believe those guys with their analisys


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