More info on electric shift '06 AE

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"Did you have a bad Easter? I hope you have a better one,"

No Easter this year. They found the body! :haha:


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Foot shifter is all electric -- no mechanical linkage to transmission shifting mechanism.
If true, then all the 06's will not be able to roll start correct? If you have no mechanical way to shift it into gear I presume.

Did you have a bad Easter?  I hope you have a better one, because your comments are uncalled for. 
There will always be problems associated with any motorcycle, regardless  of    make or model.  I know personally a guy who had his battery cables come loose when he took his new 05 Yamaha Roadstar.  Rode about 6 miles and died, no lights, no power, it shut off completely.  He found the dealer did not tighten his terminal screws of his battery.  So it may not be a catastrophic melt down, it could be as simple as the above example to cause a electrical problem.

We are all here to find probable answers to probable questions only.  Have a nice day sir!
(Note proper use of the quote function)

My comments "uncalled for"? How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?

You posted what I consider be completely ridiculous assertions on why to "be afraid" of the AE, and I am just supposed to let it slide? I would say my comments were very called for - by you. That's what this forum is all about right? Or is everybody just supposed to agree with you?

Dude. Don't take yourself, or me, too seriously. Waaaaay too much of that going on around here lately.

Happy Easter!
Maybe you need a clarification

afraid |əˈfrād| adjective [ predic. ] feeling fear or anxiety; frightened : I'm afraid of dogs | she tried to think about the future without feeling afraid. • worried that something undesirable will occur or be done : he was afraid that the farmer would send the dog after them | she was afraid of antagonizing him. • [with infinitive ] unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of the consequences : I'm often afraid to go out on the streets. • ( afraid for) anxious about the well-being or safety of someone or something : William was suddenly afraid for her.

Scooterg....when your as old as I am, you take more precautions, you fear more consequences, worry more, and you have about 100 times more anxiety attacks. So don't try to sell us the FJR is impervious to any electrical problems, because when it does, it will be another post in your Technical/Mechanical Problems catagory after the fact.


dude |doōd| informal noun a man; a guy : if some dude smacked me, I'd smack him back. • a stylish, fastidious man : cool dudes. [ORIGIN: a slang term that came into vogue in New York c. 1883, in connection with the ‘aesthetic’ craze of the period.] • a city-dweller, esp. one vacationing on a ranch in the western U.S.

Did you have a bad Easter?  I hope you have a better one, because your comments are uncalled for. 
There will always be problems associated with any motorcycle, regardless  of    make or model.  I know personally a guy who had his battery cables come loose when he took his new 05 Yamaha Roadstar.  Rode about 6 miles and died, no lights, no power, it shut off completely.  He found the dealer did not tighten his terminal screws of his battery.  So it may not be a catastrophic melt down, it could be as simple as the above example to cause a electrical problem.

We are all here to find probable answers to probable questions only.  Have a nice day sir!
(Note proper use of the quote function)

My comments "uncalled for"? How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?

You posted what I consider be completely ridiculous assertions on why to "be afraid" of the AE, and I am just supposed to let it slide? I would say my comments were very called for - by you. That's what this forum is all about right? Or is everybody just supposed to agree with you?

Dude. Don't take yourself, or me, too seriously. Waaaaay too much of that going on around here lately.

Happy Easter!
Maybe you need a clarification

afraid |əˈfrād| adjective [ predic. ] feeling fear or anxiety; frightened : I'm afraid of dogs | she tried to think about the future without feeling afraid. • worried that something undesirable will occur or be done : he was afraid that the farmer would send the dog after them | she was afraid of antagonizing him. • [with infinitive ] unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of the consequences : I'm often afraid to go out on the streets. • ( afraid for) anxious about the well-being or safety of someone or something : William was suddenly afraid for her.

