Mirror Idea

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...Do these wooden posts I am wearing make my feejer look fat? :rolleyes:

Put down that friggin camera The Bull spoted me. Time to go!

I have FZ1 mirrors on my bike and find they are great!
Woof, and they work just like cat's whiskers, letting me know when it's time to back out (before pulling a RenoJohn)!

I think Fred was thinking of these:


Nice, but expen$ive,,,jeez,

Anyway, looked at the other spot mirrors and they were just too small to be of much good. They do make some 2" diameter ones that are mounted on a tilted base (looks about 22 degrees or so) but still not enough to match the curve of my windscreen.

I also can see that S.Mikes mirror would only be usefull when the sheild is fully raised? I have a Cee Baily 4X4 that goes through a pretty big change in angle between the all the way down and the all the way up position that would make mounting a mirror that was not adjustable kinda useless ...(except at that one position)

I may end up going with the FZ mirrors, but I plan to experiment a bit more with finding a cheaper alternative to the Saeng mirrors.

My only real complaint right now with the stock ones is I am running with a set of the V-Strom knuckle guards durring the cold months, and 1/2 of what I see in my mirrors now is the front of those guards.

Durring the summer I take them off, and not being a very wide person, see quite well with the stock mirrors, but would like something to fill in those blind spots some.

I ALWAYS physicaly turn to check adjacent lanes before making a move, but still like the idea of having the spot mirrors to keep an eye on that area.

Will let you all know if I come up with anything....


I aded the FZ1 mirrors to my 05, and was very impressed with the added visibility and confidence I had with them. I really think that with those mirrors, and a nod over my shoulder when changing lanes, that I should never have a problem. I'm telling you, its the best farkle I've added to this great bike. Love the FJR :yahoo: Jay

i too have mounted the FZ1 mirrors on my '05...thousand fold increase in rear visibility. i have a limited walking area in the garage and the longer stems of the FZ1 mirrors amake folding the mirrors in a bit easier.

I've been following this thread, and although I don't think I would be interested, I saw small 2 inch (3 inch available) bar-end mirrors available. Does anyone have experience mounting these, and would they help cover blind spots not covered by the stock mirrors? Definite disadvantages (looks, extra length at the bar ends, vibration blurring perhaps) but it might work. I think I saw them in the Motosports catalogue.

I've been following this thread, and although I don't think I would be interested, I saw small 2 inch (3 inch available) bar-end mirrors available. Does anyone have experience mounting these, and would they help cover blind spots not covered by the stock mirrors? Definite disadvantages (looks, extra length at the bar ends, vibration blurring perhaps) but it might work. I think I saw them in the Motosports catalogue.
I tried them years ago on a Honda and took them off. They worked, but you have to actually look closely. It's much more natural and far more effective to just turn your head and look.
