Mobil Oil-not synthetic

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Went to Wally World to buy oil-usually Rotella or Casrtol. Saw Mobil dino "diesel oil" 15-40 for $6/gallon. I assumed this is as good as Rotella and bought 6 gallons. Think it's OK? Ian, Iowa

Good deal, wish it was at my wal-world.

I did notice that weeks ago there was only 2 HD-diesel oils, Rotella and Mobil Delvac.. Yesterday I decided to try the Rotella HD, switch from the Mobil, I saw more contenders in this aisle...Castrol, Supertech, Mobil, Rotella and Delco or something like that...Those wasn't there month ago.

Drained my Mobil Delvac after 2200 miles, it was quite dark and slightly foamy....Hmmm...did not know what to make of it. First oil change using a diesel oil, I saved it to compare to the Rotella when I drain it in 2000 miles.

I don't know who does the ordering at our Wally World, but every time you look for Mobil1 diesel oil, they only buy a case or two at a time, so they are always sold out. $6 a gallon is a good deal for any diesel oil today!

at my wal-world. ... I saw more contenders in this aisle...Castrol, Supertech, Mobil, Rotella and Delco or something like that...
I asked earlier this year which refinery makes the Supertech oil (Walmart house brand) and was told Pennzoil / Quaker State

by one of the automotive dept guys. Just FYI

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at my wal-world. ... I saw more contenders in this aisle...Castrol, Supertech, Mobil, Rotella and Delco or something like that...
I asked earlier this year which refinery makes the Supertech oil (Walmart house brand) and was told Pennzoil / Quaker Stateby one of the automotive dept guys. Just FYI
Pennzoil and Quaker State are both products with-in/under the Shell Oil brand/company.
