Most Nervous Day for the FJR Yet

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Most every dealer I've dealt with have pick-ups or box vans for just such a purpose. If I can't ride mine in, I calls 'em, deys shows up, toot sweet like, and hauls it away for me. :dntknw:


It's good that you drive a large displacement, powerful machine like the FJR. You'll need those extra ponies to haul around that huge pair you're sportin'. :thumbsup:

As Bill Murray says: "I wanna party with you, Cowboy."

It's good that you drive a large displacement, powerful machine like the FJR. You'll need those extra ponies to haul around that huge pair you're sportin'. :thumbsup:

As Bill Murray says: "I wanna party with you, Cowboy."
C'mon... we all know that these "large displacement, powerful machines" are for ...shall we say...compensation.


You might want to think about MOTOW through the AMA or one of the other riders insurance. For a reasonable yearly amount they will haul your bike for up to 35 miles usually with no charge. In this particular case it would have saved you the trouble, heartache, and potentially catastrophic consequences. It would be a nice thing to have especially having a number of bikes like you do.

I have one of these carriers that I use to carry a DR 350 dual purpose bike. One day the tiedowns slipped as I was pulling onto the highway. I was going five or ten miles per hour when the bike fell off the carrier. The damage wasn't too bad, but things could have been real bad if I was going 50 or 60.

I use a ramp and pickup now.

How did they fix your drain plug??? Just wondering-----
as updated on the first thread


Brought the bike in last Tuesday...

they never called me with an update...

I called Thursday late afternoon and no straight answer and a promise of a call back later in the day

when I called in Friday, the service rep. quoted me $500 for blah, blah blah

Made a bunch of noise today and voila, bike fixed with an insert within an hour at no charge. Thank you Pat at Alba Action for making it happen.

Happy Trails again

This guy is one up on Malve!!


As soon as he takes off the front wheels will come off the ground and he will be stranded as that looks like a front wheel drive ..........Malibu? LOL

As soon as he takes off the front wheels will come off the ground and he will be stranded as that looks like a front wheel drive ..........Malibu? LOL
But if he cuts of a couple feet of that ramp, he can ride the bike and push the car.

This guy is one up on Malve!!
in 1986 i was living in suburbs of cleveland with my mom, while attending college at miami u (of oh). i drove my 1980? 81? subaru wagon home, and fit my 1981 yamaha xs400 in the back. i can't recall how i got it in there, but i did. i fail to believe that i was actually mechanically-advanced enough to drain the carbs and fuel tank, so i'm gonna take a stab that my mediocre grades were due to 4 hours of gas fumes. but anyway, "we" all made it back to school in one piece.

Hey I'm new to this forum stuff,

Man your so lucky with what you did as everyone else said already.

I used to be a bush pilot in Northern Ontario and we did some really wild and stupid stuff back then.

You'd fit right in up there man.

Call the dealer and get them to pick it up.

You must be born with horse shoes up ther somewhere


Funniest bike hauling effort I ever witnessed was while traveling down I-70 once, I came upon a guy driving a moving van, and towing an old 70's something El Camino. And a huge, fully dressed Harley was parked in the bed of the El Camino. The back bumper of that El Camino was tempting the pavement to strike any moment. Made for a very humourous moment on an otherwise boring trip. Dang I wish I'd taken a picture of it. Doh!

Haven't you guys heard of U-haul? And how many people did it take to load these bikes? I want you guys to lend me your rabbits feet next time I go to the casino. By the way , in case you try this again if you panic stop an overloaded vehical you probably will take out the rear window and smash a lot of very expesive plastic to boot. I'm glad all is well. WOW!

That Fawking Idiot with the pink car never heard of Duck Tape or What? Should have used 'Crime Scene' tape...

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