Mileage Check

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I took delivery of my '05 ABS on August 29, 2005, and after 370 miles today, it now has 12,612 total miles. My only problem was a quirk with the ABS system - it was in perfect shape when I dropped it off at the dealer for it's 8,000 mile service, and they blew out the computer that runs the ABS system, so I rode to and from WFO-4 without the ABS working while they waited for a replacement part. It was all handled under warranty.

I bought my 2005 ABS new on June 12th 05 as a late birthday present.

Today I have almost 5200 miles on it.

Compare this to my Kawie Drifter 800 that I bought in March of 2002, sold in 6/05 and only had 8200 miles on it.

Love my blue bomber!

@ TurboDave...

[SIZE=14pt]Happy birfday to you... [/SIZE]

Happy birfday to you...

Happy birfday dear Daaa--aave...

Happy birrrrrf--daaaay toooo yoooou.

Oh yeah, 12 months and the odo says 1191 miles. Not too bad considering I didn't ride for 2 mo. during our really wet winter and then spent 9 months on swing shift so didn't ride much this summer.

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Took delivery June 27th, 2005. Just turned 13000 trouble free miles.

Hey Lauden,

Are you following me around? I took delivery of my 05 6/28 and just turned 12,550 !!!


@ TurboDave...
[SIZE=14pt]Happy birfday to you...  [/SIZE]

Happy birfday to you...

Happy birfday dear Daaa--aave... 

Happy birrrrrf--daaaay toooo yoooou.

Oh yeah, 12 months and the odo says 1191 miles.  Not too bad considering I didn't ride for 2 mo. during our really wet winter and then spent 9 months on swing shift so didn't ride much this summer.
Is this mileage correct?

Or did you typo and leave off a zero?

1200 miles in 12 months? What did you do? Buy an FJR to get smokes at the corner convenience store? :p


Did you mean --July 2004-- for your 05 delivery date? If not, 30,000 mi's in 3 months is huge!!!!

@ TurboDave...
[SIZE=14pt]Happy birfday to you...   [/SIZE]

Happy birfday to you...

Happy birfday dear Daaa--aave... 

Happy birrrrrf--daaaay toooo yoooou.

Oh yeah, 12 months and the odo says 1191 miles.  Not too bad considering I didn't ride for 2 mo. during our really wet winter and then spent 9 months on swing shift so didn't ride much this summer.
Is this mileage correct?

Or did you typo and leave off a zero?

1200 miles in 12 months? What did you do? Buy an FJR to get smokes at the corner convenience store? :p
Ditto what Mike said, happy birthday Dave.

For me, 24K since Mar '04, which includes owning & running a manufacturing company and 6 weeks of downtime this summer for the tick-be-gone.

I know Mike has more mileage than this, as I and about 9 others rode with him more than 2500 to and from WFO. :D

Go TurboDave!!!

Do like me. Keep the 05 in the barn so you can go out in the garage and squeeze the clutch lever when you get the urge. The urge probably won't last long.

Can't wait for my "AE" to arrive. The nay-sayer's will never know what they are missing.

26K on the 05 FJR that I took delivery on in October a year ago and 14K on the cruiser from June04 to June 05. All trouble free miles on the FJR.

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14 july 2004, currently have 16,500 miles. It's starting to sound and feel like I may need to sync the tb's. Last time it was done was at 4.000 miles.

14 july 2004, currently have 16,500 miles.  It's starting to sound and feel like I may need to sync the tb's.  Last time it was done was at 4.000 miles.
BlueHammer, I'd say your overdue for a throttle body sync. I sync mine at least every 4K. It is always out of adjustment although sometimes just slightly. I like to keep it tweeked. I can always tell the difference after a sync even when the adjustment is minor. :D

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Picked up Blue on 9/4/04.Currently at 11,387 ..running fine. Dang winters get in the way up here in Maine. :D

Picked up my new blue '05 on April 15, 2005, but didn't get 600 miles on it until around June 1. I have 4700 on it now. But then, I put about 2800 on the Blackbird in that time, too.

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picked up my '05 non-ABS last year on Oct 22nd.

I now have 16,600 miles on it is definitely ticking...... :(

Tomorrow I am taking to dealer to report it as I am about out of warranty.

BUT - this is a great bike and I am very happy with it and would buy another in a minute. :D

My '05's in-service 1yr. birthday was last Friday Oct. the 14th. 16,776 miles without a hiccup.

I can only blame the Michigan winter and work for the low mileage, although without work I'd be without the FJR too ! :D

Happy Birthday TurboDave !

Late 8/05 with just a 'tick' under 18,000 miles.
Are you riding at night or something? How can you post and ride so much, you got some kind of wireless internet 'gizmothingamejig' hooked up on that bike?

Or this a misprint and you actually mean 18 miles? Yeh thats it. :D

I feel better about writing my miles after seeing some low mile ones out their now.

I picked up mine April 27, 05. Have just about 1500 miles on it. I did have a long trip planned but it fell through because of work. And I also had to cancell for the CFO because of some other issues like building a house. I know, its terrible. Hoping to get a few more before the season ends though.

