Miss Nevada

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Seems like this type of behavior would be a prerequisite for Ms. Nevada. Well, Ms. Las Vegas at least! :D

Who put the red stars on there? Call us when you get a proper link.

Jeez, another starlet displayin da rack. So untypical. Just think of the shock had she joined a convent, now that would be newsworthy.

Nuclear waste repository... She's gonna need something to keep her warm when she turns 30. Wait a minute. I volunteer!

But looking at those pictures I kept hearing my Grandmother saying "My stars and garters!".

Really sick mix!

She can't be all bad - Clicky.
That's cuz she thought "nuclear waste facility" was a type of cocktail. "Gimme a double!"

I believe that this sort of behavior may be what led to NV becoming the LD state of choice. Sure, everyone SAYS it's all about the wide open roads, but now we know the truth.


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