Scooterg....when your as old as I am, you take more precautions, you fear more consequences, worry more, and you have about 100 times more anxiety attacks. So don't try to sell us the FJR is impervious to any electrical problems, because when it does, it will be another post in your Technical/Mechanical Problems catagory after the fact.


dude |doōd| informal noun a man; a guy : if some dude smacked me, I'd smack him back. • a stylish, fastidious man : cool dudes. [ORIGIN: a slang term that came into vogue in New York c. 1883, in connection with the ‘aesthetic’ craze of the period.] • a city-dweller, esp. one vacationing on a ranch in the western U.S.
"Scooterg....when your as old as I am, you take more precautions, you fear more consequences, worry more, and you have about 100 times more anxiety attacks. So don't try to sell us the FJR is impervious to any electrical problems, because when it does, it will be another post in your Technical/Mechanical Problems catagory after the fact "


Are you withdrawing from life, hiding under a rock? If your that afraid of life, why not just trike your FJR and move into assisted care?

As an outsider, it seem that you are the one who started being agressive in this post.

ScooterG, who I don't know, was just being "satirical". Look it up in the dictionary, you just proved that old people can do that well <(example of good satire:ie being satirical)

I bet I'm older, although maybe not wiser,(another satirical remark) than you.

But I have a life. (sometimes in satire) so to have fun in your older age, why don't you try presenting your remark's in a more positive way?

Think about it. Both you and ScotterG had valid remarks, you just presented them in different ways: ScooterG used satire, you used anger.

Which do you think was more positive?

If we meet on a bike or in the rest home {more satire I hope), I'll buy the beer! :drinks:

CK :super1:


I don't think so.

Dude, whatever! I'm not trying to sell you anything. Not really sure how you got off on these whacko tangents.

Go back to my last post the re-read the second to last line about 100 times.

Happy Easter!

Superman - thanks for spelling it out!

ZZ, pay no attention to the man in the funny hat. ****, he has a Motoman shrine in his living room and wears a tutu under his riding suit, ferchrissake! In fact, the only thing skooter knows for sure is how to stroke a shock. I can prove it, too; I have 8 x 10 glossies!

:p :D

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Let me be the first to offer this to all the 06AE waiters.

If you get your AE and are unhappy with it, or if you've read enough that you really don't want that fancy gizmo on your engine, I've got a regular properly clutched 05 that I'll swap ya. Straight up. Yes, that's right! It won't cost you a dime to upgrade to a good old fashioned normal clutch. Don't delay, I've only got the one.

Has anyone found an online version of the AE owner's manual (wanna read up as i patiently wait.) I found the regular one at, but the AE isn't listed.... any one got a copy??? or know where one is online? :blink:

Did you have a bad Easter?  I hope you have a better one, because your comments are uncalled for. 
There will always be problems associated with any motorcycle, regardless  of    make or model.  I know personally a guy who had his battery cables come loose when he took his new 05 Yamaha Roadstar.  Rode about 6 miles and died, no lights, no power, it shut off completely.  He found the dealer did not tighten his terminal screws of his battery.  So it may not be a catastrophic melt down, it could be as simple as the above example to cause a electrical problem.

We are all here to find probable answers to probable questions only.  Have a nice day sir!
(Note proper use of the quote function)

My comments "uncalled for"? How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?

You posted what I consider be completely ridiculous assertions on why to "be afraid" of the AE, and I am just supposed to let it slide? I would say my comments were very called for - by you. That's what this forum is all about right? Or is everybody just supposed to agree with you?

Dude. Don't take yourself, or me, too seriously. Waaaaay too much of that going on around here lately.

Happy Easter!
Maybe you need a clarification

afraid |əˈfrād| adjective [ predic. ] feeling fear or anxiety; frightened : I'm afraid of dogs | she tried to think about the future without feeling afraid. • worried that something undesirable will occur or be done : he was afraid that the farmer would send the dog after them | she was afraid of antagonizing him. • [with infinitive ] unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of the consequences : I'm often afraid to go out on the streets. • ( afraid for) anxious about the well-being or safety of someone or something : William was suddenly afraid for her.

Scooterg....when your as old as I am, you take more precautions, you fear more consequences, worry more, and you have about 100 times more anxiety attacks. So don't try to sell us the FJR is impervious to any electrical problems, because when it does, it will be another post in your Technical/Mechanical Problems catagory after the fact.


dude |doōd| informal noun a man; a guy : if some dude smacked me, I'd smack him back. • a stylish, fastidious man : cool dudes. [ORIGIN: a slang term that came into vogue in New York c. 1883, in connection with the ‘aesthetic’ craze of the period.] • a city-dweller, esp. one vacationing on a ranch in the western U.S.
"Scooterg....when your as old as I am, you take more precautions, you fear more consequences, worry more, and you have about 100 times more anxiety attacks. So don't try to sell us the FJR is impervious to any electrical problems, because when it does, it will be another post in your Technical/Mechanical Problems catagory after the fact "


Are you withdrawing from life, hiding under a rock? If your that afraid of life, why not just trike your FJR and move into assisted care?

