Multi-pairing BT headset and bike audio setup

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Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Woodbridge, NJ
I want to setup a fully wireless audio on the FJR - either FM or bluetooth (BT) based.

Here's the goal:

- Helmet headset *like* the Motorola HS830 or a Scala Rider for MC (to my knowledge they don't support multi-pairing BT).

- Headset should be able to pair with more than one audio source device, e.g., Cell Phone (1), Radar, GPS, XM, MP3, CB, etc (more on this later as most will not be FM or BT capable)

- Allow for rider-pillion comm, + bike-to-bike comm

As most of us know, cell phone BT pairing to headset is a non-issue.

For GPS, Radar, (or any audio source that may not be BT capable), the audio would need to be channeled through a BT transmitter. This is possible to do using a trasmitter like the Scala BTA II, BUT it's a single input/output device. Having multiple BTA II(s) are not viable unless we have a multi-pairing headset device as well.

One would need a conventional audio mixer to pipe all the sources and then transmit to the receiver (in this case a BT capable headset). This is a cheap solution, but ...

Now, the issue is how to discriminate between sources? A mixer is a clumsy way, since it will always send all the audio sources ...

One should be able to cycle / change through the sources on demand, or ideally be able to program what source always takes precedence, etc. For example, a radar warning should take precedence over GPS navigation voice directions.

I have researched the sites by scala, motorola, autocom, starcom, etc., but I don't think they can do full wireless.

What have your guys tried and how close have you come to the above mentioned goals?

I think no matter what you need a mixer, somethign along the lines of an Autocomm/Starcom etc to handle all of the audio mixxing automagically.

The only piece that's missing honestly is a good set of reliable, easy to adapt for helmet use Bluetooth headphones.

I haven't found them yet.

Once they are in place, it's as simple as replacing the head sets that each of these systems use with that.

The only thing that Chatterbox had that had me mildly interested was a unit that was supposed to be shipping now that was exactly this that had bluetooth headsets. But it's still vaporware as far as I know and it was priced at about a grand.

From what I understand, the soon to be released Garmin Zumo gives cell phone and GPS voice prompts over bluetooth. The XM radio , perhaps, but of all the BT systems I have seen, I have not found a true STEREO bluetooth headset. So XM would only play in one ear or in mono if you wired a speakeer for the other ear.

As a audiofreak, this in not acceptable to me. No problems with cell or GPS info, but my music has to be stereo.

For this reason, I would guess that only wired systems like the Autocom would be able to embrace all these formats.

If someone knows of a stereo BT headset or a wireless one (using a FM signal?) let me know too........


I think no matter what you need a mixer, somethign along the lines of an Autocomm/Starcom etc to handle all of the audio mixxing automagically.
The only piece that's missing honestly is a good set of reliable, easy to adapt for helmet use Bluetooth headphones.

I haven't found them yet.

Once they are in place, it's as simple as replacing the head sets that each of these systems use with that.

The only thing that Chatterbox had that had me mildly interested was a unit that was supposed to be shipping now that was exactly this that had bluetooth headsets. But it's still vaporware as far as I know and it was priced at about a grand.
"The only piece that's missing honestly is a good set of reliable, easy to adapt for helmet use Bluetooth headphones." Not so.

Though I haven't tested them myself, there are good reviews (by riders) of the BT based Motorola and Scala headsets. Motorola for about $75 and Scala for about $100. They are specifically designed for MC helmets with a long boom mic that can be adjusted for full or open face helmets with noise cancellation, etc.

Obviously, a mixer would be a cheap way to achieve this, but do you want a radar screaming + GPS voice directions, with XM radio all at the same time ... while you try to take a phone call on the BT link! Think not.

btw. there are plenty cheap (but good) mixers in the conventional audio market for $50-100. Azden 3 input mixer can be bought for $50! Audiocom et al charge way too much for what is essentially a simple audio mixer. Some mixers can be FM enabled with the right trasmitter, so a simple radio can pick up at various frequencies. Hmmm, that gives me an idea!

