My 2009 FJR... So Far

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Nice install !

I have always thought the way a man keeps his garage says a lot about his attention to detail.

Your garage is as clean as your install. Good Work.

I’m actually heading out in thirty minutes for a two-day run through the North Georgia Mts and then hit the Cherahala Skway and Tail of the Dragon on Monday.

Which I had all those goodies on my bike.

Thanks. Didn't get much riding in this weekend. I'm now off to work in the yard... another never ending project!

Nice work!! :clapping:

With that USMC avatar I am guessing neat and tidy has been a way of life for a very long time!


Where did you get the techmount plates. I'm looking to add an XM radio to my bike and would like to hear or see some examples that have been successful. Any tips would be great. Thanks


Don't worry, Ian.

They just make fun of clean garages and bikes to make them feel better about them(our)selves.