As an outsider, it seem that you are the one who started being agressive in this post.

ScooterG, who I don't know, was just being "satirical". Look it up in the dictionary, you just proved that old people can do that well <(example of good satire:ie being satirical)

I bet I'm older, although maybe not wiser,(another satirical remark) than you.

But I have a life. (sometimes in satire) so to have fun in your older age, why don't you try presenting your remark's in a more positive way?

Think about it. Both you and ScotterG had valid remarks, you just presented them in different ways: ScooterG used satire, you used anger.

Which do you think was more positive?

If we meet on a bike or in the rest home {more satire I hope), I'll buy the beer! :drinks:

CK :super1:
read the first post

Clark Kent,Apr 16 2006, 07:01 AM]QUOTE(As an outsider @ it seem that you are the one who started being agressive in this post.

Think about it. Both you and ScotterG had valid remarks, you just presented them in different ways: ScooterG used satire, you used anger.

Which do you think was more positive?

You are more likely to suffer problems due to an earthquake while riding than an electrical failure. And on a conventional FJR, what's to stop some magical gas leak from turning you into a rolling shisk-ka-bob? Or what if the hocus pocus in the ABS system decides to all of sudden apply max braking all on its own?
Yikes! Maybe we shouldn't ride motorcycles at all! Or any other modern mechanized vehicle!

Let's just all go back to our caves, where its nice and safe

Did you miss something?

"Did you miss something?"

No, but maybe my evaluation of you may have been wrong. I thought you (using the dictionary the way you did) were smart enough to understand the word,

Satirical S-a-t-i-r-i-c-a-l. ie: adj. 1. of or pertaining to satire: of the nature of satire: satirical novels. 2. indulging in or given to satire.

Satirist: Those who engages in satire and are very smart. ie: ScooterG and I.:reading:

Humorless: Those who don't understand satire: zzkenoman ::closeterm:

If you don't understand this, just send post another note and I'll go over it again, or we could go over it when I buy you that beer. :drinks:

CK :super1:


intelligence |inˈtelijəns| noun 1 the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills : an eminent man of great intelligence | they underestimated her intelligence. • a person or being with this ability


cartoon |kärˈtoōn| noun 1 a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, esp. a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine. • a figurative exaggerated version


jack |jak| noun 1 a device for lifting heavy objects, esp. one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle off the ground so that a wheel can be changed or the underside inspected.

a playing card bearing a representation of a soldier, page, or knave, normally ranking next below a queen. informal short for jack **** .


drink |dri ng k| verb ( past drank |dra ng k|; past part. drunk |drə ng k|) [ trans. ] take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow

Let's see now, this post started with a fear of electrical failure and the possible consequences.

This is a valid point, in that if you are an inexperienced rider and do not position yourself correctly on the road amongst traffic this could be a problem.

I and others will never ride directly behind another vehicle, as said vehicle may decide to stop for no reason. I do and so should you, ride at all times with an escape route in mind. Your position behind a vehicle will be that should he stop suddenly, you just carry on.

In this position and in the un likelihood of said electrical problem occurring and at the same time should I jump on my brakes the vehicle behind will not rear end me.

Older people do perhaps have more to worry about, I agree with you here, SOOOOooooo

What does a 60 year old, who has on more than one occasion travelled at over 250 Kph on his FJR two up with luggage, worry about ?

Let's have a look.......

Rain ? Rain suit trousers under seat. Jacket is waterproof. Spare winter waterproof gloves packed on all overnight rides.

Heat ? Jacket lining is removable

Headache ? Mini 1st aid under seat

The ***** ? See above.

Aches and pains ? See above

Cut finger ? See above.

