Mini Trunk

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Shane,I have a Givi V 46. You can get it in a color to match the FJR. Its a bit smaller than the  E 52. Check it out on Givi's web page.

THe E52 I have is already paid for :assasin: and I can interchange it between bikes since I can only ride one at a time!

Best Regards,


I may have to have a Drivers Log sale sometime in the future to fully accessorize the FJR1300 :clap: !

Brazos - which part of Texas are you in?

Best Regards,



Not sure the "what" in does it come with an airbag. If you mean Drivers Log, it comes with support from a hot airbag :D !

Best Regards,


Not sure the "what" in does it come with an airbag. If you mean Drivers Log, it comes with support from a hot airbag  :D !

Best Regards,

It was a poor attempt at a joke. The new top of the line GW will come with and airbag, so the top box shown looks like a GW trunk, so.......the poor attempt at a joke.

Mike :alcoholic: :help:


I guess a ride to Stephenville for some BBQ is out of the question :lol: !

Let me know if you are ever down in this area - maybe we can meet for a burger.

I live in BCS - Sandi / I graduated from A&M and never left.

Best Regards,



I've been contemplating a ride to Ft. Worth in the next week or two. But, if I can't arrange that, then next Spring for sure.

I sure miss that Texas BBQ.

Be safe out there.




The spring is much nicer time any how with GOD's offical flowers blooming in all their BLUE glory :D !

If you get here around spring, please let me know. Stephenville isn't that far away from either of us!

Best Regards,


Do any of you actually use a GIVI trunk case along with the side bags?
I have a Givi E460 that I kept when I traded the Concours for the FJR. I leave it on the FJR all the time. Also I keep the side bags on all the time. I use the E460 for helmet storage & small misc. items such as extra AAA & AA batteries, small bunges for strapping things on the optional luggage rack on the E460 and for purchases to take home. One side bag is reserved for FJR items. Tools, manuals, etc., small first aid kit & a qt. of oil. The remaining sidebag is left for space to carry jacket & clothes when I take them off while riding. For cross country trips I reevaluate my needs, usually eliminating the space for the helmet in the trunk & jacket & clothes. I then also carry a blue fabric suitcase. A Geza cover usually goes in one place or another on trips as well. I'm sure we all do it differently. Whatever works for you is the way to go. Good luck.
