Motion Pro Mini Bleeder

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Robin Trower
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Spokane, Wa
Motorcycle Consumer New listed this this tool as an innovation for the month. I have found bleeding hydraulics a pain. It seem to me this tool from Motion Pro would help.

Here is a how to use video from Motion Pro.

Anybody used this tool yet? For $24.99 it appears to be a cost effective way to get the job done with less messing around.

I wrote the review for MCN. The mini bleeder really does work--the image of the bleeder in use was taken using my 05 FJR.

I did not have to pay for the tool because I wrote the review, however I would purchase one ($20 well spent--a great tool).

I just recenlty installed speed bleeders. Best tool yet for doing bleeding. With the speed bleeder open it works as a check valve. Even if you get some air in the systems from running a resevoir dry they make it so easy to bleed. Don't ask how I know that.

I wrote the review for MCN. The mini bleeder really does work--the image of the bleeder in use was taken using my 05 FJR.

I did not have to pay for the tool because I wrote the review, however I would purchase one ($20 well spent--a great tool).
thanx dude...big bang for the buck and just a great article

Bravo Zulu

Mike in Nawlins'

Anyone have any experience with the Evercraft Brake Bleeder from Napa? Only $5.

Read about it in the recent MCN magazine- someone mentioned it after seeing the article on the Motion Pro tool.

Just looks like a piece of plastic pipe to me with (possibly) a check valve on the end. Personally I wouldn't bother with it, just use a piece of plastic pipe and the tried and trusted - squeeze, open bleeder, close bleeder, release brake, repeat endlessly - technique.

If you wish to improve on that go for the "Motion Pro Mini Bleeder2 or fit "Speedbleeders". Your money, your choice :rolleyes:


Anyone have any experience with the Evercraft Brake Bleeder from Napa? Only $5.

Read about it in the recent MCN magazine- someone mentioned it after seeing the article on the Motion Pro tool.

Just looks like a piece of plastic pipe to me with (possibly) a check valve on the end. Personally I wouldn't bother with it, just use a piece of plastic pipe and the tried and trusted - squeeze, open bleeder, close bleeder, release brake, repeat endlessly - technique.

If you wish to improve on that go for the "Motion Pro Mini Bleeder2 or fit "Speedbleeders". Your money, your choice :rolleyes:

And you can even make your own check valve. My old speed bleeder had a container that went at the end of the hose. Inside the container the hose goes almost to the bottom of the container and there's an air hole. With a little fluid in the bottom, once you've sucked out enough fluid to fill the hose, it'll never draw air back up the hose, just fluid. My container is made like this but it'd be easy enough to make your own. I almost had to once when I couldn't find mine.

I use a Mity Vac, but always open to other possibilities if it makes the job easier.

The weak point of any of these check-valve type bleeders is the threads, which can leak a small amount of air back into the caliper when you release pressure on the lever. Speed bleeders come with some sealant pre-applied on those threads to try to minimize it from happening, but it still can happen after multiple uses.

With a vacuum type bleeder it may also leak air, but if you maintain constant vacuum the entire time that the bleed nipple is cracked open, any air introduced will be immediately sucked out through the nipple.

You can minimize air leakage on any bleeder by wrapping the threads with narrow width teflon plumbers tape. Just be sure to only wrap the threads and not to get any tape overlapping the end with the holes.

Bringing this thread back to life, purchased the Motion Pro mini bleeders and tried them a few days ago on my FJR and FJ09. Not impressed.

On the FJR, couldn't get the mini bleeder to seal onto the bleeder screw, fluid ran out between the end of the screw & this tool. Got the Harbor Freight "Mity Vac" out to do the job.

On the FJ-09,worked better-had to have someone hold the mini bleeder onto the bleeder screw. Wasn't a tight enough fit to trust not having it pop off and send brake fluid in any direction.

Contacted Motion Pro to inquire about my experience, response was basically it's a universal tool and works better on some bleed screws than others.

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Holey zombie thread batman!

That does look neat. I just yesterday ordered a pneumatic bleeder system from Harbor Freight because I always make a mess.
^THIS^ Dun got me one of these 'n love it. The thing is often you can get air in the system from around the screw, butt this pneumatic bleeder sucks so hard and so fast, that it pulls out any bubble that might get in.