Heart attack ? See above, those tiny under tongue pills. Some years ago I in fact had my one and only heart attack whilst on a trip. Knew that there was big **** going down. Managed to ride 400 km's to destination. Straight to hospital.

Wallet stolen/lost ? Money in mini 1st aid.

Puncture ? Sticky things, gas bottles, you guessed, under the seat.

Blow out ? If tyres are not showing canvas this is as rare as the Dodo.

Lost ignition key ? My SO always carries a spare. If riding alone I will carry.

Last cigarette ? Spare pack in cubby hole with spare ear plugs, with another credit/petrol card, 10 mm open end spanner. [gear shift adjustment] [sometimes on a trip think about it never do it]

Zippo flint finished ? Spare in said lighter.

Zippo fluid finished ? Spare lighter in mini 1st aid. Fluid available at next petrol station.

Accident ? If I am not dead, I will phone a toll free number. My insurance will arrange for the bike to be uplifted. Will provide me with transport to destination, hotel if necessary and or helicopter to hospital.

Accident ? If dead, I have a will.

Yes we "older" riders have fears. I have covered most of mine with basic material things, the rest I leave up to common sense and experience.

I have put my fears in plastic containers, for just in case. I at my age do not have time to worry about things that are one in a kazillion

Modern bikes have a bazillion things that can go wrong but rarely do. Enjoy the ride, life is short. Don't dwell on what may never happen as if you do you may never ride again.

Cover the easy stuff. And you will be one happy motorcyclist.


PS. I think that total electrical failure is about as likely as total engine seizure. [modern motorcycles]

Yes I have had total engine seizure. This was on my Yamaha YDS 2, pre autolube [+/- 1963 ?] From banshee yowl to deathly silence. By the time you pull the clutch it is already too late.

Did it put me off riding.....NO did it happen again........YES still too slow on the clutch second time. That was then, this is now.


"Modern bikes have a bazillion things that can go wrong but rarely do. Enjoy the ride, life is short. Don't dwell on what may never happen as if you do you may never ride again.

Cover the easy stuff. And you will be one happy motorcyclist."



He has hit it on the head! I'm as old as he is and now live my life exactly as he has stated above!

I think that was ScooterG's point.

However, all points are welcome. Some fit each of us differently. Cheers! :drinks:

Now does someone what to give me an FJR so I can feel like a true member of this group, rather than an ST1100 outsider? ----------Thought not!

Still Happy :D


geeeeeeezzzz or is it jeeeeeezzzz not sure...

i really like the technical questions, but im not sure how to read through the emotions on typed stuff... I'm old too, and am used to reading facial expressions to know sarcasm -- and the smilies just arent the same....

But -- I ordered an AE, and have learnd to figure out several items -- like push start -- how? Maybe I can't -- but i'll figure a way to get around it (jumper cables?) i don't know....

Does anyone know for sure what happens on the AE when power is lost? I've read during normal key-off, the clutch will engage after 3 seconds. and if you key-on, and pull the front brake (without starting the engine) - the clutch will disengage after 3 seconds OR if you start the motor -- the clutch disengages.....

Is that correct (still can't find a manual for the AE -- got one for an A whilst i patiently wait)?????????????

Does anyone know more? There's gotta be some guru/ninja out there :assasin: that's gotta link to something more detailed than the yamaha-motor site....

If it has 2 wheels and you ride it -- that's great!

There are many negs to invent and criticize!. Think that way if it makes you feel good.


The technology used by Yamahammer is old news. It is only news to those that want to resist and ridicule the action of the computer that appears to reduce their manly input.

Hey guys this is not a cut on anyone. I lie!

The more I ride the more I recognise that in an instant you can be seriously injured or killed.

Anything that makes life easier tends to reduce the action of a radioactive brain fart. If you ain't had one of those you will and if there is even a liitle help coming from the bike it may save you.

Yea you can stud out. I have run with the best of them. A lot haven't and some of those who have well they ain't here any more.

The bike is just as fast a a manual clutched bike. Get used to it. 150 is 150 no matter if you have to pull the clutch or NOT.

This sure as hell does not make it a girly bike and if you think it is a scooter you ain't never ridden a scooter with this much power.

So relax and realize that you have a choice.

It is that wot makes it good!

Thanks Yamahammer


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