Has A Well Known Member
Great pic, Redfish. And I'm not saying that just because there is an '07A in it.Here is a picture taken on the Million Dollar Highway in Colorado this past July:
On the left, my 68 year old father and on the right my 44 year old cousin. Take note, the younger and stronger man is on the GoldWing. Let me also mention we never ran off and left that GoldWing on any trip, ever. It handles well enough to keep up with our "Vacation Speed".
The first thing on my mind here is that there is absolutely no shame in riding a GoldWing. That bike is still in a class of its own, even with the BMW K1600GTL in the picture. Everybody, even non-riders know what a GoldWing is and they all recognize the prestige and cost of this wonderful motorcycle. It is really the Gold Standard by which other touring bikes are judged. Comfort is obviously fantastic but don't think that the big Honda is slow. It is faster than almost any car sold in the U.S in the 1/4 mile and it handles better than you would ever think.
As others have noted, if it falls over... It does weigh about 900 pounds and a tip-over is difficult. But, it does not fall over as far as an FJR.
I will not get into how a man should treat his wife or where her wants should fall in comparison to her husband's. That is a decision best left to each of you. I do things all the time that I know are going to irritate my wife BUT... I believe in the philosophy, Happy Wife, Happy Life.
Mrs. Redfish will not ride on a motorcycle. She just will not. I had her sit on the back of that white Hondapotamous in that picture on Labor Day. She said it was nice but refused to ride it. Completely uninterested. But... If my wife were willing to ride with me and I thought we could share just one motorcycle trip a year, there is not much I would not do to make her happy. I would buy a GoldWing so fast it would make your head spin just watching me run to the Honda dealer. In fact, if she were more comfortable, I would buy a damned Harley Davidson. Yes, I said it. If my wife would ride with me and that is what she wanted, I would happily put a big Electra Glide in my garage.
I hate to say it but I would rather bank on the proven reliability of the 'Wing than gamble on the BMW. I am sure it is a great bike and I am sure many of the issues are internet exaggerations. However, there is only one king. That is the GoldWing.
Came across this thread when searching for F6B. You see, I have been mulling over making a change. Not because my FJR is letting me down; except for the buzz in the bars, it's been a great bike. I sat on a F6B at the MotoGP here in Austin last year, and have had one in the back of my mind ever since. I'm 54, and the wife does NOT ride, so some of the factors mentioned as reasons to move to a GW don't apply, but still can't get that bike out of my mind. Two bikes aren't something I want to do, and my '07 won't bring much, so maybe that will keep the F6B out of reach, but I do like 'em...