Well-known member
Perhaps I read it too soon after the ridiculous Motorcyclist compro between the GT and C14 that didn't include the FJR or ST13 because the author didn't consider them to be in the same class <_< Still, I stand by my statement. Their criticism and praise of each bike seemed inline with my own experience and/or research. For example, we know that adding the Audiovox CC is a relatively cheap and easy fix for the glaring omission of cruise control. Likewise we all know how to simply unplug the windshield retract. To the outside observer however, these are valid criticisms.Well, I finally read the article and didn't think it was (much) balanced at all. As you say, there were very few critical comments against the K1300GT. But, most of all, they repeatedly referred to the other bikes in the test by their model names (FJR, C-14, ST) and, more often-than-not, kept calling the K1300GT by "BMW" -- there's a lot of cache' with that name (or, at least there seemed to be with the 'zine editors?).It was without doubt one of the most balanced reviews I've read in a long time. However, they do fail to mention two huge issues with the BMW - lack of dealers and the death spiral BMW has been in for years regarding reliability. IMHO (and as a loyal BMW owner), BMW engineering has outstripped the pace their manufacturing, dealers, and technical training staff can maintain.The review's conclusion actually echoes my own experience so far with my 2009 BMW 1300 GT.
The 1300 GT is a lot more refined, comfortable for touring, and much, much more ergonomic than the FJR!
Best regards,
Even if you get your mind around the huge price differential, the lack of dealers in many parts of the country (world) is a real issue for the touring rider. Add that to this simple fact - the leading K series forum has 4 sticky posts at the top detailing faults with the platform that can leave you stranded by the side of the road. I'll keep my FJR and my old Airhead thank you very much :yahoo:
And, finally, from the article:
"... the BMW is the clear winner"
Shane - I wish you many happy miles of enjoyment on your GT. I think they are fantastic bikes. I just can't abide the dealers in my area (and I freakin' LOVE my Yamaha dealer) nor will I purchase a new BMW again until they admit their culpability on the final drive issues and demonstrate an actual fix. And yes, I realize that means I've likely purchased my last new BMW...