Motorcycle Kryptonite: Commuting Cops in Formation

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OK, I'll bite, explain the "I've been shot at by the police" thing.........just curious. <_<
The year was 1973. The place, Palos Verdes Estates. The time, roughly midnight. Four high school boys in one of their parent's borrowed cars are sitting in the car on an unlit, dead-end street overlooking a dark canyon. They are listening to Led Zeppelin at top volume while drinking beers and passing around a pipe containing... Well, if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand--I mean, you wouldn't agree.

Suddenly a car pulls up. A pair of bright headlights blazing through the car and lighting up the boys. And then the christmas tree on the roof lights up. The driver of the car with all the boys--the drive of his mom's car--makes a split-second decision. Leadership material, he yells: "Run!"

Time out.... Let me pick up the story from several years later when I was pumping gas on top of the Hill. One day the mechanic tells me about how he used to ride with the PVPD. Then he goes on to tell me about the worst night of his life. It seems there had been a report of a kidnapping in Palos Verdes. The description of the kidnappers was a car full of men driving a [insert make and model of mom's borrowed car].

The mechanic goes on to describe how the cruiser he was riding in that night came up behind a car matching that description parked at a dead-end. It was packed with men. Then, he says, suddenly the car doors all fly open and the four men jump out of the car and go flying over the guard rail into the dark ravines of the canyon below.

Me: I fly over that guardrail and tumble headfirst into the dirt and sagebrush, running at top speed through the darkness. Then I hear behind me, "Stop! Police!" And then comes the funny part: "BANG! BANG!"

Me: "Hmmm.... This is just me. No one would shoot at me. I'm a nice guy. I'm just a kid." And all the while running and falling and sweating with my heart thrashing in my chest.

Mechanic: "The cop starts firing warning shots in the air as he approaches the guard rail. But he trips and drills one right down the canyon, just as one of the fleeing suspects seems to fall down. So we spent the rest of the night combing that canyon for bodies and evidence, and then the morning filling out reports."

Well, it seems all they found was some empty beer cans in the car and, down in the canyon, a warm pipe smelling of, know. By the time we got to the driver's house, on foot, the car and the cops were already there. No one got shot. No one even really got in trouble as far as I can recall.

But what's that got to do with motorcycles? Oh, I know. That's when the seed was planted for my being a scoff-law and crossing the double-yellow and speeding. Just another good boy gone bad. Waaaaay bad.


...I feel like a three-dimensional creature in a two-dimensional world. I’m able to go places and do things the cars can’t. It makes me feel like a kid at Disneyland who always gets to go to the front of the line ..
Very well stated :)

It's getting harder and harder to even consider driving a car in rush hour traffic after enjoying the freedom of lane-sharing on a bike. I think I'd probably sell the bike if the legislature ever made it illegal. Canyon riding is fun but I think I get even MORE enjoyment riding between the cages -- makes me feel like I'm cheating somehow.
These days, a motorcycle is the shortest distance between 2 points.


When I replied to you I had just seen the lane sharing video on another thread. I am an east coaster not exposed to lane sharing, or that amount of traffic, but that looked dangerous. Would sure make the daily ride interesting.

Don't take my criticism personally, Just be careful. I do enjoy your writing style and look forward to more.

Welcome! B)

BTW, where is Odot?
I dunno. I hate to admit it, but I miss the lad. Has anyone else noted that they have an "Odot smiley" :red_bandana: One wonders if the admins might rename it? :lol:
Duh, he's in Texas, you bufoons. This is about California. Can we talk about the cops some more?
I hear Odot can see cops in California from Texas.

I wonder why he's so good at spotting them? Maybe 'cause he's such a big fan of men in uniforms.

JBWhen I replied to you I had just seen the lane sharing video on another thread. I am an east coaster not exposed to lane sharing, or that amount of traffic, but that looked dangerous. Would sure make the daily ride interesting.

Don't take my criticism personally, Just be careful. I do enjoy your writing style and look forward to more.

Welcome! B)
No offense taken. I appreciate the encouragement to keep writing. I suppose I am a closet writer who for now only gets paid in compliments. And I take as much of that "Be careful" karma coming at me that I can, because my daily prayer is, "Slow me down, Lord! Slow me down!"

I actually got all the way home on my commute today without doing a single unnecessary lane split. I just cruised. So I've proven to myself once again that the 51-year-old is master over th 16-year-old.

When I analyzed and published an article on the CHP's 102,000 California-wide motorcycle accidents that took place over the last 10 years to understand the types of rush-hour accidents that motorcyclists have, I learned that 70 PERCENT of all rush-hour MC accidents occur in the evening rush hour. So I pretty much take it easy on my way home, and save my yeah-baby passing maneuvers for the AM when I'm fresh. Besides, I'm also try to practice the principle of matching your speed to your brain's ability to process the information, which is pretty pitiful after a full day's work. I actually eat a box of raisins at the end of my day before hitting the road home to try to get a bit of mental boost before getting into the rush.

Blah blah blah.... Sorry to run on so long. :(