From what I understand, the soon to be released Garmin Zumo gives cell phone and GPS voice prompts over bluetooth. The XM radio , perhaps, but of all the BT systems I have seen, I have not found a true STEREO bluetooth headset. So XM would only play in one ear or in mono if you wired a speakeer for the other ear.As a audiofreak, this in not acceptable to me. No problems with cell or GPS info, but my music has to be stereo.

For this reason, I would guess that only wired systems like the Autocom would be able to embrace all these formats.

If someone knows of a stereo BT headset or a wireless one (using a FM signal?) let me know too........

+1 Music has to be stereo!

I believe wired solution is *old* now. I am thinking of a solution that will work for any audio source device, where the rider controls which source to listen to. Not necessarily having to buy a Zumo which is quite expensive. These are at best incremental solutions with a big price tag. I bought a Garmin 2610 recently for under $400 and it does fine for it's basic function - GPS. We need an integrated solution that combines the base audio capabilities to be sent to the "headset".

Now, I am fired up and must invent!

Heres chatterbox's solution, due out next year according to the Rep at headquarters.



its not on the market yet, they are having some manufacturing issues and won't be out until next year. However as a note, the current models of X1 and X2 have been problematic, and very few here use them. They are predominately used for sports bikes riders, but I have mine setup with my XM radio, Cell, Scanner and seems fine.

The units mentioned here, are mostly mono headsets, and if chatterbox does come out soon, it will be stereo.

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From what I know you can only pair up BT with one other item. i.e. GPS to Phone. I have not found a mixer that is BT and will allow the auido sources to connect to it and then BT "out" to the headset.

I looked and instead got the Starcom for rider to rider comm. and hooked my GPS into the starcom. Which has XM, GPS directions, mp3 and my cell phone. Yes, I am connected to the bike with a wire. But I never found a wireless to the bike yet.

The motorola and Scala are one ear only and mono...

I had the Scala, I beta tested that unit. It works well for what it is but it is not designed for stereo audio, it is designed for phones if that makes sense.

That is the Chatterbox I was referring to that was supposed to ship THIS year. Now they are saying NEXT year. :glare: Chatterbox doesn't have a reputation for quality.

I may be mistaken, but I don't think the Zumo's BT implimentation has anything to do with the XM, or GPS audio. What it does is allows you to 'call' the points of interestests.

Meaning you pick a restaurant, or gas station, and say call them and it will dial your phone for you via blue tooth, that's it.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Don't get too excited over that.


What I meant was, there are bluetooth headsets out there for PC's but they aren't easily adaptable for helmets and riding. You need portable power sources and better ones than they are originally designed for.

The ones I've seen thus far just won't do.


The motorola and Scala are one ear only and mono...
I had the Scala, I beta tested that unit. It works well for what it is but it is not designed for stereo audio, it is designed for phones if that makes sense.

That is the Chatterbox I was referring to that was supposed to ship THIS year. Now they are saying NEXT year. :glare: Chatterbox doesn't have a reputation for quality.

I may be mistaken, but I don't think the Zumo's BT implimentation has anything to do with the XM, or GPS audio. What it does is allows you to 'call' the points of interestests.

Meaning you pick a restaurant, or gas station, and say call them and it will dial your phone for you via blue tooth, that's it.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Don't get too excited over that.


What I meant was, there are bluetooth headsets out there for PC's but they aren't easily adaptable for helmets and riding. You need portable power sources and better ones than they are originally designed for.

The ones I've seen thus far just won't do.

I don't see why this isn't already developed. This is a no brainer, logical next step and has been for several years. Where are the manufacturers? They could sell all they could make (assuming you wore a helmet). How about the helmet manufacturers? They would have a killer product.

I've wanted this since I got my Motorola Razr last year. This can't be that tough for Motorola, AutoComm, StarCom, J & M, etc.


I have a zumo on order and talked to the sales people a couple of times. If I remember correctly they said the zumo will do BT for the phone and the GPS voice promts but not for the XM.

I have a zumo on order and talked to the sales people a couple of times. If I remember correctly they said the zumo will do BT for the phone and the GPS voice promts but not for the XM.
There is nothing on the market what I envisioned. As I said, I will design it myself.

Will keep you posted on R&D.
