MSP Metro Area Get Together

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Never been to one before.

Are the SO's welcome or is it going to be mostly wrenching and bullsh*tting?

Never been to one before.Are the SO's welcome or is it going to be mostly wrenching and bullsh*tting?
Feel free to bring the SO, but there may be some wrenching and I assume alot of bullshitting. Some of the bullshitting stankier than others. Be forewarned, Radman will be there, and he scares small children and little old ladies. :p :tease:

Bumpin this, just in case any IBA types wanna head out now from Walla Walla or wherevers.......... :p

Thanks John for hosting a great little get together, I had a ball. :clapping: I did take a few pics.

Rad, as always, you're full of surprises.

Here's the group. Left to right: rickcorwn, radman, TCMike, Shane, Wicked Webby & Joe2Lmaker.

Henchman & MNFJR05 discussing what we all have in common. ;)

And finally the lineup.

Hopefully we can all get together this fall for a ride.

Thanks again John.

Thanks John for hosting a great little get together, I had a ball. :clapping: I did take a few pics.Rad, as always, you're full of surprises.

Here's the group. Left to right: rickcorwn, radman, TCMike, Shane, Wicked Webby & Joe2Lmaker.

Henchman & MNFJR05 discussing what we all have in common. ;)

And finally the lineup.

Hopefully we can all get together this fall for a ride.

Thanks again John.

Hey glad you posted up. Thanks again to John for hosting. John you got one of the cleanest garages I have ever been in. The food and refreshments were outstanding! It was fun getting to meet more of the folks behind the avatars and It was a good time. Say Gramps, you forgot to get a shot of my good buddy Marc. He was there too you know. I know he's a bit different, but no matter what his religious or political beliefs are... he is still my friend through and through. It wouldn't be very Christian of the Wicked not to include him......











































(Great snapshot I might add)










It was great meeting everybody!!!

Don't be strangers.........

Lets ride sometime soon!



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I had a great time also-nice to get a group together-and nice pics Gramps! Hope everyone made it home safe-John and I went out for a quick spin, and found our share of drunks and lowlifes. The talk of a ride soon got me to thinking-I'll propose something soon.

Nice to actually meet some of the locals! To my wife's dismay, I also discovered new ways to farkle my beast.

Thank's for hosting John.

Sorry I missed it, I’ve only have made it to one about 3 years ago and still meet you guys now and then. I don't read the site much anymore to much of the crap I don’t care about.

I'll be on line more and would like to meet and greet with all of you again.

Next time I will be there because I am somewhat of a liar myself and would like to add my BS to the cause.

Don’t really don’t add the parts, but I ride a lot. Should be over 60K shortly with my dented 04.

Ratman, Glen

I totally missed this whole section, wish I had found it earlier, like September 19 would have been great...

I'd be in for meeting up in the future...


Well I was gonna say I woulda been there but... Ol WW decided to join in an I'da hated to been a spoil sport and whip his hopped up Blue Bike ridin' ass.


Actually it's to far and to damn cold this time of year..

OK I'm a wuss and broke too!

:****: to all of ya's! Hope ya had fun!!


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Go LIONS.....

Well er, Not like the Vikes are doing much better :derisive: .

You should a come out!!


It was nice to have met a couple of you on the SW WI Spin last month. I hope to meet more of yous Minnesotans in the upcoming year!

Due to my current family situation ( 21 mo. old and a 2 month old boys) :dribble: my trusty 06 has lots of dust on it and I need to get out. Growing up just three miles from the gathering (with family still in the area) and living just an hour south, I was amazed, sad to know I missed, to see a fjr gathering so close. I would like info on any rides/gatherings in the south central Mn area. Any help would be great. P.S. I have great routes from the south metro to through out S.E. Mn. and may be available to ride/guide many days of the week. (I work 8 24 hr. shifts per mo.). Thanks for any insight.


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