Motion Pro Refill

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
The High Plains
Hi All,

The mercury migrated from my Motion Pro sync tool and I have received my refill bottle. All that came with the refill was a health hazard sheet, no instructions on where to exactly fill it back up. Anyone ever done this? Do you just pour it into the vent on the back of that housing or what? Any help is greatly appreciated!


Thanks Constant Mesh!! I new someone here would pull through for me. Never even thought about going there. I'm off to sync a feejer!

Motion Pro sez:

2. Place the synchronizer body face down on a clean flat surface. Elevate the top of the body about 1 inch, this will prevent mercury from spilling out of the top of the tubes. Fill the mercury reservoir with the mercury supplied (use the full contents of the bottle supplied).

3. Use the short length hose (supplied in bag) for the vent tube. Push a plastic line restrictor 1/4” into the vent hose and install that end into the body. The line restrictor will insure that the hose fits tightly into the hole. If the vent hose is difficult to install, moisten the end of the hose with a drop of water and twist into place.

To which I would add -- Work over a 'spill containment device' (pan, bowl or something you aren't going to eat or drink out of :puke: :rip: )


I just said screw it and drank all my mercury, hoping I would get hammered... :)

Now I need more.... where do I get it... ?

where do I get it
Mercury (Hg) is considered to be a heavy metal. You may want to try contacting Megadeth, Iron Maiden or Def Leppard. :erm: Those sources are the only heavy metals that CA allows in their state. The remaining 49 states can contact Motion Pro directly or many other motorcycle parts suppliers for replacement Hg.

drank all my mercury
So, what happens to you now when the air temperature changes? :blink:

